Guestbook / Gastenboek
This guestbook contains comments from visitors to all the Africaserver Virtual Exhibitions.
Dit gastenboek bevat berichten van bezoekers van alle Virtuele Tentoonstellingen op de Africaserver.
All Artists
- Sunday, February 27, 2005 at 06:21:40 (CET)
Bonjour marthe,
c'est avec un réel plaisir que j'ai découvert et visité ton site. Je suis tous simplement touché par la simplicité de ton style. Je ne me connais pas beaucoup comme critique d'art mais j'aime ce qui est simple, a cheval entre le figuratif et le symbolique et qui fait usage de couleur chaude.
Je suis l'administrateur du Centre d'art appliqué de Mbalmayo. C'est une structure qui a cinq branche d'activité. a savoir : le design, la création graphique, la céramique, l'imprimerie et les métiers du bois. Nous avons une mission : promouvoir l'art camerounais aussi bien à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur.
Bonne journée et beaucoup de courage.
francis youmbi
tel 00 237 931 29 81
BP : 50 Mbalmayo
francis youmbi
mbalmayo, cameroon
All Artists
- Tuesday, February 22, 2005 at 10:50:07 (CET)
Alo meu caro njomba força como criador, o artista e o mensageiro do seu povo, atraves de nossos sentidos, o conceito está divorciado por isso ao marcar um toque proclama a sua liberdade e liberta o proximo, a historia do passado e a experiencia do presente propocionam muitos exemplos do criador e o artista. força meu colega da trin cheira aquim vai um forte abraç, Ntaluma.
Escultor makonde ,Ntaluma
Lisbon, Portugal
All Artists
- Tuesday, January 18, 2005 at 13:50:15 (CET)
Você pode estar experimentando sentimentos vagos sobre situações e pessoas, talvez sentindo-se confuso por não estar seguro sobre seu modo de agir. Os mal-entendidos estão na ordem do dia, porque você tende a achar que os outros o criticaram injustamente ou lhe magoaram, embora não tenham feito nada disso. Talvez ache que alguém não o suporta devido a problemas insignificantes. A razão disso é que esse trânsito ativa seus complexos subsconscientes que passam a controlar suas percepções e seu estado de espírito. Em vez de reagir diante da realidade que está enxergando, você irá reagir de modo automático a um processo subconsciente ativado por uma determinada situação ou pessoa.
the girl you made love with yesterday
All Artists
- Wednesday, November 24, 2004 at 11:58:30 (CET)
Cuidado para não se envolver em discussões difíceis que podem se originar de um comportamento inadequado de sua parte. Sem aviso prévio, uma palavra mal colocada leva a outra, induzindo-o repentinamente a agir agressivamente, a fim de disfarçar sua própria fraqueza. Agindo dessa maneira, poderá magoar sua parceira, amigo ou qualquer outra pessoa íntima, nada obtendo de bom no final, a não ser repreender-se a si próprio. Por essa razão, é importante agora ser muito cuidadoso em todos os contados que fizer com pessoas íntimas ou muito amigas. Mantendo-se consciente a respeito de seus sentimentos e reações durante seus contatos pessoais, certamente irá reconhecer a situação descrita acima, antes que ela ocorra.
a friend
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Wednesday, November 24, 2004 at 11:52:14 (CET)
Ik wil de gedachte van God kennen, de rest is
bijzaak zei Albert Einstein. Ik heb geleerd dat
de hoogste belofte van God moeilijk te geloven
is, want ze lijkt onhaalbaar. Ik besef nu dat de
diepste wijsheid, hoogste waarheid, de grootste
vrede en de edelste liefde al in ons leeft.
We moeten haar alleen leren zien.
Goddess of Truth
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 at 15:58:39 (CET)
Veels te Hard
Ik dacht het weer te voelen
nu weet ik, het doet pijn
Ik zie ook van jouw weten
laat haar nu bij je zijn
Ik weet nog steeds niet zeker
wat deze pijn mij doet
Ik weet wel dat ik zien kan
jij deed het echt niet goed
Ik mag er niet meer zijn nu
uit de ogen, uit het hart
Ik denk dat ik het zien kan
Ik ben ok en jij bent veels te hard
someone you deny
amsterdam, nederland
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Sunday, October 24, 2004 at 01:01:35 (CEST)
Vreugdevol Bedrog
Toen ik daar was
leek het net
een hele mooie droom
vol romantiek en charme,
vol drama en het warme
alsof een soulmate naast me groeide
alsof ik jou ook steeds weer boeide
Nu ik hier ben
weet ik dat
een nare koude droom
met misleiding en pijn
met slechte bedoelingen zijn
alsof mijn hart geen waarde heeft
alsof bedrog in vreugde verder leeft
someone you know good
amsterdam, holland
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Sunday, October 24, 2004 at 00:56:10 (CEST)
Esteja atento à manipulação *
Um problema associado a este trânsito é a possibilidade de exceder-se em ciúmes e possessividade por ficar inseguro quanto a uma pessoa querida. Apesar de passageira, essa influência pode gerar mal- entendidos. Ao longo deste trânsito, talvez se sinta completamente fascinado e apaixonado por um novo amor, mas tenha cuidado. Pode ser que esteja sob a influência de fortes impulsos subconscientes que, deflagrados pelo encontro, nada têm que ver com o verdadeiro potencial da relação. Num relacionamento já existente, evite usar o amor como instrumento de manipulação. Há uma forte tendência a recorrer às emoções negativas como ciúme e culpa para controlar os atos da parceira. Isso apenas provocará reações negativas, podendo ao fim debilitar a relação.
Somecity, Antognoni Brunhoso
- Monday, October 11, 2004 at 01:23:06 (CEST)
we love it
All Artists
- Sunday, September 26, 2004 at 19:08:28 (CEST)
nice site i really like it
la, usa
- Wednesday, September 08, 2004 at 15:02:52 (CEST)
For Antognoni, One advise: Bend and you shall not break, from a friend.
amsterdam, Antognoni Brunhoso
- Thursday, September 02, 2004 at 11:39:53 (CEST)
Autoanálise ***
Válido durante muitos meses : Este trânsito costuma fazer parte da "crise da meia-idade", já que ocorre quando se tem por volta de quarenta e dois anos. Ao longo deste período, é provável que você questione muito sua vida, suas metas e a realização de seus ideais. A depender do resultado dessa avaliação, você talvez queira mudar umas tantas coisas. O problema é que este não é um dos melhores trânsitos para se fazer mudanças de vida refletidas e cuidadosas. Há um grande risco de agir semiconscientemente, saindo em busca de um sonho irrealizável ou mesmo questionável. Embora seja bom para uma autoanálise, este período ainda não é a melhor hora para agir.
Caso se precipite, apenas trará perturbações a sua vida doméstica, profissional e emocional. É provável que parta de idéias parcialmente certas sobre si mesmo e suas necessidades. Infelizmente, como está nos quarenta, provavelmente já se convenceu que se conhece e sabe quem é. E talvez isso tenha sido verdade um dia, mas a função deste trânsito é fazê-lo reavaliar quem é algo que neste preciso momento você não sabe. O melhor a fazer é simplesmente aceitar isso e permitir-se ver a verdade, seja ela qual for. Procure se dar bastante espaço e viva as experiências que achar necessário. Evite apenas assumir compromissos definitivos durante este trânsito. Não seria bom passar o resto da vida pagando pelas consequências de atos impensados, cometidos sob a influência de uma ilusão passageira.
Muitas das revelações que terá ao longo deste período serão verdadeiras e muitas não. Apenas o tempo poderá lhe dizer quais as reais.
Trânsito selecionado para hoje (pelo usuário):
Netuno Quadratura Netuno
Período ativo de meados de Março 2003 até o início de Janeiro 2005
ACity, ACountry
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Wednesday, September 01, 2004 at 11:19:59 (CEST)
hello Antognoni,
i just want to say that i like your paintings, there very nice!
greeting marit from The Netherlands
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Monday, August 16, 2004 at 20:58:13 (CEST)
d i don land hereooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
lome, togo
Max Macodou Diop
- Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 13:40:02 (CEST)
I like your work very much
Nkosana Dominic Tshabangu
- Friday, March 19, 2004 at 15:47:58 (CET)
All Artists
- Friday, March 19, 2004 at 15:30:47 (CET)
Poetry distribution issued by me, Mugu Guyman for
Lome&Lagos cities capitols of TOGO&NIGERIA
All Artists
- Friday, August 15, 2003 at 11:27:43 (CEST)
We enjoyed your site very much. We also have a question, we visited the National Art Museum in Maputo (Mozambique) and were very impressed by the works of an artist named: Naugib. Can anybody tell us where we (on the internet/magazine) can find more information about his work? Thanks in advance.
Sabine van Meeteren
The Hague, Holland
All Artists
- Saturday, August 09, 2003 at 12:30:30 (CEST)
A very impressive site...brought back a few memories. Nice summary! gary
Max Macodou Diop
- Thursday, May 15, 2003 at 15:44:43 (CEST)
Superb work...very well done indeed!!
Exquisite African Art
All Artists
- Monday, March 17, 2003 at 01:30:19 (CET)
Really enjoyed browsing through your site. Lots of information and an nice desgin. Keep going!
Samantha Williams
Meschac Gaba
- Saturday, February 08, 2003 at 21:30:36 (CET)
Barend Schweigman:
Very nice site .. elegant. The simplicity of what people held dear and why was moving. Good work
All Artists
- Friday, February 07, 2003 at 17:33:33 (CET)
i have been here muguman
accra, ghana
All Artists
- Wednesday, January 08, 2003 at 11:16:15 (CET)
Mooie schilderijen. Heerlijke kleuren. Ik heb veel met Kameroen. Heb er 30 jaar geleden gewerkt als Dutch volunteer in de Credit Union Movement. Ben al een aantal keren teruggeweest. Ga komend december weer met mijn familie naar Kameroenmet name naar Kumbo (NW-Province).
Ik kom zeker een keer in jouw artellier kijken. Succes en groeten van Gerard Wortel
Gerard Wortel
Eemnes, Holland
All Artists
- Friday, October 11, 2002 at 13:30:30 (CEST)
Hello! Amy Catering San Diego
California. Thank you for letting me sign your guestbook and thank you for your website. Glad you are here.
San Diego, US
All Artists
- Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 23:15:09 (CEST)
Greetings to you and your guests. Love what you’ve done with your site. As an educator I can say you have great communication skills.
La Mesa, US
All Artists
- Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 08:13:13 (CEST)
I wish I did what you do instead of making piano benches. Your site looks great.
San Diego, US
All Artists
- Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 10:55:52 (CEST)
Antognoni, Really enjoyed your presentation on the web. I lived in Cabinda in the 1970's and I have a painting done by TPLani. Do you know of this person? Best wishes with your work. Joan
Joan Burson Chauvin
Louisiana, USA
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Sunday, May 12, 2002 at 22:07:07 (CEST)
nice SI J'AVAIS DE L'ARGENT ET BEN je me serais acheter la villa qui va avec ..........
>>>>>vous connaissez HOSSLUMEN a oui ont ils des nouvelles ???
lyo-dakar *liberte VI*-london, Max Macodou Diop
- Monday, May 06, 2002 at 13:44:46 (CEST)
Very good webpage you have here, and best greetings to all your visitors.
And people You Are also --> WELCOME
Some good informations and much more.
27 IDX 106 - Odinn
Akranes, ICELAND
All Artists
- Monday, April 15, 2002 at 00:30:16 (CEST)
Loved the website. Great to see art moving so strong on the web. I especially liked to see Kheto's work, as I was also born in Mocambique ....yet another star shinning in the sky of art....Would love to keep in touch...well done.
With great enthusiasm from a fellow artist.
Greetings from Africa ..
Ana Flores
Ana Flores
Sandton, South Africa
All Artists
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 19:49:15 (CET)
Kiek effe in het bushukske
Nkosana Dominic Tshabangu
- Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 20:41:57 (CET)
Bravo pour vos magnifiques toiles! C'est un cadeau pour les yeux! Tout est si riche en couleur. Vraiment c'est impressionnant! Puis-je mettre quelques images dans le site de mon école avec une courte description de votre art. J'enseigne les arts aux enfants. J'aimerais votre autorisation. Merci!
Montreal, Canada
Max Macodou Diop
- Saturday, December 01, 2001 at 17:27:21 (CET)
I kinda like it. Thanks!
Cherrie Nelson
Tacoma, USA
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 22:45:49 (CET)
Just surfed in. Looks great so far.
Joe Wallace
Newcastle, USA
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 04:42:14 (CET)
money on wood -- great idea!!
Heinz Niski
Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Meschac Gaba
- Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 12:51:41 (CEST)
Hi! Stumbled across you page via, I believe, google. Cool Stuff! "Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction." E. F. Schumacher
Joanna Williams
North Creek, United States
All Artists
- Saturday, October 20, 2001 at 11:38:26 (CEST)
Especially like "hard work gives little reward" I visited South Africa in October 2000 as part of a delegation and spent some time in Soweto meeting parents, teachers and pupils of three schools. The community spirit was inspiring it is no surprise to see art of this standard from a citizen of Soweto
Brian Purdie
Glasgow, Scotland
Nkosana Dominic Tshabangu
- Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 22:46:05 (CEST)
really nice!
Catherine Marche
London, UK
All Artists
- Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 15:19:56 (CET)
This is a wonderful treat : to surf right into a virtual exhibition of such beautiful works of art. I especially liked the works of Antognoni Brunhoso and Hama Goro. Thanks!
Antwerpen, Belgium
All Artists
- Monday, March 05, 2001 at 15:47:59 (CET)
En visitant ce site, je me suis tout de suite retrouvé en terrain de connaissance. Etant moi-même peintre, j'ai eu l'impression étrange d'avoir les mêmes préoccupations que M. Diop. J'ai découvert que lui aussi était né un 3 octobre. Comme c'est étrange. Cela explique-t'il cette vision graphique si proche de la mienne ? Bravo.
Patry Pierre
Vernon, France
Max Macodou Diop
- Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 21:54:11 (CET)
i like very much your work , im from veracruz and here are afroinfluence , in music in moods , in food etc, iam an artist too and i like african art very much , i will send you in short time the name of my page and you will know my work see you and congratulations
francisco gali malpica
veracruz, mexico
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 07:50:54 (CET)
Like the site and hope to see more artists use this way to share their work with people!!!!!!! It is a good way to share good expirences
I will be back
Rijswijk, The Netherlands
All Artists
- Friday, December 22, 2000 at 13:10:05 (CET)
I thought it was nice to watch! And I really can use this for school! It inspires people!
Amsterdam, Nederland
All Artists
- Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 12:36:54 (CET)
I surfed on your site, and art. And I must say I really enjoyed looking at it. Very nice. I was i S.Africa -91. Since that I am very interested in African art.
Continue with your beatiful work. Yours Karin
Nkosana Dominic Tshabangu
- Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 15:43:44 (CET)
wat een geweldige site!!!!!
Amsterdam, Netherlands
All Artists
- Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 16:42:07 (CEST)
I found the images difficult to see as photographs but I am intrigued by your use of currency and particularly enjoyed the chikens and the bank notes side by side! I am an artist working in South Africa and I have been interested in looking at the history of printed images(specifically colonial prints of the Cape) and their function as a powerful form of currency as they travelled from Africa to Europe and back again.
Good luck
Cape Town, South Africa
All Artists
- Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 17:58:08 (CEST)
Prachtig "Le Fa" heel mooi. Ook het symbolische werk. Schitterend.
Veel goeds, M B
N.B. de hele site overigens prachtig vormgegeven. Dank.
MCM Brouwers
Utrecht, Netherlands
Meschac Gaba
- Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 12:15:42 (CEST)
Hujambo Barend
Habari yako ? Ik heb begrepen dat je nog in DSM zit. Je fpto's, 't idee en de presentatie vind ik schitterend. Maar je gedachten vind ik niet minder imponerend. Graag contact.
Ik ben te bereiken via e-mail of Kwa heri, Jaj. (ook namens Vrienden van Tanzania te Maastricht)
jaj bouwens
jabo@l1.NL >
maastricht, the Netherlands
All Artists
- Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 22:24:26 (CEST)
The exhibit "Dar Es Salaam in Delft Blue" is one of the most powerful web-based photo exhibits I have ever seen. The simplicity of the photographs only adds to the extraordinary message.
Ted Setzer
Washington, DC, USA
All Artists
- Monday, April 10, 2000 at 03:46:07 (CEST)
All Artists
- Tuesday, April 04, 2000 at 13:33:15 (CEST)
We vinden het werk van Diop heel mooi,vooral het feit dat hij specifiek werk maakt over de verschillende ethnische groepen in Senegal maakt zijn werk aantrekkelijk.
jammer is het dat in zijn 'biografietje' een 'foutje' is geslopen, de islam is namelijk in Senegal nooit verboden, het iselfs de grootste godsdienst, jammer overigens dat zo'n feit uberhaupt ineen biografie vermeld zou moeten worden.
Wij wensen hem heel veel succes !!!
Jan & Marthe Vranken-Ngom
Stein, nederland
Max Macodou Diop
- Wednesday, March 01, 2000 at 18:31:14 (CET)
werkelijk prachtig werk! Ik heb er erg van genoten. Ook een hele mooie site-opbouw. Goed idee.
schagen, nederland
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Wednesday, March 01, 2000 at 09:21:20 (CET)
Wat een prachtig Delfts Blauw portret van Barend Schweigman.
Waar kunnen we meer te weten komen over het werk van deze kunstenaar te Dar Es Salaam? Hillie Molenaar
Hillie Molenaar
All Artists
- Tuesday, February 08, 2000 at 14:47:33 (CET)
we vinden het heel mooi,ik geloof myn ogen byna niet,we houden ook veel van je.dag pappa,gabriella en loui
gabriella en louisa brunhoso
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Monday, December 27, 1999 at 18:20:30 (CET)
Barend, mooie tentoonstelling!
En hoe mooi die brug van glazuren blauwe tegeltjes naar je dierbaarste bezit - in Dar Es Salaam of waar ook ter wereld.
Marco Legemaate
Amsterdam, NL
All Artists
- Thursday, December 23, 1999 at 22:31:17 (CET)
Very nice combination between two different cultures depicted as 'African blue tiles'.
This reminds me of the big tradition in Portugal of the blue tiles, which was inherited from the northern africans and influenced by the chinese.
Nuno dos Santos
Nijmegen, All Artists
- Thursday, December 23, 1999 at 16:09:52 (CET)
Very nice pictures, Antognioni.
Take care.
Ruud Korunka
A'dam, Nederland
All Artists
- Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 17:51:29 (CEST)
Message from H.E. José Alves Primo, ambassador of the Republic of Angola to Belgium and The Netherlands.
" Het is voor mij een grote vreugde en eer de heer Antognoni Brunhoso te kunnen feliciteren met zijn werk ten behoeve van de Angolese en universele cultuur. Ik moedig hem aan deze weg voort te zetten en bedank degenen die hebben bijgedragen aan zijn -en ons- succes."
" It is a great pleasure and an honour for me to congratulate mister Antognoni Brunhoso with his work in favour of the Angolan and universal culture. I encourage him to continue this direction and thank all who contributed to his -and our- success."
" É com grande prazer e satisfaçao que tenho a honra de felicitar o Senhor Antognoni Brunhoso pelo esforço que desenvolve em prol da cultura Angolana e Universal. Encorajo-o a prosseguir neste caminho e agradeço a todos que contribuem para a seu/nosso sucesso."
" C'est pour moi une immense joie et un honneur de pouvoir féliciter Monsieur Antognoni Brunhoso, pour son travail en faveur de la culture angolaise et universelle. Je l'encourage à poursuivre sur cette voie et je remercie tous ceux qui pourront contribuer à son -et notre- succès."
José Guerreiro Alves Primo
Ambassadeur de la République d'Angola (Bruxelles)
Your work is amazing! You completely capture the essence of your country and people with the colors you use. Although it was extremely difficult to choose, my favorite is "Beau Temps," followed by "What we do now." I am looking forward to seeing more of your work online. Thank you, Michelle
Florida, US
Hama Goro
- Sunday, April 11, 1999 at 01:44:55 (MET DST
cher hama
ce va big brother? long time, no contact. mail me with your e-mail address.
best, otto
otto berchem
amsterdam, nl
Hama Goro
- Saturday, January 09, 1999 at 23:15:01 (MET
did you ever imagine the internet as a huge sculpture?
We are working on a visualisation of this idea and want to
invite you to become a part of it.
Sabine Mai
Sabine Mai
munich, germany
All Artists
- Thursday, December 31, 1998 at 16:19:30 (MET
woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama
woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama
woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama
woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama
woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama woojiwama
woojiwama, woojiwama
All Artists
- Sunday, February 08, 1998 at 18:29:39 (MET
Come show my tribute
Amsterdam, Holland
All Artists
- Thursday, February 05, 1998 at 12:47:36 (MET
I liked your virtual exposition very much.
I wish you a lot of succes.
Els Willems
Sneek, Nederland
Hama Goro
- Saturday, November 15, 1997 at 16:45:19 (MET
Inmiddels is de afdeling Virtuele Exposities een module geworden op de nieuw geopende africaserver:
Marco Legemaate
Marco Legemaate
Amsterdam, Nederland
All Artists
- Monday, November 10, 1997 at 15:50:48 (MET
Hallo Gaba,Er is niets te veel over gezegd. Kortweg prachtig!!
Den Haag, Nederland
Meschac Gaba
- Thursday, July 31, 1997 at 19:53:24 (MET DST
i like your sight.
All Artists
- Friday, July 11, 1997 at 11:07:00 (MET DST
It looks really good Antonioni. Very Good. Nice picktures. Keep on going to the stars with your selfemade spaceship of paint and other materials.Love J.P.
J.P. Voogt
All Artists
- Wednesday, May 21, 1997 at 20:02:49 (MET DST
Zeer mooi!
Amsterdam, Nederland
All Artists
- Wednesday, May 07, 1997 at 18:48:38 (MET DST
Cool !
Risto Mattila
Raisio, Finland
All Artists
- Tuesday, April 29, 1997 at 23:38:15 (MET DST
Antognoni, It was a pleasure meeting you in Amsterdam at Duende! Thank you for showing me some of the city. I am excited to have found your web site and have the pleasure of viewing your work. Perhaps you can reply.PEACE
Gary Sorin
Atlanta, USA
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Monday, April 28, 1997 at 23:46:33 (MET DST
Very nice and informative. Love the pictures...
Nancie Kelly
San Deigo, USA
All Artists
- Tuesday, April 22, 1997 at 06:38:15 (MET DST
Dear Dominic,Congratulations with your wonderful virtual exhibition.Great works!!Greetings from Amsterdam,Marco Legemaate
Marco Legemaate
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Nkosana Dominic Tshabangu
- Thursday, April 17, 1997 at 13:02:09 (MET DST
Hai A i,m at mickey's (see guestbook) Falas portugues ou não?I just want to say que eu gosto muito tua WEBSITE.Adios, e até a vista
Dyonne Schreurs
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Wednesday, April 09, 1997 at 13:53:56 (MET DST
Hai A i,m at mickey's (see guestbook) Falas portugues ou não?I just want to say que eu gosto muito tua WEBSITE.Adios, e até a vista
Dyonne Schreurs
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Wednesday, April 09, 1997 at 13:53:50 (MET DST
Antognoni BrunhosoGeweldig om te zien dat je zulke geweldige werken weet te maken. Gefeliciteerd met dit sucses!
Benjamin Steenstra
Amsterdam, Holland
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Tuesday, March 18, 1997 at 15:43:54 (MET
Daphne Dexter
A'dam, and Western
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Tuesday, February 18, 1997 at 18:57:45 (MET
Dear Antognoni, I just saw you one hour ago, and immediately checked out your site at my friend's place;it's really beautiful! Nothing beats seeing all of it live & physical but it,s really impressive.Looking forward to see your exposition in Brussels.Take care ! Love, Tom.
Tom van Willigen
Rotterdam, Antognoni Brunhoso
- Saturday, February 15, 1997 at 13:57:37 (MET
Dear Antognoni,I saw your pictures on Internet a couple of month ago.The pictures are beautiful! And I would like to say that I am impressed about the music I hear when I visit this page.Peace,Mickey
Am*dam, Netherlands
Antognoni Brunhoso
- Sunday, January 19, 1997 at 14:08:18 (MET
Enne Gegroet
All Artists
- Saturday, January 18, 1997 at 03:46:49 (MET
Aan de organisatoren van de website: schitterend idee ! Aan de deelnemende kunstenaars: mooi werk. Wat ons betreft: steeds geïnteresseerd in hedendaagse Afrikaanse kunst.
Kathleen De Batselier
Zottegem, Belgium
All Artists
- Friday, January 17, 1997 at 21:23:18 (MET
Dear Gaba,Congratulations avec ton cyber-expo.J'esperre que nous r'encontre!
Amsterdam, nl
Meschac Gaba
- Monday, January 06, 1997 at 09:51:03 (MET
Dear Antognoni,Finally we manage and you are on internet. I am thrilled and immensely pleased that our friendship could result in this exhibition. It was a pleasure to work with you and share your feelings about the content and atmosphere of your work. I am glad that the Angolan people can watch you now and realize you are still one of them. Keep well and many regardsFONS
fons geerlings
amsterdam, HOLLAND
To: Antognoni Brunhoso
- Monday, November 11, 1996 at 13:40:28 (MET)
Dear antognoni,Congratulations with your Fantastic cyber-exhibition.It looks great!Hope 2 c more off your work in the near future.greetings psychon :-)
dds, cyberspace
To: Antognoni Brunhoso
- Monday, November 11, 1996 at 14:01:40 (MET)
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Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright and can be found at Matt's Script Archive