Agenda 30 Januari - 05 Februari 2011
Donderdag 03 Februari

Promotie. Investigating Institutional Arrangements for IWRM in Developing Countries
The Case of White Volta Basin, Ghana. Boateng Joseph Agyenim. Agyenim concludeert in zijn promotieonderzoek dat er geen universele instrumenten zijn voor de uitvoering van Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). De culturele context van een land is een kritiek punt bij het bepalen van de mate waarin IWRM nuttig zou kunnen zijn.
Vrijdag 04 Februari

Promotie. Breeding programs for indigenous chicken in Ethiopia
Analysis of diversity in production. N.D. Mullu. Chickens play a vital role in most Ethiopian villages. They are often the only source of income for village women. The local breeds in the villages are used to the local situation. Therefore, efforts to increase production should be based on this production environment and the preferences of the villagers.

Brown Bag Lunch Seminar: Egypt
Vrijdag 04 Februari 2011 13:00 - 14:00
Is Egypt the Next Tunisia? There are moments in history when a combination of factors, sentiments and circumstances trigger such events, which can, as seen in Tunisia and particularly Egypt, lead to a situation of dual power and change of the old order