Agenda 12 - 18 Februari 2012
Donderdag 16 Februari

Nederland, Leiden - ASC, Room 3A06, Pieter de la Court Building - Lezing en debat
Seminar: Places of Resistance and Quiescence (South Africa)
Donderdag 16 Februari 2012 15:30
Seminar: Places of Resistance and Quiescence (South Africa)
Donderdag 16 Februari 2012 15:30
Seminar on the occasion of 100 years ANC: Places of Resistance and Quiescence, A Reinterpretation of the ANC and Popular Movements in Urban Struggles in South Africa, 1943-1957. This seminar will explore the evolution of the ANC and other popular movements from the first major bus boycott in Alexandra Township and the formation of the ANC Youth League in 1943/44 until the final (successful) bus boycott in the same township in 1957. Speaker: Dr Noor Nieftagodien (University of the Witwatersrand).