Agenda 27 Mei - 02 Juni 2012
Dinsdag 29 Mei

Leeskring Dwaalpoort
Gastvrouw deze avond is Tiny Kraan. Zij behandelt bovenstaande titel van Alexander Strachan. Dwaalpoort is een oude boerderij in KwaZulu-Natal, geërfd door Rentia. Haar man Henning heeft de leiding over de boerderij, maar ook herder en ex-militair Bullet, Rentia's minnaar, hangt er rond. De spanning tussen hen komt tot een hoogtepunt als een van Henning’s vroegere docenten arriveert voor een safari. Graag aanmelden: zie site.

NATO Intervention in Libya: A Humanitarian Success?
Dinsdag 29 Mei 2012 16:00 - 18:00
Western media and politicians typically praise NATO’s 2011 intervention in Libya as a humanitarian success for averting a bloodbath and helping replace the dictatorial regime of Muammar Qaddafi with a transitional council pledged to democracy. In this lecture, Prof. Alan J. Kuperman (Austin, USA) compares the actual outcome in Libya to the likely outcome without intervention, based on the best available documentary evidence.

NATO Intervention in Libya: A Humanitarian Success? - ISS Lecture
Dinsdag 29 Mei 2012 16:00
Public lecture by Associate Professor Alan J. Kuperman, University of Texas at Austin. Western media and politicians typically praise NATO’s 2011 intervention in Libya as a humanitarian success for averting a bloodbath and helping replace the dictatorial regime of Muammar Qaddafi with a transitional council pledged to democracy. Prof. Kuperman compares the actual outcome in Libya to the likely outcome without intervention, based on the best available documentary evidence.
Donderdag 31 Mei

Seminar: Violence, Urbanization and Rationalization in Cape Town's Taxi Industry (1990-2010)
Donderdag 31 Mei 2012 15:30 - 17:00
Speaker: Dr Erik Bähre, Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Leiden University; Discussant: Jan-Bart Gewald. This seminar is based on interviews with taxi entrepreneurs, drivers and members of taxi associations that live and operate in Cape Town. The interviews were held mostly in Khayelitsha, Crossroads and Nyanga. Some of the men and women interviewed were key players in the taxi world and were often intimidating figures who had been imprisoned for assault or murder.