Agenda 02 - 08 September 2012

Zondag 02 September

van do30.08
t/m zo09.09
Nederland, Amsterdam - Amsterdam - Evenement
Best of Grahamstown Fringe 2012 (South Africa) at Amsterdam Fringe

Strong South African participation in this year's Amsterdam Fringe: The Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults by Jemma Kahn (Kamishibai, a traditional form of Japanese street theatre), Hol by Nicola Hanekom (Liesbet runs on an empty stomach on a treadmill, a hamster wheel of her thoughts), Face Off by Ntando Cele (about the roles we play, the roles we are put into and masks we choose to wear) and musicians Nibs van der Spuy and Guy Buttery.


he Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults - Jemma Kahn

van di10.07
t/m zo02.09
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Evenement
Diverse zomeractiviteiten in Afrika Museum

Tijdens het zomerprogramma kunnen bezoekers dagelijks deelnemen aan (theatrale) rondleidingen en workshops. Aansluitend bij de tentoonstelling ‘Goddelijk en Griezelig – Het Geheim van de Slang’  vinden onder meer de theatrale tour  ‘Bang voor de slang’, de voorstelling ‘De Grote Wijze van het woud’ en de creatieve workshop ‘de Regenboogslang’ plaats. In de workshop ‘Afrikaanse muziek’ maken de deelnemers kennis met Afrikaanse ritmes en instrumenten. Verhalenverteller Sjoerd neemt kinderen mee op een tocht door het Buitenmuseum in theatrale tour ‘Kofi kan niet zweten’. Let op! Niet elke activiteit vindt dagelijks plaats.


Maandag 03 September

van do30.08
t/m zo09.09
Nederland, Amsterdam - Amsterdam - Evenement
Best of Grahamstown Fringe 2012 (South Africa) at Amsterdam Fringe

Strong South African participation in this year's Amsterdam Fringe: The Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults by Jemma Kahn (Kamishibai, a traditional form of Japanese street theatre), Hol by Nicola Hanekom (Liesbet runs on an empty stomach on a treadmill, a hamster wheel of her thoughts), Face Off by Ntando Cele (about the roles we play, the roles we are put into and masks we choose to wear) and musicians Nibs van der Spuy and Guy Buttery.


he Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults - Jemma Kahn

Dinsdag 04 September

van do30.08
t/m zo09.09
Nederland, Amsterdam - Amsterdam - Evenement
Best of Grahamstown Fringe 2012 (South Africa) at Amsterdam Fringe

Strong South African participation in this year's Amsterdam Fringe: The Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults by Jemma Kahn (Kamishibai, a traditional form of Japanese street theatre), Hol by Nicola Hanekom (Liesbet runs on an empty stomach on a treadmill, a hamster wheel of her thoughts), Face Off by Ntando Cele (about the roles we play, the roles we are put into and masks we choose to wear) and musicians Nibs van der Spuy and Guy Buttery.


he Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults - Jemma Kahn

Woensdag 05 September

van do30.08
t/m zo09.09
Nederland, Amsterdam - Amsterdam - Evenement
Best of Grahamstown Fringe 2012 (South Africa) at Amsterdam Fringe

Strong South African participation in this year's Amsterdam Fringe: The Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults by Jemma Kahn (Kamishibai, a traditional form of Japanese street theatre), Hol by Nicola Hanekom (Liesbet runs on an empty stomach on a treadmill, a hamster wheel of her thoughts), Face Off by Ntando Cele (about the roles we play, the roles we are put into and masks we choose to wear) and musicians Nibs van der Spuy and Guy Buttery.


he Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults - Jemma Kahn

Donderdag 06 September

van do30.08
t/m zo09.09
Nederland, Amsterdam - Amsterdam - Evenement
Best of Grahamstown Fringe 2012 (South Africa) at Amsterdam Fringe

Strong South African participation in this year's Amsterdam Fringe: The Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults by Jemma Kahn (Kamishibai, a traditional form of Japanese street theatre), Hol by Nicola Hanekom (Liesbet runs on an empty stomach on a treadmill, a hamster wheel of her thoughts), Face Off by Ntando Cele (about the roles we play, the roles we are put into and masks we choose to wear) and musicians Nibs van der Spuy and Guy Buttery.


he Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults - Jemma Kahn

Vrijdag 07 September

van do30.08
t/m zo09.09
Nederland, Amsterdam - Amsterdam - Evenement
Best of Grahamstown Fringe 2012 (South Africa) at Amsterdam Fringe

Strong South African participation in this year's Amsterdam Fringe: The Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults by Jemma Kahn (Kamishibai, a traditional form of Japanese street theatre), Hol by Nicola Hanekom (Liesbet runs on an empty stomach on a treadmill, a hamster wheel of her thoughts), Face Off by Ntando Cele (about the roles we play, the roles we are put into and masks we choose to wear) and musicians Nibs van der Spuy and Guy Buttery.


he Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults - Jemma Kahn

Zaterdag 08 September

van do30.08
t/m zo09.09
Nederland, Amsterdam - Amsterdam - Evenement
Best of Grahamstown Fringe 2012 (South Africa) at Amsterdam Fringe

Strong South African participation in this year's Amsterdam Fringe: The Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults by Jemma Kahn (Kamishibai, a traditional form of Japanese street theatre), Hol by Nicola Hanekom (Liesbet runs on an empty stomach on a treadmill, a hamster wheel of her thoughts), Face Off by Ntando Cele (about the roles we play, the roles we are put into and masks we choose to wear) and musicians Nibs van der Spuy and Guy Buttery.


he Epicene Butcher and other stories for consenting adults - Jemma Kahn