Agenda 07 - 13 Oktober 2012

Zondag 07 Oktober

van ma01.10
t/m zo21.10
Verenigd Koninkrijk, - UK - Evenement
Afrovibes Festival UK 2012 - more than just a show...

Challenging, stimulating, thought-provoking: a festival of contemporary theatre, dance, spoken word and music from South Africa and beyond. Then add into the mix the venue's Township Cafe. You'll find authentic African food and drink plus a host of festival fringe events: workshops, debates, after-show talks, late night music or other pop-up performances. Buy yourself a ticket for a main stage event, or simply turn up to see what happens. Afrovibes is more than just a show - it's an experience. In London, Birmingham, Manchester, Lancaster, Liverpool, Nottingham, Hereford, Cardiff, Aberystwyth...

afrovibes-uk uk-arts-international afrovibes-nl afrovibes@facebook

Maandag 08 Oktober

van ma01.10
t/m zo21.10
Verenigd Koninkrijk, - UK - Evenement
Afrovibes Festival UK 2012 - more than just a show...

Challenging, stimulating, thought-provoking: a festival of contemporary theatre, dance, spoken word and music from South Africa and beyond. Then add into the mix the venue's Township Cafe. You'll find authentic African food and drink plus a host of festival fringe events: workshops, debates, after-show talks, late night music or other pop-up performances. Buy yourself a ticket for a main stage event, or simply turn up to see what happens. Afrovibes is more than just a show - it's an experience. In London, Birmingham, Manchester, Lancaster, Liverpool, Nottingham, Hereford, Cardiff, Aberystwyth...

afrovibes-uk uk-arts-international afrovibes-nl afrovibes@facebook

Dinsdag 09 Oktober

van ma01.10
t/m zo21.10
Verenigd Koninkrijk, - UK - Evenement
Afrovibes Festival UK 2012 - more than just a show...

Challenging, stimulating, thought-provoking: a festival of contemporary theatre, dance, spoken word and music from South Africa and beyond. Then add into the mix the venue's Township Cafe. You'll find authentic African food and drink plus a host of festival fringe events: workshops, debates, after-show talks, late night music or other pop-up performances. Buy yourself a ticket for a main stage event, or simply turn up to see what happens. Afrovibes is more than just a show - it's an experience. In London, Birmingham, Manchester, Lancaster, Liverpool, Nottingham, Hereford, Cardiff, Aberystwyth...

afrovibes-uk uk-arts-international afrovibes-nl afrovibes@facebook

Woensdag 10 Oktober

van ma01.10
t/m zo21.10
Verenigd Koninkrijk, - UK - Evenement
Afrovibes Festival UK 2012 - more than just a show...

Challenging, stimulating, thought-provoking: a festival of contemporary theatre, dance, spoken word and music from South Africa and beyond. Then add into the mix the venue's Township Cafe. You'll find authentic African food and drink plus a host of festival fringe events: workshops, debates, after-show talks, late night music or other pop-up performances. Buy yourself a ticket for a main stage event, or simply turn up to see what happens. Afrovibes is more than just a show - it's an experience. In London, Birmingham, Manchester, Lancaster, Liverpool, Nottingham, Hereford, Cardiff, Aberystwyth...

afrovibes-uk uk-arts-international afrovibes-nl afrovibes@facebook

Donderdag 11 Oktober

van ma01.10
t/m zo21.10
Verenigd Koninkrijk, - UK - Evenement
Afrovibes Festival UK 2012 - more than just a show...

Challenging, stimulating, thought-provoking: a festival of contemporary theatre, dance, spoken word and music from South Africa and beyond. Then add into the mix the venue's Township Cafe. You'll find authentic African food and drink plus a host of festival fringe events: workshops, debates, after-show talks, late night music or other pop-up performances. Buy yourself a ticket for a main stage event, or simply turn up to see what happens. Afrovibes is more than just a show - it's an experience. In London, Birmingham, Manchester, Lancaster, Liverpool, Nottingham, Hereford, Cardiff, Aberystwyth...

afrovibes-uk uk-arts-international afrovibes-nl afrovibes@facebook

Vrijdag 12 Oktober

van ma01.10
t/m zo21.10
Verenigd Koninkrijk, - UK - Evenement
Afrovibes Festival UK 2012 - more than just a show...

Challenging, stimulating, thought-provoking: a festival of contemporary theatre, dance, spoken word and music from South Africa and beyond. Then add into the mix the venue's Township Cafe. You'll find authentic African food and drink plus a host of festival fringe events: workshops, debates, after-show talks, late night music or other pop-up performances. Buy yourself a ticket for a main stage event, or simply turn up to see what happens. Afrovibes is more than just a show - it's an experience. In London, Birmingham, Manchester, Lancaster, Liverpool, Nottingham, Hereford, Cardiff, Aberystwyth...

afrovibes-uk uk-arts-international afrovibes-nl afrovibes@facebook

Zaterdag 13 Oktober

van za13.10
t/m zo28.10
Nederland, Amersfoort - Dierenpark Amersfoort - Evenement
African Days & Nights in Dierenpark Amersfoort

In de herfstvakantie is DierenPark Amersfoort geheel in Afrikaanse sferen. Speciale tours staan in het teken van de Afrikaanse dieren, er zijn workshops met Afrikaanse muziek en dans en er is op een groot aantal dagen een indrukwekkende roofvogeldemonstratie te bewonderen. Heb je na afloop van een gezellige dag zin om ook de Afrikaanse keuken uit te proberen, dan kun je gedurende deze 2 weken blijven eten in Restaurant de Boerderij.


van ma01.10
t/m zo21.10
Verenigd Koninkrijk, - UK - Evenement
Afrovibes Festival UK 2012 - more than just a show...

Challenging, stimulating, thought-provoking: a festival of contemporary theatre, dance, spoken word and music from South Africa and beyond. Then add into the mix the venue's Township Cafe. You'll find authentic African food and drink plus a host of festival fringe events: workshops, debates, after-show talks, late night music or other pop-up performances. Buy yourself a ticket for a main stage event, or simply turn up to see what happens. Afrovibes is more than just a show - it's an experience. In London, Birmingham, Manchester, Lancaster, Liverpool, Nottingham, Hereford, Cardiff, Aberystwyth...

afrovibes-uk uk-arts-international afrovibes-nl afrovibes@facebook

van za13.10
t/m zo28.10
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Evenement
Herfstvakantie in Afrika Museum

In de herfstvakantie staat het Afrika Museum bol van de activiteiten. Op zaterdag 13 oktober is Freek Vonk, Nederlands meest enthousiaste bioloog en onderzoeker, in het museum. Hij vertelt over slangen en brengt twee levende slangen mee. De Kinderboekenweek, dit jaar met het thema ‘Hallo Wereld,’ wordt op zondag 14 oktober in het museum afgesloten met een spetterend slotfeest. Frank Groothof speelt tijdens dit slotfeest de bijzondere voorstelling ‘Peer Gynt’. Tijdens de herfstvakantie zijn er dagelijks activiteiten aansluitend bij de tentoonstelling ‘Goddelijk en Griezelig – Het Geheim van de Slang’.
