Agenda 06 - 12 September 2015
Maandag 07 September

ASC Seminar: No system, no politics? Iconoclastic disruptions in contemporary South Africa
Maandag 07 September 2015 15:30 - 17:00
Democratic South Africa has seen the rise of what I call coarse or granular political actions. By challenging the legitimacy of elections, diverse campaigns have unveiled a bargain element that undergirds the concept of a representative parliament either through charismatic personalities or strong party constituencies. Speaker: Antonádia Borges, University of Brasilia. Please register
Dinsdag 08 September

promotie: Fonio (Digitaria exilis) in West Africa: Towards improving nutrient quality
Dinsdag 08 September 2015 16:00
Thesis: Fonio (Digitaria exilis) in West Africa: Towards improving nutrient quality. PhD candidate: YK (Yara) Koréissi. Promoter: prof. MB (Michael) Zimmermann MD. Co-promoter: ID (Inge) Brouwer & dr D Moretti
Woensdag 09 September

promotie: Evaluation - dietary diversity scores to assess nutrient adequacy among rural Kenyan women
Woensdag 09 September 2015 11:00
PhD defence: Evaluation of dietary diversity scores to assess nutrient adequacy among rural Kenyan women. PhD candidate: SA (Sophie) Ngala. Promoter: FJ (Frans) Kok. Co-promoter: ID (Inge) Brouwer & MN (Martin) Mwangi PhD. Organisation: Wageningen University, Division of Human Nutrition.

promotie: Evaluation of dietary diversity scores for nutrient adequacy among rural Kenyan women
Woensdag 09 September 2015 11:00
Thesis: Evaluation of dietary diversity scores to assess nutrient adequacy among rural Kenyan women. PhD candidate: SA (Sophie) Ngala. Promoter: FJ (Frans) Kok. Co-promoter: ID (Inge) Brouwer & MN (Martin) Mwangi PhD.

promotie: analysis of cooperatives and networks trading cereals in South Mali
Woensdag 09 September 2015 16:00
Thesis: Organising Trade. A practice-oriented analysis of cooperatives and networks trading cereals in South Mali. PhD candidate: EPM (Ellen) Mangnus. Promoter: C (Cees) Leeuwis. Co-promoter: SR (Sietze) Vellema
Donderdag 10 September

promotie: Machtsrelaties tussen staat en bevolking in Kaapstad
Donderdag 10 September 2015 14:00
Met etnografisch veldwerk in een arbeiderswijk in Kaapstad (Zuid-Afrika) onderzoekt Olivier Human de interactie en machtsrelaties tussen de staat en de lokale bevolking. Centraal daarbij staan de vragen wat de staat is en hoe zij haar legitimiteit onderhoudt. Promovendus: Dhr. O. Human: Human Rights, HIV, Police Violence and the Post-Apartheid State. Promotor is prof. dr. A.P. Hardon. Copromotor is dr. J. Zigon.