Agenda 06 - 12 December 2015

Maandag 07 December

Nederland, Amsterdam - Aula Vrije Universiteit - Lezing en debat
promotie: Organisatieverandering in Zambia
Maandag 07 December 2015 13:45

Titel: Mental models on organizational change in African higher education. A qualitative case study at Copperbelt University in Zambia. Hoe denkt de lokale stafZambia van een universiteit in Zambia over organisatieverandering? Egide Maassen heeft de dominante ‘mentale modellen’ over organisatieverandering in kaart gebracht en vergeleken met de literatuur over management en verandering in sub-Sahara-Afrika. De lokale context en cultuur maakt dat stafleden in Zambia anders naar hun organisatie kijken dan bijvoorbeeld in Nederland. Dit heeft verstrekkende gevolgen voor de wijze waarop organisatieveranderings-processen zich voltrekken, blijkt uit zijn onderzoek.


Dinsdag 08 December

Nederland, Leiden - Wereldmuseum Leiden - Lezing en debat
Leiden African Studies Assembly (LeiASA) Meeting
Dinsdag 08 December 2015 14:00 - 18:00

The 1st meeting of the Leiden African Studies Assembly (LeiASA) will take place on 8 December at Museum Volkenkunde. The meeting will be in English and will be chaired by Wim van den Doel, dean of the Faculty of Humanities. The meeting is on invitation only. With Simone Buitendijk (Vice Rector Magnificus of Leiden University) and Wim van den Doel, Ton Dietz (director African Studies Centre), Jos Damen of the ASC Library and Kurt de Belder of the University Library. Representatives of the ASC and of the various Faculties with Africanist scholars will present their ideas about African Studies 2016-2020


Donderdag 10 December

Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Lezing en debat
Stephen Ellis annual lecture by Howard French: How today's China - Africa encounter came about etc.
Donderdag 10 December 2015 18:30 - 20:00

Stephen Ellis annual lecture by Howard French: How today's China - Africa encounter came about and what it means for the world. Howard W. French is a journalist, author, and photographer, as well as an associate professor at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He was most recently a senior foreign correspondent with The New York Times. The ASC Annual public lecture is from now on called the Stephen Ellis Annual lecture to honour our late ASC colleague. Please register
