Agenda 18 - 24 September 2016
Zondag 18 September

Arts Alive Festival 2016
The countdown has started for the Arts Alive Festival in September with theatre, music, dance and the annual Jazz on the Lake concert. The festival is back with a full programme, to showcase the diversity and quality artistic offerings for the residents of Johannesburg. The festival will feature a range of exciting overseas and local artists within literature, poetry, master class workshops, music and dance; a diverse range of music from Jazz to Afrobeat, Hip Hop, Dancehall reggae and traditional rhythms to Kwaito. Also: Music Conference & Exhibition ‘Censored: When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised’, African Women Writer’s Symposium, Indian Music, French Circus etc.
Maandag 19 September

Arts Alive Festival 2016
The countdown has started for the Arts Alive Festival in September with theatre, music, dance and the annual Jazz on the Lake concert. The festival is back with a full programme, to showcase the diversity and quality artistic offerings for the residents of Johannesburg. The festival will feature a range of exciting overseas and local artists within literature, poetry, master class workshops, music and dance; a diverse range of music from Jazz to Afrobeat, Hip Hop, Dancehall reggae and traditional rhythms to Kwaito. Also: Music Conference & Exhibition ‘Censored: When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised’, African Women Writer’s Symposium, Indian Music, French Circus etc.
Dinsdag 20 September

Arts Alive Festival 2016
The countdown has started for the Arts Alive Festival in September with theatre, music, dance and the annual Jazz on the Lake concert. The festival is back with a full programme, to showcase the diversity and quality artistic offerings for the residents of Johannesburg. The festival will feature a range of exciting overseas and local artists within literature, poetry, master class workshops, music and dance; a diverse range of music from Jazz to Afrobeat, Hip Hop, Dancehall reggae and traditional rhythms to Kwaito. Also: Music Conference & Exhibition ‘Censored: When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised’, African Women Writer’s Symposium, Indian Music, French Circus etc.
Woensdag 21 September

Arts Alive Festival 2016
The countdown has started for the Arts Alive Festival in September with theatre, music, dance and the annual Jazz on the Lake concert. The festival is back with a full programme, to showcase the diversity and quality artistic offerings for the residents of Johannesburg. The festival will feature a range of exciting overseas and local artists within literature, poetry, master class workshops, music and dance; a diverse range of music from Jazz to Afrobeat, Hip Hop, Dancehall reggae and traditional rhythms to Kwaito. Also: Music Conference & Exhibition ‘Censored: When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised’, African Women Writer’s Symposium, Indian Music, French Circus etc.

Voice4Thought Festival 2016: ‘People in Motion’
After last year’s successful edition Voice4Thought is back with its second annual festival. This year’s theme is ‘People in Motion’. From 21-25 September the festival will be held on various locations in Leiden. Artists, scientists and journalists will collaborate and share their contribution through music, film, modern dance, visual arts, workshops, panel discussions and debates.
Donderdag 22 September

Arts Alive Festival 2016
The countdown has started for the Arts Alive Festival in September with theatre, music, dance and the annual Jazz on the Lake concert. The festival is back with a full programme, to showcase the diversity and quality artistic offerings for the residents of Johannesburg. The festival will feature a range of exciting overseas and local artists within literature, poetry, master class workshops, music and dance; a diverse range of music from Jazz to Afrobeat, Hip Hop, Dancehall reggae and traditional rhythms to Kwaito. Also: Music Conference & Exhibition ‘Censored: When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised’, African Women Writer’s Symposium, Indian Music, French Circus etc.

Voice4Thought Festival 2016: ‘People in Motion’
After last year’s successful edition Voice4Thought is back with its second annual festival. This year’s theme is ‘People in Motion’. From 21-25 September the festival will be held on various locations in Leiden. Artists, scientists and journalists will collaborate and share their contribution through music, film, modern dance, visual arts, workshops, panel discussions and debates.
Vrijdag 23 September

Arts Alive Festival 2016
The countdown has started for the Arts Alive Festival in September with theatre, music, dance and the annual Jazz on the Lake concert. The festival is back with a full programme, to showcase the diversity and quality artistic offerings for the residents of Johannesburg. The festival will feature a range of exciting overseas and local artists within literature, poetry, master class workshops, music and dance; a diverse range of music from Jazz to Afrobeat, Hip Hop, Dancehall reggae and traditional rhythms to Kwaito. Also: Music Conference & Exhibition ‘Censored: When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised’, African Women Writer’s Symposium, Indian Music, French Circus etc.

Voice4Thought Festival 2016: ‘People in Motion’
After last year’s successful edition Voice4Thought is back with its second annual festival. This year’s theme is ‘People in Motion’. From 21-25 September the festival will be held on various locations in Leiden. Artists, scientists and journalists will collaborate and share their contribution through music, film, modern dance, visual arts, workshops, panel discussions and debates.

Going Places: Afrolijk - Global Foods, Films & Funky Beats (Zuid-Afrika)
Vrijdag 23 September 2016 21:00 - 03:00
Tijdens de 4e en laatste editie van Going Places deze zomer reizen we af naar Afrika. Onder de titel Afrolijk, een nieuw concept van de organisatoren van Yard Vibes en Fiesta Latinoamericana, dompelen eenmalig onder in Zuid-Afrikaanse sferen. Met de open air vertoning van de toffe Zuid-Afrikaanse speelfilm Ayanda (2015), die op het prestigieuze Los Angeles Film Festival de Speciale Juryprijs in de wacht sleepte. Daarna nemen de DJ’s van Rituals, de nieuwe tak van AfroLosjes, de avond over met een lekker Zuid-Afrikaanse dansfeest. Verder: een optreden van de Zuid-Afrikaanse danser Elvis Sibeko; Art van Alice de Kruijs Photography en food van Broodje Met. Afrolijk geldt tevens als officiële vooraankondiging van Afrovibes, het jaarlijkse festival van hedendaags theater, dans en muziek uit Afrika.
Zaterdag 24 September

Arts Alive Festival 2016
The countdown has started for the Arts Alive Festival in September with theatre, music, dance and the annual Jazz on the Lake concert. The festival is back with a full programme, to showcase the diversity and quality artistic offerings for the residents of Johannesburg. The festival will feature a range of exciting overseas and local artists within literature, poetry, master class workshops, music and dance; a diverse range of music from Jazz to Afrobeat, Hip Hop, Dancehall reggae and traditional rhythms to Kwaito. Also: Music Conference & Exhibition ‘Censored: When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised’, African Women Writer’s Symposium, Indian Music, French Circus etc.

Voice4Thought Festival 2016: ‘People in Motion’
After last year’s successful edition Voice4Thought is back with its second annual festival. This year’s theme is ‘People in Motion’. From 21-25 September the festival will be held on various locations in Leiden. Artists, scientists and journalists will collaborate and share their contribution through music, film, modern dance, visual arts, workshops, panel discussions and debates.