Agenda 09 - 15 Oktober 2016
Donderdag 13 Oktober

ASC Seminar: Post-apartheid Afrikaner politics in local and global perspective
Donderdag 13 Oktober 2016 15:30 - 17:00
Seminar: Post-apartheid Afrikaner politics in local and global perspective: The case of the Solidarity Movement. In contemporary South Africa, the Solidarity Movement claims to uphold and defend the interests of the white, Afrikaans-speaking minority in the context of majority rule. In the world’s most unequal country, Solidarity’s representation of Afrikaners – apartheid’s historical beneficiaries – as in need of special protection, is greeted with both enthusiasm and outrage. Speaker: Danelle van Zyl-Hermann, University of the Free State. Please register
Zaterdag 15 Oktober

NVAS Africa Day: Sport in Africa
Zaterdag 15 Oktober 2016 10:00 - 17:00
When thinking about sport in Africa, many of us will immediately remember the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. It was the first time that such a mega sport event was ever held in Africa, drawing a lot of attention to football on the continent and promoting interest in Africa’s national teams. Indeed, there has been a tremendous increase in the interest in sport in general and its impact on African societies since the United Nations General Assembly adopted the first of a series of resolutions entitled “Sport as a means to promote education, health, development and peace” in 2003. Please register for this event