Agenda 18 - 24 Juni 2017
Zondag 18 Juni

Exhibition: Lamu Interiors. Paintings by Karin Voogd
In Lamu, the island on the east coast of Kenya, everybody is building. All this I tried to paint: the self-built houses, men using abandoned houses as a gathering place in the afternoon, the strange heaps of chalk, trees that grow inside a house, the stairs and pilars in old Swahili houses, the sewer-system in the street, bachelor huts that look like tree-houses, attempts of finding the right niru colour on an ancient wall, bare greyish walls build with blocks of coral stone. In the library I will show drawings about the Maktaba ya Sanaa, the attempts I did so far to gather books for an Arts library in Lamu. The exhibition can be seen during office hours in the corridors on the third floor and in the library (ground floor) of the Pieter de la Court building.

Foam Talent in Londen, met werk van 24 innovatieve beeldmakers onder de 35 jaar
Het is de eerste keer dat Foam haar selectie Foam Talents naar New York brengt. De tentoonstelling vindt plaats gelijktijdig met de 37e editie van The Photography Show (gepresenteerd door AIPAD). Uit de in totaal 1.494 inzendingen van fotografen uit niet minder dan 75 verschillende landen zijn 24 talenten geselecteerd, van wie werk is gepubliceerd in het jaarlijkse Foam Magazine Talent Issue. Een van de deelnemende kunstenaars is de Zuid-Afrikaanse fotograaf Nico Krijno.
Maandag 19 Juni

Exhibition: Lamu Interiors. Paintings by Karin Voogd
In Lamu, the island on the east coast of Kenya, everybody is building. All this I tried to paint: the self-built houses, men using abandoned houses as a gathering place in the afternoon, the strange heaps of chalk, trees that grow inside a house, the stairs and pilars in old Swahili houses, the sewer-system in the street, bachelor huts that look like tree-houses, attempts of finding the right niru colour on an ancient wall, bare greyish walls build with blocks of coral stone. In the library I will show drawings about the Maktaba ya Sanaa, the attempts I did so far to gather books for an Arts library in Lamu. The exhibition can be seen during office hours in the corridors on the third floor and in the library (ground floor) of the Pieter de la Court building.
Dinsdag 20 Juni

Exhibition: Lamu Interiors. Paintings by Karin Voogd
In Lamu, the island on the east coast of Kenya, everybody is building. All this I tried to paint: the self-built houses, men using abandoned houses as a gathering place in the afternoon, the strange heaps of chalk, trees that grow inside a house, the stairs and pilars in old Swahili houses, the sewer-system in the street, bachelor huts that look like tree-houses, attempts of finding the right niru colour on an ancient wall, bare greyish walls build with blocks of coral stone. In the library I will show drawings about the Maktaba ya Sanaa, the attempts I did so far to gather books for an Arts library in Lamu. The exhibition can be seen during office hours in the corridors on the third floor and in the library (ground floor) of the Pieter de la Court building.
Woensdag 21 Juni

Exhibition: Lamu Interiors. Paintings by Karin Voogd
In Lamu, the island on the east coast of Kenya, everybody is building. All this I tried to paint: the self-built houses, men using abandoned houses as a gathering place in the afternoon, the strange heaps of chalk, trees that grow inside a house, the stairs and pilars in old Swahili houses, the sewer-system in the street, bachelor huts that look like tree-houses, attempts of finding the right niru colour on an ancient wall, bare greyish walls build with blocks of coral stone. In the library I will show drawings about the Maktaba ya Sanaa, the attempts I did so far to gather books for an Arts library in Lamu. The exhibition can be seen during office hours in the corridors on the third floor and in the library (ground floor) of the Pieter de la Court building.
Donderdag 22 Juni

Exhibition: Lamu Interiors. Paintings by Karin Voogd
In Lamu, the island on the east coast of Kenya, everybody is building. All this I tried to paint: the self-built houses, men using abandoned houses as a gathering place in the afternoon, the strange heaps of chalk, trees that grow inside a house, the stairs and pilars in old Swahili houses, the sewer-system in the street, bachelor huts that look like tree-houses, attempts of finding the right niru colour on an ancient wall, bare greyish walls build with blocks of coral stone. In the library I will show drawings about the Maktaba ya Sanaa, the attempts I did so far to gather books for an Arts library in Lamu. The exhibition can be seen during office hours in the corridors on the third floor and in the library (ground floor) of the Pieter de la Court building.
Vrijdag 23 Juni

Exhibition: Lamu Interiors. Paintings by Karin Voogd
In Lamu, the island on the east coast of Kenya, everybody is building. All this I tried to paint: the self-built houses, men using abandoned houses as a gathering place in the afternoon, the strange heaps of chalk, trees that grow inside a house, the stairs and pilars in old Swahili houses, the sewer-system in the street, bachelor huts that look like tree-houses, attempts of finding the right niru colour on an ancient wall, bare greyish walls build with blocks of coral stone. In the library I will show drawings about the Maktaba ya Sanaa, the attempts I did so far to gather books for an Arts library in Lamu. The exhibition can be seen during office hours in the corridors on the third floor and in the library (ground floor) of the Pieter de la Court building.

tentoonstelling: Roger Ballen (VS/ZA) & Asger Carlsen (DK/VS) - No Joke
In the collaborative project titled No Joke, artists Roger Ballen (1950, VS) and Asger Carlsen (1973, DK) explore the more sinister sides of the human psyche. Together the duo produced 37 images, without ever working in the same studio at the same time: their creative exchange and co-creation has been a purely online affair. Their menacing work evokes a sense of anxiety and longing that is usually experienced only in dreams. Although Roger Ballen lives in Johannesburg and Asger Carlsen in New York, the two artists have been working together online for some four years.
Zaterdag 24 Juni

Exhibition: Lamu Interiors. Paintings by Karin Voogd
In Lamu, the island on the east coast of Kenya, everybody is building. All this I tried to paint: the self-built houses, men using abandoned houses as a gathering place in the afternoon, the strange heaps of chalk, trees that grow inside a house, the stairs and pilars in old Swahili houses, the sewer-system in the street, bachelor huts that look like tree-houses, attempts of finding the right niru colour on an ancient wall, bare greyish walls build with blocks of coral stone. In the library I will show drawings about the Maktaba ya Sanaa, the attempts I did so far to gather books for an Arts library in Lamu. The exhibition can be seen during office hours in the corridors on the third floor and in the library (ground floor) of the Pieter de la Court building.

tentoonstelling: Roger Ballen (VS/ZA) & Asger Carlsen (DK/VS) - No Joke
In the collaborative project titled No Joke, artists Roger Ballen (1950, VS) and Asger Carlsen (1973, DK) explore the more sinister sides of the human psyche. Together the duo produced 37 images, without ever working in the same studio at the same time: their creative exchange and co-creation has been a purely online affair. Their menacing work evokes a sense of anxiety and longing that is usually experienced only in dreams. Although Roger Ballen lives in Johannesburg and Asger Carlsen in New York, the two artists have been working together online for some four years.