Agenda 17 - 23 September 2017
Maandag 18 September

PhD: Genetic Diversity of Potato for Nitrogen Use Efficiency under Low Input Conditions in Ethiopia
Maandag 18 September 2017 13:30 - 15:00
Genetic Diversity of Potato for Nitrogen Use Efficiency under Low Input Conditions in Ethiopia. PhD candidate: mr. BB (Baye) Getahun. Promotor: prof.dr. RGF (Richard) Visser; Co-promotor: dr. CG (Gerard) van der Linden. Organisation: Wageningen University, Laboratory of Plant Breeding
Woensdag 20 September

PhD: Rural livelihoods and agricultural commercialization in colonial Uganda
Woensdag 20 September 2017 11:00 - 12:30
Rural livelihoods and agricultural commercialization in colonial Uganda: conjunctures of external influences and local realities. PhD candidate: MA (Michiel) de Haas MA. Promotor: prof.dr. EHP (Ewout) Frankema; Co-promotor: dr. ir. NBJ Koning. Organisation: Wageningen University, Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS), Rural and Environmental History

PhD about Evidence from agricultural netchains in Sub-Saharan Africa
Woensdag 20 September 2017 13:30 - 15:00
Title: Ambidexterity and mobile hubs as the interfaces for orchestrating multi-level innovation networks and fostering capabilities in innovation processes: Evidence from agricultural netchains in Sub-Saharan Africa. PhD candidate: SA (Silvia) Perez Perdomo. Promotor: prof.dr. SWF (Onno) Omta & prof.dr. JH (Jacques) Trienekens. Organisation: Wageningen University, Management Studies
Donderdag 21 September

PhD Defence Heleen Smits: A grammar of Lumun, a Kordofanian language of Sudan
Donderdag 21 September 2017 13:45
PhD Defence Heleen Smits: A grammar of Lumun, a Kordofanian language of Sudan. Heleen Smits, information specialist at the ASCL's library, will defend her PhD thesis entitled A grammar of Lumun, a Kordofanian language of Sudan. Her promotor is Prof. Maarten Mous. Photo: Heleen Smits (2009).