Agenda 30 September - 06 Oktober 2018
Woensdag 03 Oktober

promotie: Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Zambia
Woensdag 03 Oktober 2018 11:45
Titel proefschrift: Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Zambia. Promovendus: P. Choongo. Promotor: prof.dr. E. Masurel, prof.dr. L.J. Paas, copromotoren J.C. van Burg, prof.dr. J.M. Lungu. Onderdeel: School of Business and Economics

promotie: Persoonlijkheid kleine ondernemer blijkt sleutelfactor voor succesvolle Zambiaanse middenstand
Woensdag 03 Oktober 2018 13:45
Titel: Small firm growth in a Least Developed Country. Spreker M. Chabala. Promotor prof.dr. E. Masurel, prof.dr. L.J. Paas, copromotoren J.C. van Burg, prof.dr. J.M. Lungu. Onderdeel School of Business and Economics
Donderdag 04 Oktober

PhD Defence - Mining Reform, Governance and the State in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Donderdag 04 Oktober 2018 16:00 - 17:30
The rector of the International Institute of Social Studies requests the pleasure of your company at the Public Defence of the PhD thesis by Jose Alice Diemel. In her thesis, Mining Reform, Governance and the State in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The traces ‘'conflict-mineral'’ policy left behind on natural resource governance in Katanga', Jose Alice Diemel will deal with the effects of conflict-mineral reform interventions implemented throughout Congo’s tin, tantalum and tungsten (3T) mineral areas over the last eight years. The Public Defence will take place on Thursday 4 October 2018. The ceremony will begin promptly at 16.00 hrs in the Auditorium of the ISS, Kortenaerkade 12, The Hague. The doors will be closed after the start of the Public Defence, but will be briefly opened after the candidate’s introduction to allow latecomers to enter.