Agenda 04 - 10 November 2018
Maandag 05 November

Lecture : Migration and Development in Africa
Maandag 05 November 2018 15:30 - 17:00
CA-OS Research Seminar. Speaker: Ton Dietz. Since the Syrian refugee crisis and the pictures of drowning boats, refugees migration is a hot topic in politics and debate, and there is a lot of nonsense, or 'fake news', easily used in polemic pro- or anti-migration discussions. Focusing on Africa, Ton Dietz will deal with the 'facts on migration' and its linkages with 'development', 'climate change', and 'violence'. He will specifically challenge the idea that supporting development/economic growth/employment creation in countries of origin will result in less intercontinental migration from those countries. The recent evidence from Africa shows exactly the opposite. And he will look into the future of population predictions and the relevance of a long-term demographic view on likely developments.
Vrijdag 09 November

LeidenASA Seminar: The Role of Service-Learning in Preparing Students for the Labour Market
Vrijdag 09 November 2018 15:00 - 16:00
Despite the increase in the number of graduates across the globe, their qualifications are unable to secure many of them jobs. This is partly because many employers are keen not only on the graduates’ academic achievement but also on other employability skills, capacities and competencies. This presentation explores the role of service-learning in enhancing students’ employability skills. In service-learning, students engage in voluntary community service activities with the aim of learning from the experience while providing service to help the recipients. A major conclusion is that service-learning has a positive influence on graduates’ employability skills. Please register