Agenda 23 - 29 Augustus 2020
Dinsdag 25 Augustus

PhD on Ethiopia
Dinsdag 25 Augustus 2020 13:30 - 15:00
Title: Social-institutional problem dimensions of late blight and bacterial wilt in Ethiopia. The contribution of social learning and communicatieve interventions to collective action. PhD candidate: ED (Elias) Assefa MSc. Promotor: C (Cees) Leeuwis, PC (Paul) Struik. Co-promotor: dr BC van Mierlo, dr Lemaga. Organisation: Wageningen University, Knowledge Technology and Innovation

Another PhD on Ethiopia
Dinsdag 25 Augustus 2020 16:00 - 17:30
Title: Understanding and managing bacterial wilt and late blight of potato in Ethiopia: combining an innovation systems approach and a collective action perspective. PhD candidate: ST (Shiferaw Tafesse) Gobena. Promotor: PC (Paul) Struik. Co-promotor: dr. R (Rico) Lie & dr BC van Mierlo & dr Lemaga. Organisation: Wageningen University, Centre for Crop Systems Analysis
Woensdag 26 Augustus

PhD: Citizen Science for Malaria Control in Rwanda: Engagement, Motivation, and Behaviour change
Woensdag 26 Augustus 2020 11:00 - 13:30
Promovendus: D (Domina) Asingizwe MSc. Promotor: C (Cees) Leeuwis. Copromotor: dr PM Poortvliet, dr ir CJM Koenraadt, prof. L Mutesa. Organisatie: Wageningen University, Leerstoelgroep Strategic Communication. Titel proefschrift: Citizen Science for Malaria Control in Rwanda: Engagement, Motivation, and Behaviour change

PhD: Citizen science for malaria vector surveillance in Rwanda
Woensdag 26 Augustus 2020 13:30 - 15:00
Promovendus: MM (Milumbu Marilyn) Murindahabi. Promotor: Willem W (Willem) Takken. Copromotor: dr ir CJM Koenraadt, dr ir AJH van Vliet, prof. L Mutesa. Organisatie: Wageningen University, Laboratorium voor Entomologie. Titel proefschrift: Citizen science for malaria vector surveillance in Rwanda.

Online promotie: the case of e-government in Zanzibar
Woensdag 26 Augustus 2020 14:30
Title: Understanding complex systems implementation through a modeling approach: the case of e-government in Zanzibar. Promovendus: mevrouw M.M. Khamis MSc.. Promotor(es): prof. dr. ir. Th.P. van der Weide, prof. dr. I.A. Rai
Faculteit: Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Vrijdag 28 Augustus

PhD: Improvement of maize-based foods in Sub-Saharan Africa
Vrijdag 28 Augustus 2020 16:00 - 17:30
Promovendus: OO (Onu) Ekpa MSc. Promotor: prof. V (Vincenzo) Fogliano. Copromotor: AR (Anita) Linnemann. Organisatie: Wageningen University, Food Quality and Design

PhD: Computational intelligence & modeling of crop disease data in Africa
Vrijdag 28 Augustus 2020 16:15
PhD ceremony: Ms G. (Godliver) Owomugisha. Supervisors: prof. dr. M. (Michael) Biehl, prof. dr. N. (Nicolai) Petkov. Co-supervisor: dr. J. Quinn. Faculty: Science and Engineering