Agenda 20 - 26 Augustus 2023

Zondag 20 Augustus

van di01.08
t/m ma28.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Evenement
African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for over three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2023 there are several productions from Africa at the festival


Nederland, Leiden - Wereldmuseum Leiden - Evenement
Stadswandeling: Sporen van Afrika in Leiden
Zondag 20 Augustus 2023 14:00 - 15:30

Maak kennis met gebeurtenissen, personen en gebouwen uit de geschiedenis die Leiden heeft met Afrika, tijdens deze wandeling; Van de Lakenhal, waar de textielsoorten werden gekeurd die de Hollanders gebruikten als ruilmiddel voor slaven uit West-Afrika, tot de toekenning van een eredoctoraat aan Nelson Mandela. Serie: Leidse Wereldwandelingen. Duur: ca 1,5 uur Taal: Nederlands. Aanmelding: verplicht via dit formulier. Verzamelpunt / Startpunt: Ingang Museum Volkenkunde, Steenstraat 1, Leiden. *Aan de wandeling zijn geen kosten verbonden. Ook is de mogelijkheid om zelf deze wandeling te maken aan de hand van een downloadbare document


Maandag 21 Augustus

van di01.08
t/m ma28.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Evenement
African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for over three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2023 there are several productions from Africa at the festival


Dinsdag 22 Augustus

van di01.08
t/m ma28.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Evenement
African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for over three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2023 there are several productions from Africa at the festival


Woensdag 23 Augustus

van di01.08
t/m ma28.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Evenement
African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for over three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2023 there are several productions from Africa at the festival


Donderdag 24 Augustus

van di01.08
t/m ma28.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Evenement
African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for over three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2023 there are several productions from Africa at the festival


Vrijdag 25 Augustus

van di01.08
t/m ma28.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Evenement
African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for over three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2023 there are several productions from Africa at the festival


Zaterdag 26 Augustus

van di01.08
t/m ma28.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Evenement
African productions at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world and takes place every August for over three weeks in Scotland’s capital city. The festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, musicals, operas, music, exhibitions and events. In 2023 there are several productions from Africa at the festival
