Sudan, Remember Us
t/m Vrijdag 22 November 2024

The streets are empty. A plastic bag swirls in the air. A single bird lands in the dust. The silence is broken by a fighter plane firing a missile. Cell phone footage shows heavily armed soldiers unleashing their machine guns. It is April 2023, and we closely follow a few young people to witness how the war in Sudan is destroying a whole generation like them. Director Hind Meddeb first visited the capital Khartoum in 2019. There she met the young artists and activists Shajane, Muzamil, Maha, Rufaida, Hamza and Eros. Back then they were in a much more optimistic frame of mind. The dictatorial regime had just been deposed and they were fighting for freedom and democracy with strikes and extended sit-ins.
Te zien in diverse theaters tijdens de IDFA.