Dinsdag 21 Februari 2023

PhD defence: Sedimentation, Livestock, and Farmers willingness to maintain small scale irrigation in Ethiopia
Dinsdag 21 Februari 2023 13:30 - 15:00
PhD candidate: HT (Hanan Tadele) Dessalegn MSc. Promotor: CMS (Charlotte) de Fraiture. Co-promotor: JA (Alex) Bolding. External copromotor: Mekonen Ayana. Organisation: Wageningen University, Water Resources Management. Summary: Small-scale irrigation (SSI) considered a key strategy for developing countries to maintain food security. However, they are under performing or abandoned. Excessive sedimentation and inadequate maintenance is the major causes of underperformance. This study considered four SSI schemes in Ethiopia, which differ in sediment-loads (light to heavily sedimented) and functionality (traditional and modern, fully functional and abandoned). Both a qualitative and quantitative approach was used to analyse four specific research questions.