Zondag 06 Februari 2011

Matinee du Monde
Zondag 06 Februari 2011 14:00
Iedere eerste zondag van de maand een dansfeest met Afrikaanse live muziek, hosted by Omar Ka. Met verrassende gastmuzikanten, DJ Caliente, dansworkshops, kinderworkshops, hapjes en drankjes. Volwassenen 7,50 euro, kinderen 2,50 euro.

Ahmed Soultan & support acts
Zondag 06 Februari 2011 20:30
De Afro-Arabische soulster Ahmed Soultan kan als één van de voormannen van de ‘Nayda’ (New Urban Moroccan scene) worden beschouwd. Hij heeft het soulvolle van d’Angelo, Neyo en Justin Timberlake, met een Arabische flavour, de ‘grooves’ van The Roots en een stem zo warm als die van Marvin Gaye of Stevie Wonder.

Afropolis: City, Media, Art
Cairo, Kinshasa, Lagos, Nairobi and Johannesburg. Examines their specific urban topography and culture and highlights the perception of the urban environment in art. Works on display comprise photographs, graphic art, painting, sculptures and video art.

The Global Africa Project - Meschac Gaba
Broad spectrum of contemporary African art, design, and craft, work by over 100 artists working in Africa and elsewhere. The Global Africa Project surveys the rich pool of new talent emerging from Africa and its influence on artists around the world.

African Mosaic: Celebrating a Decade of Collecting
Showcases museum purchases and gifts and provides a glimpse into collecting opportunities for art museums. Centerpiece: a towering and visually striking sculpture of Haitian leader Toussaint Louverture by contemporary Senegalese artist Ousmane Sow.

Brave New World II - Theo Eshetu
Eshetu (Ethiopia/NL) explores themes like the relationship between nature and technology and the idea of life as a spectacle, using images from his personal geography: scenes from a dance in Bali or footage from visits to New York City and Ethiopia.

Geheime relaties, oude en nieuwe kunst verbonden
De tentoonstelling toont hedendaagse kunst uit Afrika en de Afrikaanse diaspora samen met objecten uit de collectie traditionele kunst. Deze oude & nieuwe kunstobjecten vinden hun relatie in de Afrikaanse gebruiken of rituelen waaraan ze gerelateerd zijn.

Afrikaanse films op Internationaal Film Festival Rotterdam 2011
Afrikaanse films op Iinternationaal FilmFestival Rotterdam 2011: Afrikaanse regisseurs naar China voor IFFR
Ook in de 40e editie v/h IFFR zijn er Afrikaanse films. Zo reisden in opdracht van het IFFR 2011 zeven Afrikaanse filmmakers naar China om een film te maken. Die films gaan dit festival in première als onderdeel van een themaprogramma getiteld 'Raiding Africa'. Met filmmakers uit Zuid-Afrika, Kameroen, Oeganda, Rwanda, Congo-Brazzaville en Angola.
filmfestivalrotterdam Afrikaanse regisseurs naar China voor IFFR

Breaking News. Contemporary Photography from the Middle East and Africa
From the international contemporary photography, art film and video collection of the Fondazione. Participating African artists include: Philip Kwame Apagya (Ghana), Mounir Fatmi (Morocco), Samuel Fosso (Cameroon), George Osodi (Nigeria), Wael Shawki (Egypt), Jodi Bieber, David Goldblatt, Pieter Hugo, Mikhael Subotzky, Guy Tillim (South Africa).

Bopape Dumas Muholi
Drie Zuid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars: Dineo Seshee Bopape (1981), Zanele Muholi (1972) worden geplaatst naast het werk van Marlene Dumas (1953). Feminisme is een belangrijk thema. Muholi - zelf lesbisch - kaart onderwerpen aan waar een taboe op ligt: homofobie en transseksualiteit. Ze strijdt tegen discriminatie en richt zich juist op de positieve beeldvorming van de lesbische leefwereld.

Hometime Attack - door Don't Hit Mama
Naar huis gaan staat centraal in het werk van Nita Liem. Terugkeren naar je bron, je oorsprong, jezelf. In dit stuk schakelt Liem met haar dansers tussen urban dance, Javaanse dansvormen & Afrikaanse dansinvloeden. Met Nita Liem, Nadia Souirti & Erick Lamba.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

World Social Forum 2011
Following days
06 Feb.: Opening March
07 Feb. : Day of Africa and Diasporas
08 Feb: Self-organized activities
09 Feb.: Self-organized activities
10 Feb.: Assemblies of Convergence
11 Feb.: Assemblies of Convergence

The African Queen
Klassieker uit 1951 met Humphrey Bogart & Kathrine Hepburn. Een verroeste schuit onderhoudt een bescheiden post- en goederendienst op een Duits-Afrikaanse rivier rond de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Een Engelse zendeling protesteert en sterft na de verwoesting van zijn dorp door de brute Duitsers. De ongelikte kapitein van de African Queen moet zich ontfermen over zijn zuster die wraak wil.

Inner Landscapes - Anneke Wilbrink en Barbara Polderman (Nederland) & Omar Ba (Senegal)
Schilderijen en beelden van drie kunstenaars waarin vervreemdende werelden en innerlijke en uiterlijke landschappen centraal staan. Met abstracte landschappen van Anneke Wilbrink, zinnenprikkelende beelden van Barbara Polderman en mysterieuze schilderijen van Omar Ba. In zijn werk ervaar je tegenovergestelde werelden: mensen en dieren, vooruitgang en natuur, moderniteit en traditie, het westen en Afrika.

Fally Sene Sow - collages achter glas op hout
De collages van Sow (1989) kijken neer op scènes in een grote, Afrikaanse stad. In zijn geval waarschijnlijk Dakar, al zouden veel andere Afrikaanse steden eveneens model kunnen hebben gestaan. Het is niet zozeer zijn bedoeling een ideale werkelijkheid te reconstrueren. Hij probeert zoveel en zo goed mogelijk recht te doen aan de werkelijkheid.

All This by Wim Botha
The show will feature two large-scale sculptural installations. The first installation, carved from polystyrene and incorporating clusters of fluorescent tubes. The second group is of composite figurative sculptures, carved from encyclopaedias and wood. Born in 1974, Botha has previously presented solo shows at Michael Stevenson in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009.

Animal Farm by Daniel Naudé
Daniel Naudé's series of photographs focusses on the relationship between human beings and domesticated animals, and the way in which the histories of people, animals and the landscape have become entwined and indivisible over centuries. Begun during a road trip from Cape Town to Mozambique in 2008, Naudé's images locate the animal centrally in both idea and format.

Cumulus by Gerhard Marx
In his first exhibition with the Goodman Gallery, Gerhard Marx presents new works that are born out of his own self-designed processes, which involve skillful manipulation of materials collected as part of an engagement with the artist’s physical urban context. Cumulus is Gerhard Marx’s fifth solo exhibition, and his works are featured in public and private collections.

The fabulous world of John Kilaka
Tanzanian painter, illustrator and author John Kilaka travels round the countryside and writes down the tales the villagers tell him. They are traditional African animal fables, which deal with friendship, conflict, reconciliation and solidarity. Kilaka illustrates the stories with powerful, vibrant pictures in the Tingatinga style.

Kith, Kin & Khaya by David Goldblatt
Described as a contemporary master and South Africa's most distinguished photographer, Goldblatt, now 79, has for decades used the South African condition - its complexities, graces and obsessions - as material for his mesmerizing work. Recently on show at the Jewish Museum in New York, 'Kith, Kin and Khaya' is a showcase of David Goldblatt's black and white silver gelatin prints from 1948 through to 2009.

Bird's Milk by Dineo Seshee Bopape
Dineo Seshee Bopape is known for her playful, experimental video works and cluttered installations of found objects. These delve into the magic and mysteries of the metaphysical realm and disrupt our understanding of time and space. Bird's Milk began as a 'love letter', capturing everyday events in a relationship. When the affair ended, the footage was re-edited in a process of reconfiguring memory, allowing the descriptions of things to bleed into each other and dissolve into fields of colour.

Nightclub Photographs by Billy Monk
This exhibit shows 47 of Billy Monk's photographs taken in nightclubs around Cape Town between 1967 and 1969. His close and long friendships with many of the people in the images allowed him to photograph them with extraordinary intimacy in all their states of joy and sadness.

Broomberg and Chanarin
In a new photo exhibition at Goodman Gallery Johannesburg, South African born and UK based Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin bring together three powerful series produced in the past four years. People in trouble laughing pushed to the ground (2010), The Day Nobody Died (2008) and The Red House (2007) are all located within zones of conflict – Northern Ireland, Afghanistan and Iraq respectively.

The Art of the Construction Site by Julie Mayo
This exhibition is a collection of digital photographs taken during the construction of the Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban.

Works 2006 - 2010 by Petros Ghebrehiwot
The works of Petros Ghebrehiwot, an Eritrean-born, South Africa-based artist, focus on society’s movement towards positive values, reflecting the power of unity, sharing, communication, agreement, conflict management, etcetera. Ghebrehiwot’s interest in this concept was inspired by the Eritrean people’s united resistance against oppression.

Master of the Intimate - Abe Mathabe (Zuid-Afrika)
Abe Mathabe is meester van het intieme als kunstenaar. Hij tekent en maakt piepkleine figuratieve etsen; landschappen, die hij tekent al reizend door Zuid-Afrika en Botswana; en mensen (“ladies moving away on windy days”). Zijn grote voorbeeld is Rembrandt van Rijn.

Statement of Intent – A Generation Provoked
Focuses on a younger generation of international contemporary African artists. These artists often deal with issues of identity, migration and displacement and question their purpose as artists in the wider, but fast moving 21st century world. They seek to observe and represent all realms of life including the dysfunctional nature of the world we live in.

TJ, 1948-2010 - David Goldblatt
Bringing together old and new photographs of Johannesburg, the exhibition's title refers to the obsolete South African motorcar registration acronym 'Transvaal, Johannesburg'. These letters, Goldblatt explains, 'implied a certain loyalty'. The exhibition elucidates on aspects of the sprawling city of Johannesburg, which both infuriate and astound the photographer.

Guy Tillim - Avenue Patrice Lumumba
Many African cities have streets, roads and squares named after Patrice Lumumba. With clear, precise and engaged images, Guy Tillim focuses on the modernistic architecture that is a symbol of the original optimism about an independent post-colonial Africa.

Artists in Dialogue II
The exhibition Artists in Dialogue: Sandile Zulu and Henrique Oliveira is the second in a series of exhibitions in which exciting artists (at least one of whom is African) are invited to a new encounter -- one in which each artist responds to the work of the other, and resulting in original, site-specific works at the museum.

Propaganda by Monuments
Exhibition seeks to reassess nostalgia as a globalised process; less as a helplessly melancholic reconstruction of an idealised moment, and more of a recasting and importation of desired ideologies and material residue. Dan Halter, Hasan and Husain Essop, Angela Ferreira (SA), Kiluanji Kia (Angola), Iman Issa, Ahmed Kamel (Egypt), Runa Islam (Bangladesh).

Darkroom: Photography and New Media in South Africa since 1950
Work of 18 photographers, new media and video artists, who lived and worked in South Africa during the apartheid era (1948-1994), though a few now live elsewhere. Darkroom’s eight sections highlight the ways that these artists have addressed South African culture from various perspectives, and their increased presence in the global art world since 1994.

African One Minutes Competition
Since 2000 the One Minutes Foundation (TOM) organises competitions for the best one minutes video. This time African artists are invited to enter the first African One Minutes Competition. There are 6 categories, for more information check Facebook or the One Minutes website. The deadline is 15 July 2011.

Donso on live tour

Wayne Barker: Super boring
Barker has produced a new body of work that confronts and questions the new South African culture in all its diverse manifestations, while celebrating the underlying force and spirit of optimism that binds and drives our unique country.

BOS - Constructed Images and the Memory of the South African Border War - Christo Doherty
Investigates the memory of the South African Border War through constructed photographs based upon specific examples of photographic images from the media coverage of the time. These photographs will be exhibited as a transactive intervention that challenges the growing public discourse around the memory and implications of the war.

Nollywood - Pieter Hugo
South African photographer Pieter Hugo asked Nigerian actors and assistants to recreate Nollywood myths and symbols as if they were on movie sets and photographed them. The resulting images recreate the stereotypical characters that typify Nollywood productions.

Moshekwa Langa: Marhumbini-In Another Time
Not confined to one particular medium, South African Langa’s work consists of gouaches, collages, photographs, expansive installations, and videos. They all reference the larger worlds of art, politics, and popular culture: just like Langa layers diverse materials, he piles up meanings and references that are often cryptic and ambivalent, yet resonant.