Zondag 28 Augustus 2011

1910-2010: From Pierneef to Gugulective
Selection of work charting the scope of artistic production in South Africa over the last century. Modern gems and rare treasures by Gerard Sekoto, Irma Stern, George Pemba, Maggie Laubser, Gerard Bhengu, JH Pierneef, Durant Sihlali, Dumile Feni & others.

African Mosaic: Celebrating a Decade of Collecting
Showcases museum purchases and gifts and provides a glimpse into collecting opportunities for art museums. Centerpiece: a towering and visually striking sculpture of Haitian leader Toussaint Louverture by contemporary Senegalese artist Ousmane Sow.

Geheime relaties, oude en nieuwe kunst verbonden
De tentoonstelling toont hedendaagse kunst uit Afrika en de Afrikaanse diaspora samen met objecten uit de collectie traditionele kunst. Deze oude & nieuwe kunstobjecten vinden hun relatie in de Afrikaanse gebruiken of rituelen waaraan ze gerelateerd zijn.

Dynasty and Divinity: Ife in Ancient Nigeria
More than 100 extraordinary sculptures, dating from the 12th to the 15th century. Artists at Ife, the ancient Yoruba city state, created a unique sculptural corpus which ranks among the world's most aesthetically striking and technically sophisticated.

Artists in Dialogue II
The exhibition Artists in Dialogue: Sandile Zulu and Henrique Oliveira is the second in a series of exhibitions in which exciting artists (at least one of whom is African) are invited to a new encounter -- one in which each artist responds to the work of the other, and resulting in original, site-specific works at the museum.

Fetish Modernity. Iedereen modern
In het Westen hebben we de neiging om de wereld in te delen in ‘Wij’ versus de ‘Anderen’. We denken al snel een monopolie te hebben op alles wat modern is. Fetish Modernity toont dat dit absoluut niet het geval is en dat er ook buiten het Westen belangrijke vernieuwingen ontstaan.

Kunstenaars in Residentie: Sammy Baloji en Patrick Mudekereza
Resultaten van het verblijf najaar 2010 van fotograaf Sammy Baloji en schrijver Patrick Mudekereza (DR Congo) in het museum. Zij wierpen een eigentijdse blik op het koloniale verleden om zo tot een dialoog te komen tussen de creativiteit van toen en die van nu.

JOHAN - Made by Vlisco
Sinds 1846 produceert Vlisco kleurrijke stoffen die vooral worden geëxporteerd naar West en Centraal Afrika. Johan Jacobs (1881-1955) was ruim 50 jaar chef tekenkamer bij Vlisco. Hij liet zich - volgens de Art Nouveau traditie - inspireren door dier- en bloemmotieven. In de tentoonstelling JOHAN - Made by Vlisco is een selectie van de ruime collectie stofontwerpen en tekeningen van zijn hand te zien.

Blueprints of Paradise
Een tentoonstelling - ism African Architecture Matters - over architectuur en de snelle veranderingen die het Afrikaanse continent ondergaan. Na aanleiding van een competitie onder Afrikaanse kunstenaars en architecten over de vraag hoe westerse musea hedendaags Afrika zouden moeten representeren, zijn werken geselecteerd die op deze tentoonstelling zijn te zien.

ARS 11 - Africa in Comtemporary Art
Exhibition investigates Africa in contemporary art. In addition to artists living in Africa, the show also features others who live outside the continent, artists of African descent as well as Western artists who address African issues in their work. Some 300 works by a total of 30 artists. The exhibition aims to extend the idea of what Africa, contemporary art and African contemporary art are today.

Tinga Tinga Arts Co-operative Society
Tinga Tinga sounds as it looks: colourful,cheerful, catchy and even cheeky. This exhibition displays the work of eleven artists from the Tingatinga Arts Cooperative Society (Dar es Salaam/Tanzania). Each has his or her own individual style. Each piece is unique. Come and immerse yourself in the fasciniating world of Tinga Tinga.

Interlaced - Berni Searle
Het werk van videokunstenares Berni Searle (1964, Kaapstad) is een kritische onderzoek naar de constructie van identiteit, een ontrafeling van de manier waarop het lichaam wordt ‘betekend’ door afkomst en omgeving. Searl verleidt met beelden die betoverend en tegelijkertijd ongemakkelijk zijn.

From Africa with Love - Contemporary Design from South Africa
A selection of interior design pieces of some of today's most talented designers in South Africa. Beautiful and original handmade lighting and furniture, home and kitchen textiles, one-off ceramics, ladies shoes and other home accessories that will make you go 'wow' and smile.

The People's Painter - Vladimir Tretchikoff
While Vladimir Tretchikoff (1913-2006) is undoubtedly one of South Africa's most controversial artists, much maligned in the 1960s and onwards by several members of the established arts community, there can be no doubt that he has become a cultural icon and remains a favourite artist to many South Africans. Despite this, there has been almost no serious assessment of Tretchikoffs legacy.

Santu Mofokeng, Chasing Shadows - 30 years of photographic essays
The photographic essays Santu Mofokeng composed over the years, some of which are a life-long work in progress, range from the Soweto of his youth, from his investigations of life on the farms, the everyday life of the township and in particular, representations of the self and family histories of black South Africans, to images from the artist’s ongoing exploration of religious rituals and of typologies of landscapes.

Substantial African Participation at 54th Biennal
This year the Venice Biennal has national participations from the DR Congo, Egypt, South Africa and Zimbabwe, while Mohamed Bourouissa (Algeria), Latífa Echakhch (Morocco) and David Goldblatt and Nicholas Hlobo (South Africa) have been selected for the main exhibiition, Illuminations.

Foto’s van Piet den Blanken: het verhaal van Afrikaanse bootvluchtelingen, die in vervallen vissersbootjes de gevaarlijke overtocht maken van Marokko naar de Canarische Eilanden (2006-2008). Ze zijn ten einde raad, hebben een uitzichtloze toekomst in eigen land en hopen op een beter bestaan in het veelbelovende Europa. Ook foto's uit eigen collectie van Vietnamese bootvluchtelingen (1975-1980).

Drawing Analogies - Victor Ekpuk and others
A dynamic group of artists who create nontraditional drawings as a means of exploring and understanding their environments. The results are more like ‘drawing’ than even the classic definition of drawing. Of particular interest to Nigerian artist Victor Ekpuk's project is Nsibidi, an indigenous African system of writing that employs graphic signs, and codes to convey concepts.

Zapiro: Jiving with Madiba - Jonathan Shapiro’s Mandela
Not just another tribute to Nelson Mandela, this exhibition celebrates the life and contributions of South Africa?s greatest citizen, his struggle, successes and shortcomings, as portrayed by our country's leading political cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro, better known as Zapiro. Over 130 of his works.

Muse - Tracy Payne
Show embraces Payne's enduring concerns with sexuality, spirituality, the dualities of the feminine and masculine; loss and reclamation. Muse is as much a spiritual quest for synthesis and self-integration as it is a homage to a subject and object of erotic love. It is as cyclical as it is evolving and as intimate as it is archetypal.

Appropriated Landscapes - 14 artists
Mainly artists from Southern Africa. Explores landscape typologies in South Africa, Namibia, Angola, and Mozambique. The concept of landscape here is not linked to historical notions of the picturesque and the sublime. Instead, the exhibition considers landscape as a prism of experience, a reflection of ideology, and a stage for the performance and perception of identity.

Ranjith Kally: Through the lens of Durban's veteran photographer
Many Durbanites have known Ranjith Kally's work from the social pages of local newspapers for decades, but this 85 year old photographer received scant recognition before his first solo exhibition, which opened in Johannesburg in 2004. The exhibition is an acknowledgement of Kally's work since 1945.

Contested Terrains
Exhibition of recent work by four contemporary artists working in Africa, co-curated by Tate and the Centre for Contemporary Art, Lagos. These artists look at Africa's past and present, exploring current political and social concerns both at a domestic level and across the world. Work by Adolphus Opara (Nigeria), Michael MacGarry (South Africa), Sammy Baloji (DR Congo) and Kader Attia (France). At the Level 2 Gallery.

Ouder worden in Mutare
Het verhaal van ouderen in het zorgcentrum Zorrorai en van vrijwilligers van het Home Based Care Project, waarin 49 vrouwelijke caregivers en 1 mannelijke, thuiszorg bieden aan ouderen en terminaal zieken. In het kader van het 100 Faces-project van de stedenband Haarlem-Mutare.

Interlaced - Berni Searle
Not directly confrontational, Searle often uses her own body in performative video works. She explores aspects of her heritage and the way in which this intersects with gender, history and memory in order to question the notion of identity and to examine the residual effects of colonialism and apartheid as well as ideas relating to migration, nationalism and xenophobia in various contexts.

People Apart: Cape Town Survey 1952. Photographs by Bryan Heseltine
This striking collection of photographs, exhibited here for the first time in more than fifty years, offers a glimpse into the lives of South Africans who would feel the full force of apartheid through the 1950s and beyond. The images were made in the late 1940s and early 1950s and provide a rich and intimate description of life in a number of townships and areas of the city: Windermere, the Bo-Kaap, District Six, Langa and Nyanga.

Transvaalse verhalen
Aan de expositie werken acht Zuid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars mee. Organisatoren zijn de Nederlander Dennis van Huisum en de Zuid-Afrikaan Godfrey Hill, die met hun Gallerie Transvaal Art jonge Zuid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars de mogelijkheid willen geven hun werk internationaal bekend te stellen

Photography: New Documentary Forms - Guy Tillim
Explores the ways in which five contemporary artists have used the camera to explore, extend and question the power of photography as a documentary medium. Includes work by Luc Delahaye, Mitch Epstein, Guy Tillim (South Africa) and Akram Zaatari, as well as two important earlier works by Boris Mikhailov.