Donderdag 19 April 2012

Nederland, Amsterdam - Aula Vrije Universiteit - Lezing en debat
Promotie Angelo S. Nyamtema
Donderdag 19 April 2012 11:45
Promotie Angelo S. Nyamtema
Donderdag 19 April 2012 11:45
Titel proefschrift: Leading change in the maternal health care system in Tanzania: Application of operations research. Promotor: prof.dr. J.J.M. van Roosmalen, prof.dr. S. Bergstrom.

Nederland, Leiden - ASC, Pieter de la Court building - Lezing en debat
Seminar: Africa and the Perversities of International Capital Flows
Donderdag 19 April 2012 15:00 - 17:00
Seminar: Africa and the Perversities of International Capital Flows
Donderdag 19 April 2012 15:00 - 17:00
Funds generated from FDI have seldom been reinvested with profits rapidly exported out of the country. This seminar will not only document and criticize this impact but draw on institutional economic tools to try to explain the outcome and generate an alternative framework for improved financial-development linkages. Speaker: Prof. Howard Stein, Department of Afroamerican and African Studies, University of Michigan.