Dinsdag 05 Juni 2012

Nederland, Wageningen - Aula Wageningen Universiteit - Lezing en debat
Promotion: Public and Private Service Provision of Solid Waste Management in Kampala, Uganda
Dinsdag 05 Juni 2012 11:00
Promotion: Public and Private Service Provision of Solid Waste Management in Kampala, Uganda
Dinsdag 05 Juni 2012 11:00
Promovendus: M.W. (Mesharch) Katusiimeh. Promotores: Prof.dr.ir. A.P.J. Mol; Prof.dr. E. Bulte. In agreement with the modernized mixtures approach, the promovendus derives the conclusion that SWM initiatives and reforms are likely to have a positive impact if all actors and stakeholders are involved. The mixture of actors and strategies are required for solid waste management to improve for instance an appropriate mix of public and private service (formal and informal).