Donderdag 24 Januari 2013

ASC Seminar: Lewanika's Workshop and the Vision of Lozi Arts
Donderdag 24 Januari 2013 15:30
Karen E. Milbourne, PhD, curator National Museum of African Art Smithsonian Institution. King Lewanika of Barotseland (western Zambia) was a visionary artist who established the workshop responsible for creating Lozi style. By 1905, the king opened a "Native Curios Store" at Victoria Falls, staffed and stocked by Lozi and selling works of art to prominent visitors. This seminar explores the virtually unknown role and ongoing influence of Lewanika and his workshop in the formation of Lozi style and marketing strategies. Please register.

Promotie: Raptors in changing West African savannas
Donderdag 24 Januari 2013 16:15
Promotie van de heer R. Buij
Promotoren: Prof.dr. G. de Snoo en prof.dr. J. Komdeur (RU Groningen)