Donderdag 06 November 2014

promotie: Preventie en bestrijding van hiv-geassocieerde tbc in Zuid-Afrika
Donderdag 06 November 2014 12:00
Hiv-geassocieerde tuberculose (tbc) is een wereldwijd probleem voor de volksgezondheid. Tendesayi Chakezha richt zich in haar onderzoek op de preventie en bestrijding van hiv-geassocieerde tbc. Drie van de vier deelstudies die ze hiertoe deed, voerde ze uit in eerstelijnsklinieken in de provincie Gauteng in Zuid-Afrika. Mw. T. Chakezha: Studies on the Prevention and Control of Human Immune Deficiency Virus Associated Tuberculosis. Promotor is prof. dr. M.W. Borgdorff. Copromotoren zijn prof. dr. G.J. Churchyard (Wits University, Johannesburg) en dr. S. Verver (KNCV Tuberculosefonds).

ASC Seminar: Guilty secrets: Torture, Abuse and the British in Africa
Donderdag 06 November 2014 15:30 - 17:00
Speaker: David Anderson. Kenya’s Mau Mau rebellion was the most brutal and savage of all Britain’s wars of decolonisation, and has generated a deeply contested history. This paper charts the struggle for recognition of the grim realities of this war through the long battle, spanning more than half a century, to identify and recover the archives of the insurgency and counter-insurgency of the 1950s. With the discovery and release in 2012 of more than 1500 files of colonial papers from the period, Kenyans have begun to rejoice that they may get their history back: but some in Britain still wish to deny the realities of that history. David M. Anderson is Professor of African History at the University of Warwick; his next book, Red Continent: Africa and the Cold War, will be published in 2015. Please register: