Donderdag 20 Maart 2014

ASC Seminar: As Sharp as an Arrow: Reconstructing the ‘Arrow Boys’ Phenomenon in Eastern Uganda
Donderdag 20 Maart 2014 15:30
The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) has been waging a brutal insurgency in Uganda since the late 1980s. Little is known, however, about the people who fought against the LRA. Klaas Castelein will consider the ‘Arrow Boys’, a militia that was founded in Teso in Eastern Uganda and successfully challenged Kony’s guerrilla fighters from 2003-2005, forcing them to abandon the theatre of Teso. Surprisingly, Kony’s failed campaign there has been largely overlooked in reports and accounts on the LRA. This seminar will reconstruct the Arrow Boys phenomenon, with findings based on yet unpublished sources and data. Please register.