Woensdag 10 September 2014

ASC Round Table: Exploring the Multiple Roles of Trade Unions in Africa Today
Woensdag 10 September 2014 10:00 - 18:00
African unions have been struggling to find a clear ideological discourse, as well as well-designed strategies to tackle the challenges of current political and economic realities. Nevertheless, unions have played, multiple roles throughout Africa’s history. In order to shed light on the diverse and complex nature of organised labour in Africa the African Studies Centre’s (ASC) ‘Trade Unions and Labour Issues in Africa’ research group, in cooperation with the International Institute of Social History (IISH) is organising a Roundtable on the multiple roles of trade unions in Africa today. The Round Table will bring together academics, practitioners, as well as policy-makers interested in the diverse nature of African trade unionism; ranging from their role as political change-makers, to their activities as entrepreneurs. Please find the preliminary programme below. Please register: z.vlaminck@ascleiden.nl

promotie Erik de Boer: Mauritius sinds de laatste ijstijd
Woensdag 10 September 2014 14:00
Aan de hand van aardse sedimentkernen reconstrueert Erik de Boer de natuurlijke distributie van vegetatietypes en de dynamiek van vegetatie op Mauritius sinds de laatste ijstijd (21.000 jaar geleden). Zijn vegetatie- en klimaatreconstructies geven een beter beeld van de ecosysteemdynamica van de bossen op lange termijn en van het klimaat op Mauritius.
Dhr. E.J. de Boer: Mauritius Since the Last Ice Age. Paleoecology and Climate of an Oceanic Island. Promotor is prof. dr. H. Hooghiemstra. Copromotor is dr. K.F. Rijsdijk.