Woensdag 26 Augustus 2015

promotie: Cocoa Production in Ghana
Woensdag 26 Augustus 2015 11:00
Thesis: Certifications, Child Labour and Livelihood Strategies: An Analysis of the Cocoa Production in Ghana. PhD candidate: R (Rita) Owusu Amankwah. The global cocoa industry has been pressured to improve the conditions of producers and safeguard children’s rights. This has imposed responsibilities on businesses, government and farmers to implement innovative interventions to improve the situation. This thesis investigated the innovative interventions being implemented by the actors to reduce the WFCL and improve the livelihoods of farmers and exploring how these may offer opportunities for sustainable structural change in the cocoa value-chain.

Tour & Talk: William Kentridge & more South African printmakers
Woensdag 26 Augustus 2015 16:30 - 18:00
ZAM kindly invites you to participate in another exciting event! Emmelie Koster, director of NMAG, will present the works and share observations and insights about the ‘collaborative spirit’ amongst young artists and the art scene in South Africa. A series of exquisite prints by William Kentridge are part of the exhibition. Please confirm your attendance at info@zammagazine.com and put 'Tour & Talk' in the subject line. Alternatively, you can confirm your presence at the eventspage of our Facebook account, www.facebook.com/zamthemagazine