Donderdag 08 December 2016

Nederland, Leiden - Lipsius Building, Leiden University - Lezing en debat
Lecture: Islamization as Epic Tale in Mali: the Verbal Arts of Contemporary Bard, Almamy Bah
Donderdag 08 December 2016 17:15 - 18:15

Lecture by Francesco Zappa, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies at Sapienza University of Rome. "In this lecture, I will discuss and analyze the verbal arts of Almamy Bah, a celebrated, contemporary Malian bard whose highly mediatized repertoire centers on Islamic hagiographic themes. Through the close analysis of some of his works recorded on audiocassette and CDs, I will show how the bard raises the history of recent processes of Islamization in Mali to the timeless, almost mythic level of epic tales."
