Woensdag 18 Januari 2017
van za14.01
t/m zo22.01

Zuid-Afrika, - South Africa - Muziek
Herman van Veen returns to South Africa in January 2017
Herman van Veen returns to South Africa in January 2017
The ever-popular celebrated Dutch superstar Herman Van Veen returns to South Africa in January 2017 for three concerts. This is van Veen's 5th visit to South Africa and once again he will mesmerize audiences with songs, sketches, mime and just being "vintage Van Veen", accompanied by master guitarist Edith Leerkes, singer/violinist Jannemien Cnossen and bassist Kees Dijkstra Not only is Van Veen a multi-talented performer, singer, musician, and composer he is also a painter and committed activist for the Rights of the Child.