Maandag 13 Augustus 2018
van za11.08
t/m ma13.08

Verenigd Koninkrijk, London - Southbank Centre - Literatuurmandela100
Robben Island Readings
Zaterdag 11 Augustus 2018 07:30
t/m Maandag 13 Augustus 2018
Robben Island Readings
Zaterdag 11 Augustus 2018 07:30
t/m Maandag 13 Augustus 2018
Be at this performance, written by Matthew Hahn, about the smuggled Shakespeare book that inspired Mandela during his years of imprisonment on Robben Island.
Hahn is the author of Robben Island Shakespeare, the story of the smuggled book, based on interviews with surviving activists woven together with their favourite passages from Shakespeare.
The copy of the Collected Works of Shakespeare was brought onto the island illicitly by the wife of one of the former prisoners, Sonny Venkatrathnam.