Donderdag 24 Januari 2019

Conference: The Future of the African City
This conference will be organized in cooperation with African Architecture Matters. African cities are growing fast. According to the Global Cities Institute, cities like Dar es Salaam, Kinshasa and Lagos are expected to have over 80 million inhabitants at the end of this century. Even though urbanization is not a new phenomenon, it is becoming increasingly clear that today’s African cities are not equipped to deal with this fast growth. Existing infrastructure is reaching its limits and the unchecked growth of informal settlements is causing problems in the field of governance, health and safety. On the other hand, urbanization can make service delivery more accessible and efficient and many people manage to find or create jobs (in the informal sector) in the city. More information and updates on the speakers and the programme: see the ASCL-website. The maximum capacity of this event has been reached. Please send an email to if you wish to be on the waiting list. You will receive an email if a space opens up.