Donderdag 26 November 2020
PhD: Appreciating the invisible: the prevalence, density and transmissibility of asymptomatic Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum infections in Ethiopia
Donderdag 26 November 2020 11:30
Promovendus: de heer F.G. Tadesse MSc. Promotor(es): prof. dr. R.W. Sauerwein, prof. dr. J.T. Bousema.

Stephen Ellis Annual Lecture by Jonathan Jansen: The unmasking of South African politics and education in the wake of COVID-19
Donderdag 26 November 2020 18:00 - 20:00
This lecture will take place online. Registrees will receive a link a few days before the lecture.
It was Stephen Ellis who argued that one of the tasks of the historians of contemporary Africa is 'throwing new light on Africa’s more remote past and as a way of understanding the present.' In his two books on South Africa, Comrades against apartheid (1992) and The ANC in exile (2012), this is exactly what Stephen Ellis does: to provide a solid foundation of historical scholarship from which it is possible to read and understand the pandemic of corruption within the post-apartheid government. Nowhere is this history more starkly reflected than in the massively unequal education impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic which will have devastating consequences for generations to come. How did this happen? What are the roots of these inequalities? What can we learn from past political actions that explain unequal education outcomes in the present? In short, what does Stephen Ellis allow us to see in education across the murky waters of South Africa’s political past? Speaker : Prof. Jonathan D. Jansen. Registration: Click here to register for this event