Vrijdag 03 December 2021

PhD defence: Market orientation and performance of agro-food value chains in developing and emerging markets. The case of maize, teff and beans seed supply chains in Ethiopia
Vrijdag 03 December 2021 11:00 - 12:30
PhD candidate: SA (Shimelis) Bogale. Promotor: prof.dr.ir. JCM (Hans) van Trijp. Co-promotor: dr ir FJHM Verhees. Organisation:Wageningen University, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS)

PhD defence by Sabna Mohamed Abbass Ali on Sudan & South Sudan
Vrijdag 03 December 2021 16:00 - 17:30
On 3 December, Sabna Mohamed Abbass Ali will defend her thesis 'Extractive industries and development: An investigation into the resource curse impact on happiness, growth, export diversification, and institutions'. In her study, she investigates the underperformance of the majority of resource-rich countries. In four articles based on research in Sudan and South Sudan Sabna Ali probes into a new perspective on the 'resource curse', looking respectively at happiness and the resource curse; post-succession Sudan and South Sudan; oil, export diversification and economic growth in Sudan; and an evaluation of the impact of oil reserve loss on Sudan's growth. Doctoral Board: Professor Inge Hutter (Chair); Doctoral dissertation supervisors: Professor Mansoob Murshed, Dr Elissaios Papyrakis. Members of the Full Doctoral Committee: Professor Thorvaldur Gylfason, University of Iceland, Professor Scott Gates, University of Oslo, Professor Rhys Jenkins, University of East Anglia, Dr Natascha Wagner, ISS, Dr Zemzem Shigute Shuka, ISS