Agenda 27 Maart - 02 April 2011
Zondag 27 Maart

Donso on live tour

Pastor de amor: Tres culturas por la paz
Zeven muzikanten van diverse pluimage brengen een muzikale ode aan Nicolas Cleynaerts. Deze Vlaamse theoloog, humanist en filoloog (1493-1542) droomde van een vreedzame dialoog tussen christenen, moslims en joden. Sefardische muziek, flamenco, ladino, renaissancemuziek en arabo-andalusische muziek gaan hand in hand met meer recente muziekgenres.

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 09 Februari 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Maart 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Maandag 28 Maart

Donso on live tour

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 09 Februari 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Maart 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Dinsdag 29 Maart

Donso on live tour

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 09 Februari 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Maart 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

Benda Bilili! - documentaire
Dinsdag 29 Maart 2011 23:00
Het verhaal van de Congolese band Staff Benda Bilili, bestaande uit gehandicapte muzikanten en straatkinderen uit Kinshasa. Ze hebben weinig mee, maar de door polio getroffen bandleider Ricky gelooft in hun talent en muziek. Vanaf 19 april tourt de band overigens weer langs het Nederlandse en Belgische clubcircuit.
Woensdag 30 Maart

Donso on live tour

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

World Minimal Music Festival
Bijzondere minimal music van Steve Reich, Terry Riley, LaMonte Young en Philip Glass. De muziek van de Monts Mandara in Kameroen loopt als een subtiele rode draad door het festival. In hun muziek hoor je fluiten en zingen op een manier die de volbloed minimalist jaloers maakt. Op de openingsavond wordt de documentaire over de Monts Mandara van filmmaker Miranda van der Spek getoond.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 09 Februari 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Maart 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Donderdag 31 Maart

Batwa du Rwanda - polyfone zang van Batwa-Pygmeeën
Traditionele muziek van de pygmeeën is vooral vocaal en rijk aan meerstemmige harmonieën en repeterende patronen. De zang is zeer bijzonder. De vrouwen worden voor de gelegenheid begeleid door twee Batwa-mannen op de ingoma-trom of de amakondera.

Donso on live tour

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

World Minimal Music Festival
Bijzondere minimal music van Steve Reich, Terry Riley, LaMonte Young en Philip Glass. De muziek van de Monts Mandara in Kameroen loopt als een subtiele rode draad door het festival. In hun muziek hoor je fluiten en zingen op een manier die de volbloed minimalist jaloers maakt. Op de openingsavond wordt de documentaire over de Monts Mandara van filmmaker Miranda van der Spek getoond.
Vrijdag 01 April

Batwa du Rwanda - polyfone zang van Batwa-Pygmeeën
Traditionele muziek van de pygmeeën is vooral vocaal en rijk aan meerstemmige harmonieën en repeterende patronen. De zang is zeer bijzonder. De vrouwen worden voor de gelegenheid begeleid door twee Batwa-mannen op de ingoma-trom of de amakondera.

Donso on live tour

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

World Minimal Music Festival
Bijzondere minimal music van Steve Reich, Terry Riley, LaMonte Young en Philip Glass. De muziek van de Monts Mandara in Kameroen loopt als een subtiele rode draad door het festival. In hun muziek hoor je fluiten en zingen op een manier die de volbloed minimalist jaloers maakt. Op de openingsavond wordt de documentaire over de Monts Mandara van filmmaker Miranda van der Spek getoond.

Claron McFadden's 50ste verjaardagsfeest
Vrijdag 01 April 2011 20:30 - 01:00
Ter ere van de 50ste verjaardag van sopraan Claron McFadden een feestelijke dansavond met optredens van haar favoriete artiesten. Aka Moon staat op het podium, hun muziek gekenmerkt door Afro-klanken. Claron McFadden heeft menigmaal met deze groep op het podium gestaan. Verder optredens van Baba Sissoko en eindigt de avond met muziek van DJ Phillipona.
Zaterdag 02 April

Batwa du Rwanda - polyfone zang van Batwa-Pygmeeën
Traditionele muziek van de pygmeeën is vooral vocaal en rijk aan meerstemmige harmonieën en repeterende patronen. De zang is zeer bijzonder. De vrouwen worden voor de gelegenheid begeleid door twee Batwa-mannen op de ingoma-trom of de amakondera.

Donso on live tour

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

World Minimal Music Festival
Bijzondere minimal music van Steve Reich, Terry Riley, LaMonte Young en Philip Glass. De muziek van de Monts Mandara in Kameroen loopt als een subtiele rode draad door het festival. In hun muziek hoor je fluiten en zingen op een manier die de volbloed minimalist jaloers maakt. Op de openingsavond wordt de documentaire over de Monts Mandara van filmmaker Miranda van der Spek getoond.