Agenda 27 Maart - 02 April 2011
Zondag 27 Maart

21th African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival
The only festival in Italy entirely dedicated to the cinema and cultures of countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. More than 50 countries are represented with about 80 films and videos screened.

African Mosaic: Celebrating a Decade of Collecting
Showcases museum purchases and gifts and provides a glimpse into collecting opportunities for art museums. Centerpiece: a towering and visually striking sculpture of Haitian leader Toussaint Louverture by contemporary Senegalese artist Ousmane Sow.

African One Minutes Competition
Since 2000 the One Minutes Foundation (TOM) organises competitions for the best one minutes video. This time African artists are invited to enter the first African One Minutes Competition. There are 6 categories, for more information check Facebook or the One Minutes website. The deadline is 15 July 2011.

Aimé Mpane: Erased
Recent sculpture and painting by Congolese-born artist Aimé Mpane. His work indicts the social and political reality around him, a reality shaped by a perspective wrought out of his ability to express universal human emotions and deep understanding of the aesthetic and cultural character of the African continent.

Andrew Verster - Of This and That
One of Durban’s most prolific and highly respected artists presents five distinct series that together form this exhibition. Medium and large-scale oils on canvas, 120 palm size sculptures – Signposts, pen and ink drawings – People of Importance and Remnants, and an installation of cutouts – Sacred Memories.

Artists in Dialogue II
The exhibition Artists in Dialogue: Sandile Zulu and Henrique Oliveira is the second in a series of exhibitions in which exciting artists (at least one of whom is African) are invited to a new encounter -- one in which each artist responds to the work of the other, and resulting in original, site-specific works at the museum.

As It Is! - The Main Event
Celebrates the amazing creative energy inherent in artists across Africa - by showcasing the works of some of its most recognised and celebrated artists - It will be a collage of emphatic energy, masterful explorations that will enthral, educate and engage. Also features some of Africa’s exciting image makers, through the mediums of African fashion and music.

Black Venus
Abdellatif Kechiche (2010). Historisch drama naar het waargebeurde verhaal van Saartjie Baartman. In 1810 verliet zij met haar meester Caezar haar geboorteland Zuid-Afrika om als circusattractie te worden opgevoerd voor sensatiezoekende blanken in Londen. De Filmkrant schreef: 'Belangrijke, imponerende film, waarover lang kan worden nagepraat.' De VPRO-Gids noemt de film kortweg 'Een meesterwerk'

Brave New World II - Theo Eshetu
Eshetu (Ethiopia/NL) explores themes like the relationship between nature and technology and the idea of life as a spectacle, using images from his personal geography: scenes from a dance in Bali or footage from visits to New York City and Ethiopia.

Darkroom: Photography and New Media in South Africa since 1950
Work of 18 photographers, new media and video artists, who lived and worked in South Africa during the apartheid era (1948-1994), though a few now live elsewhere. Darkroom’s eight sections highlight the ways that these artists have addressed South African culture from various perspectives, and their increased presence in the global art world since 1994.

De kracht van zilver, sieraden uit de collectie van Smith-Hutschenruyter
Deze bijzondere collectie sieraden is afkomstig uit een gebied dat zich uitstrekt van Noord-Afrika, Midden-Oosten en Azië. Ze vertellen het krachtige verhaal van schoonheid, vakmanschap en economische waarde. Ze staan voor esthetiek, maar ook voor magische spiritualiteit. Deze recent geschonken collectie wordt nu voor het eerst tentoongesteld.

Donso on live tour

Dynasty and Divinity: Ife in Ancient Nigeria
More than 100 extraordinary sculptures, dating from the 12th to the 15th century. Artists at Ife, the ancient Yoruba city state, created a unique sculptural corpus which ranks among the world's most aesthetically striking and technically sophisticated.

Ernest Cole, Photographer
Ernest Cole (1940-1990) passionately believed in his mission to tell the world in photographs what it meant to be black under Apartheid rule. He penetrated to the very depths of the existence of black people as they negotiated their lives through the insanity of apartheid and its racist laws and oppression.

Geheime relaties, oude en nieuwe kunst verbonden
De tentoonstelling toont hedendaagse kunst uit Afrika en de Afrikaanse diaspora samen met objecten uit de collectie traditionele kunst. Deze oude & nieuwe kunstobjecten vinden hun relatie in de Afrikaanse gebruiken of rituelen waaraan ze gerelateerd zijn.

Grootmoeders aan zet!
Annemarijne Bax (NL, 1981) fotografeerde Zuid-Afrikaanse grootmoeders voor World Granny. Tijdens de tentoonstelling geeft Bax een aantal lezingen (op vrijdagmiddag) over de trends, ontwikkelingen en resultaten van ontwikkelingssamenwerking bij de doelgroep ouderen in verschillende werelddelen. Voor de lezingen graag aanmelden (zie sites voor details).

Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now
Drawn entirely from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art, Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now features nearly 100, posters, books, and wall stencils created over the last five decades that demonstrate the exceptional reach, range, and impact of printmaking during and after a period of enormous political upheaval.

Maand van de Francofonie
Maison Descartes biedt een programma vol film, literatuur en kunst. Van 10-31 maart de fototentoonstelling Petits d'Hommes in Maison Descartes, 23 maart een literaire avond met de Franse auteur van Senegalese afkomst Mamadou N'Donga, op 26 maart dag van franse cinema in The Movies met o.a. de Marokkaanse film Les oubliés de l'histoires en No man's love uit Tunesië.

Moshekwa Langa: Marhumbini-In Another Time
Not confined to one particular medium, South African Langa’s work consists of gouaches, collages, photographs, expansive installations, and videos. They all reference the larger worlds of art, politics, and popular culture: just like Langa layers diverse materials, he piles up meanings and references that are often cryptic and ambivalent, yet resonant.

Movies That Matter Festival - veel films over/uit Afrika
Opvolger Amnesty International Filmfestival. Hét jaarlijkse film- en debatfestival waar documentaires en speelfilms het debat over mensenrechten, menselijke waardigheid en situaties waarin deze in het geding zijn aanwakkeren. Met veel films uit Afrika en/of over menesenrechtenkwesties in Afrika.

Nederlandse première Nollywood-film Save our Souls
Topactrice en producent van de film Oby Gold Edozieh komt naar Nederland voor Nederlandse première van haar film Save Our Souls. Film gaat in op problematiek rond kanker in Afrika en is bedoeld om het bewustzijn onder de mensen en de bespreekbaarheid van deze ziekte te vergroten. Vele Nollywood-sterren aanwezig!

Nicholas Hlobo: Sculpture, Installation, Performance, Drawing
A number of works that show how Hlobo uses sculpture, installation, performance and drawing to address issues of gender, cultural difference and contemporary politics. Hlobo’s work implicates viewers in the scenario of South African culture, providing enough clues to bridge the differences between his local cultural sensitivities and those of a global art world.

Nollywood - Pieter Hugo
South African photographer Pieter Hugo asked Nigerian actors and assistants to recreate Nollywood myths and symbols as if they were on movie sets and photographed them. The resulting images recreate the stereotypical characters that typify Nollywood productions.

Now You Can See - Maarten Dekker en Barbara Polderman (Nederland) & Omar Ba (Senegal)
Tekeningen op hout van Maarten Dekker, gereduceerd tot de essentie van de vorm van alledaagse objecten, contrasteren met de zinsbegoochelende sculpturen van Barbara Polderman en het visuele spektakel van de mysterieuze schilderijen van Omar Ba. In Ba's werk ervaar je tegenovergestelde werelden: mensen en dieren, vooruitgang en natuur, moderniteit en traditie, het westen en Afrika.

Olavo Amado - Het leven als labyrint
Amado (Sao Tomé) omschreef het leven ooit als een labyrint. “Je weet nooit wat je de volgende dag te wachten staat.” Met name in zijn abstractere werken lijkt hij dit uitgangspunt haast letterlijk vorm te geven. Het hele oppervlak is gevuld met labyrintachtige vormen. Heel kleurig, in elkaar grijpend, warrig.

Pastor de amor: Tres culturas por la paz
Zeven muzikanten van diverse pluimage brengen een muzikale ode aan Nicolas Cleynaerts. Deze Vlaamse theoloog, humanist en filoloog (1493-1542) droomde van een vreedzame dialoog tussen christenen, moslims en joden. Sefardische muziek, flamenco, ladino, renaissancemuziek en arabo-andalusische muziek gaan hand in hand met meer recente muziekgenres.

Paul Painting - Etchings
Images that border on the macabre and fantastical, qualified by a vein of dark humour and tragicomedy. Mug shots of vicious criminals rub shoulders with stuffed gorillas, concrete dinosaurs square off against burlesque wrestlers: a phantasmagoria of ill-starred misfits.

Possible Cities: Africa in Photography and Video
Seeks to complicate representations of Africa through a set of works on cities as sites of convergence of multiple pasts and futures. Includes photo installations by Sammy Baloji, Pieter Hugo, Sabelo Mlangeni, and Guy Tillim and video installations by Salem Mekuria and IngridMwangiRobertHutter.

Rainbow Savannah
By Sanaa Afrika. Feauturing Tinga Tinga paintings from Tanzania and Shona stone sculptures From Zimbabwe. Now also available during the exhibition Tinga Tinga tales, colourful childrens' books inspired by traditional animal stories from Africa.

Reconfiguring an African Icon: Odes to the Mask by Modern and Contemporary Artists from 3 Continents
Works featured in this installation are highly creative re-imaginings of the iconic form of the African mask. Among them are sculptural assemblages made of incongruous combinations of discarded materials by two contemporary artists from the Republic of Benin, Romuald Hazoumé (b. 1962) and Calixte Dakpogan (b. 1958).

Shimmy Shake Show on tour
Een avond vol uiteenlopende spetterende buikdansstijlen. De Shimmy Shake Show laat je betoveren en onderdompelen in wereld van de Oriëntaalse buikdans, met onder meer Rachid en haar indrukwekkende beheersing van de Egyptische buikdanstechniek. De avond wordt georganiseerd door Lite Side, die meerwaarde van de Oriëntaalse cultuur aan het actuele westerse culturele aanbod benadrukt.

South Africa: Artists, Prints, Community - 25 Years at The Caversham Press
Survey of work from the printmaking studio The Caversham Press located in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. Founded in 1985 during the turbulent years of late apartheid, The Caverhsam Press has occupied an important place in the development of South African printmaking.

Stichting Thami Mnyele – 20 jaar
Twintig jaar geleden richtte een groep Amsterdamse kunstenaars een artists-in-residence programma op, waardoor kunstenaars uit Afrika drie maanden in Amsterdam kunnen wonen en werken. Jubileumtentoonstelling met werk van 26 van de 68 kunstenaars die de afgelopen 20 jaar in het atelier verbleven.

TJ, 1948-2010 - David Goldblatt
Bringing together old and new photographs of Johannesburg, the exhibition's title refers to the obsolete South African motorcar registration acronym 'Transvaal, Johannesburg'. These letters, Goldblatt explains, 'implied a certain loyalty'. The exhibition elucidates on aspects of the sprawling city of Johannesburg, which both infuriate and astound the photographer.

The Global Africa Project - Meschac Gaba
Broad spectrum of contemporary African art, design, and craft, work by over 100 artists working in Africa and elsewhere. The Global Africa Project surveys the rich pool of new talent emerging from Africa and its influence on artists around the world.

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

Wayne Barker: Super boring
Barker has produced a new body of work that confronts and questions the new South African culture in all its diverse manifestations, while celebrating the underlying force and spirit of optimism that binds and drives our unique country.

Wereldpremière crossmediaproject Surprising Europe
Zondag 27 Maart 2011 17:00
Documentaire toont hoe het idee van de Ugandese fotojournalist Sssuuna Golooba om het werkelijke leven van Afrikanen in Europa te filmen, uitgroeit tot een 9-delige tv-serie die in heel Afrika zal worden uitgezonden en een interactieve website waar migranten in Europa hun zorgen kunnen uiten. In kader Movies that Matter.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Maart 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 09 Februari 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Maandag 28 Maart

African Mosaic: Celebrating a Decade of Collecting
Showcases museum purchases and gifts and provides a glimpse into collecting opportunities for art museums. Centerpiece: a towering and visually striking sculpture of Haitian leader Toussaint Louverture by contemporary Senegalese artist Ousmane Sow.

African One Minutes Competition
Since 2000 the One Minutes Foundation (TOM) organises competitions for the best one minutes video. This time African artists are invited to enter the first African One Minutes Competition. There are 6 categories, for more information check Facebook or the One Minutes website. The deadline is 15 July 2011.

Aimé Mpane: Erased
Recent sculpture and painting by Congolese-born artist Aimé Mpane. His work indicts the social and political reality around him, a reality shaped by a perspective wrought out of his ability to express universal human emotions and deep understanding of the aesthetic and cultural character of the African continent.

Andrew Verster - Of This and That
One of Durban’s most prolific and highly respected artists presents five distinct series that together form this exhibition. Medium and large-scale oils on canvas, 120 palm size sculptures – Signposts, pen and ink drawings – People of Importance and Remnants, and an installation of cutouts – Sacred Memories.

Artists in Dialogue II
The exhibition Artists in Dialogue: Sandile Zulu and Henrique Oliveira is the second in a series of exhibitions in which exciting artists (at least one of whom is African) are invited to a new encounter -- one in which each artist responds to the work of the other, and resulting in original, site-specific works at the museum.

As It Is! - The Main Event
Celebrates the amazing creative energy inherent in artists across Africa - by showcasing the works of some of its most recognised and celebrated artists - It will be a collage of emphatic energy, masterful explorations that will enthral, educate and engage. Also features some of Africa’s exciting image makers, through the mediums of African fashion and music.

Black Venus
Abdellatif Kechiche (2010). Historisch drama naar het waargebeurde verhaal van Saartjie Baartman. In 1810 verliet zij met haar meester Caezar haar geboorteland Zuid-Afrika om als circusattractie te worden opgevoerd voor sensatiezoekende blanken in Londen. De Filmkrant schreef: 'Belangrijke, imponerende film, waarover lang kan worden nagepraat.' De VPRO-Gids noemt de film kortweg 'Een meesterwerk'

Brave New World II - Theo Eshetu
Eshetu (Ethiopia/NL) explores themes like the relationship between nature and technology and the idea of life as a spectacle, using images from his personal geography: scenes from a dance in Bali or footage from visits to New York City and Ethiopia.

Darkroom: Photography and New Media in South Africa since 1950
Work of 18 photographers, new media and video artists, who lived and worked in South Africa during the apartheid era (1948-1994), though a few now live elsewhere. Darkroom’s eight sections highlight the ways that these artists have addressed South African culture from various perspectives, and their increased presence in the global art world since 1994.

De kracht van zilver, sieraden uit de collectie van Smith-Hutschenruyter
Deze bijzondere collectie sieraden is afkomstig uit een gebied dat zich uitstrekt van Noord-Afrika, Midden-Oosten en Azië. Ze vertellen het krachtige verhaal van schoonheid, vakmanschap en economische waarde. Ze staan voor esthetiek, maar ook voor magische spiritualiteit. Deze recent geschonken collectie wordt nu voor het eerst tentoongesteld.

Donso on live tour

Dynasty and Divinity: Ife in Ancient Nigeria
More than 100 extraordinary sculptures, dating from the 12th to the 15th century. Artists at Ife, the ancient Yoruba city state, created a unique sculptural corpus which ranks among the world's most aesthetically striking and technically sophisticated.

Ernest Cole, Photographer
Ernest Cole (1940-1990) passionately believed in his mission to tell the world in photographs what it meant to be black under Apartheid rule. He penetrated to the very depths of the existence of black people as they negotiated their lives through the insanity of apartheid and its racist laws and oppression.

Geheime relaties, oude en nieuwe kunst verbonden
De tentoonstelling toont hedendaagse kunst uit Afrika en de Afrikaanse diaspora samen met objecten uit de collectie traditionele kunst. Deze oude & nieuwe kunstobjecten vinden hun relatie in de Afrikaanse gebruiken of rituelen waaraan ze gerelateerd zijn.

Grootmoeders aan zet!
Annemarijne Bax (NL, 1981) fotografeerde Zuid-Afrikaanse grootmoeders voor World Granny. Tijdens de tentoonstelling geeft Bax een aantal lezingen (op vrijdagmiddag) over de trends, ontwikkelingen en resultaten van ontwikkelingssamenwerking bij de doelgroep ouderen in verschillende werelddelen. Voor de lezingen graag aanmelden (zie sites voor details).

Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now
Drawn entirely from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art, Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now features nearly 100, posters, books, and wall stencils created over the last five decades that demonstrate the exceptional reach, range, and impact of printmaking during and after a period of enormous political upheaval.

Maand van de Francofonie
Maison Descartes biedt een programma vol film, literatuur en kunst. Van 10-31 maart de fototentoonstelling Petits d'Hommes in Maison Descartes, 23 maart een literaire avond met de Franse auteur van Senegalese afkomst Mamadou N'Donga, op 26 maart dag van franse cinema in The Movies met o.a. de Marokkaanse film Les oubliés de l'histoires en No man's love uit Tunesië.

Movies That Matter Festival - veel films over/uit Afrika
Opvolger Amnesty International Filmfestival. Hét jaarlijkse film- en debatfestival waar documentaires en speelfilms het debat over mensenrechten, menselijke waardigheid en situaties waarin deze in het geding zijn aanwakkeren. Met veel films uit Afrika en/of over menesenrechtenkwesties in Afrika.

Nicholas Hlobo: Sculpture, Installation, Performance, Drawing
A number of works that show how Hlobo uses sculpture, installation, performance and drawing to address issues of gender, cultural difference and contemporary politics. Hlobo’s work implicates viewers in the scenario of South African culture, providing enough clues to bridge the differences between his local cultural sensitivities and those of a global art world.

Now You Can See - Maarten Dekker en Barbara Polderman (Nederland) & Omar Ba (Senegal)
Tekeningen op hout van Maarten Dekker, gereduceerd tot de essentie van de vorm van alledaagse objecten, contrasteren met de zinsbegoochelende sculpturen van Barbara Polderman en het visuele spektakel van de mysterieuze schilderijen van Omar Ba. In Ba's werk ervaar je tegenovergestelde werelden: mensen en dieren, vooruitgang en natuur, moderniteit en traditie, het westen en Afrika.

Olavo Amado - Het leven als labyrint
Amado (Sao Tomé) omschreef het leven ooit als een labyrint. “Je weet nooit wat je de volgende dag te wachten staat.” Met name in zijn abstractere werken lijkt hij dit uitgangspunt haast letterlijk vorm te geven. Het hele oppervlak is gevuld met labyrintachtige vormen. Heel kleurig, in elkaar grijpend, warrig.

Paul Painting - Etchings
Images that border on the macabre and fantastical, qualified by a vein of dark humour and tragicomedy. Mug shots of vicious criminals rub shoulders with stuffed gorillas, concrete dinosaurs square off against burlesque wrestlers: a phantasmagoria of ill-starred misfits.

Possible Cities: Africa in Photography and Video
Seeks to complicate representations of Africa through a set of works on cities as sites of convergence of multiple pasts and futures. Includes photo installations by Sammy Baloji, Pieter Hugo, Sabelo Mlangeni, and Guy Tillim and video installations by Salem Mekuria and IngridMwangiRobertHutter.

Rainbow Savannah
By Sanaa Afrika. Feauturing Tinga Tinga paintings from Tanzania and Shona stone sculptures From Zimbabwe. Now also available during the exhibition Tinga Tinga tales, colourful childrens' books inspired by traditional animal stories from Africa.

Reconfiguring an African Icon: Odes to the Mask by Modern and Contemporary Artists from 3 Continents
Works featured in this installation are highly creative re-imaginings of the iconic form of the African mask. Among them are sculptural assemblages made of incongruous combinations of discarded materials by two contemporary artists from the Republic of Benin, Romuald Hazoumé (b. 1962) and Calixte Dakpogan (b. 1958).

Shimmy Shake Show on tour
Een avond vol uiteenlopende spetterende buikdansstijlen. De Shimmy Shake Show laat je betoveren en onderdompelen in wereld van de Oriëntaalse buikdans, met onder meer Rachid en haar indrukwekkende beheersing van de Egyptische buikdanstechniek. De avond wordt georganiseerd door Lite Side, die meerwaarde van de Oriëntaalse cultuur aan het actuele westerse culturele aanbod benadrukt.

Stichting Thami Mnyele – 20 jaar
Twintig jaar geleden richtte een groep Amsterdamse kunstenaars een artists-in-residence programma op, waardoor kunstenaars uit Afrika drie maanden in Amsterdam kunnen wonen en werken. Jubileumtentoonstelling met werk van 26 van de 68 kunstenaars die de afgelopen 20 jaar in het atelier verbleven.

TJ, 1948-2010 - David Goldblatt
Bringing together old and new photographs of Johannesburg, the exhibition's title refers to the obsolete South African motorcar registration acronym 'Transvaal, Johannesburg'. These letters, Goldblatt explains, 'implied a certain loyalty'. The exhibition elucidates on aspects of the sprawling city of Johannesburg, which both infuriate and astound the photographer.

The Global Africa Project - Meschac Gaba
Broad spectrum of contemporary African art, design, and craft, work by over 100 artists working in Africa and elsewhere. The Global Africa Project surveys the rich pool of new talent emerging from Africa and its influence on artists around the world.

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

Wayne Barker: Super boring
Barker has produced a new body of work that confronts and questions the new South African culture in all its diverse manifestations, while celebrating the underlying force and spirit of optimism that binds and drives our unique country.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Maart 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 09 Februari 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Dinsdag 29 Maart

African Mosaic: Celebrating a Decade of Collecting
Showcases museum purchases and gifts and provides a glimpse into collecting opportunities for art museums. Centerpiece: a towering and visually striking sculpture of Haitian leader Toussaint Louverture by contemporary Senegalese artist Ousmane Sow.

African One Minutes Competition
Since 2000 the One Minutes Foundation (TOM) organises competitions for the best one minutes video. This time African artists are invited to enter the first African One Minutes Competition. There are 6 categories, for more information check Facebook or the One Minutes website. The deadline is 15 July 2011.

Aimé Mpane: Erased
Recent sculpture and painting by Congolese-born artist Aimé Mpane. His work indicts the social and political reality around him, a reality shaped by a perspective wrought out of his ability to express universal human emotions and deep understanding of the aesthetic and cultural character of the African continent.

Andrew Verster - Of This and That
One of Durban’s most prolific and highly respected artists presents five distinct series that together form this exhibition. Medium and large-scale oils on canvas, 120 palm size sculptures – Signposts, pen and ink drawings – People of Importance and Remnants, and an installation of cutouts – Sacred Memories.

Art out of Africa - Tingatinga Paintings
As seen on Cbeebies Tingatinga Stories. The Tingatinga painting style is named after Edward Saidi Tingatinga, born in southern Tanzania. He developed his own very personal style based on Swahili and Arabic traditions, illustrating colourful animals that fill up most of the frame. After his death in 1972 the Tingatinga Arts Co-operative Society was founded.

Artists in Dialogue II
The exhibition Artists in Dialogue: Sandile Zulu and Henrique Oliveira is the second in a series of exhibitions in which exciting artists (at least one of whom is African) are invited to a new encounter -- one in which each artist responds to the work of the other, and resulting in original, site-specific works at the museum.

As It Is! - The Main Event
Celebrates the amazing creative energy inherent in artists across Africa - by showcasing the works of some of its most recognised and celebrated artists - It will be a collage of emphatic energy, masterful explorations that will enthral, educate and engage. Also features some of Africa’s exciting image makers, through the mediums of African fashion and music.

Black Venus
Abdellatif Kechiche (2010). Historisch drama naar het waargebeurde verhaal van Saartjie Baartman. In 1810 verliet zij met haar meester Caezar haar geboorteland Zuid-Afrika om als circusattractie te worden opgevoerd voor sensatiezoekende blanken in Londen. De Filmkrant schreef: 'Belangrijke, imponerende film, waarover lang kan worden nagepraat.' De VPRO-Gids noemt de film kortweg 'Een meesterwerk'

Brave New World II - Theo Eshetu
Eshetu (Ethiopia/NL) explores themes like the relationship between nature and technology and the idea of life as a spectacle, using images from his personal geography: scenes from a dance in Bali or footage from visits to New York City and Ethiopia.

Darkroom: Photography and New Media in South Africa since 1950
Work of 18 photographers, new media and video artists, who lived and worked in South Africa during the apartheid era (1948-1994), though a few now live elsewhere. Darkroom’s eight sections highlight the ways that these artists have addressed South African culture from various perspectives, and their increased presence in the global art world since 1994.

De kracht van zilver, sieraden uit de collectie van Smith-Hutschenruyter
Deze bijzondere collectie sieraden is afkomstig uit een gebied dat zich uitstrekt van Noord-Afrika, Midden-Oosten en Azië. Ze vertellen het krachtige verhaal van schoonheid, vakmanschap en economische waarde. Ze staan voor esthetiek, maar ook voor magische spiritualiteit. Deze recent geschonken collectie wordt nu voor het eerst tentoongesteld.

Donso on live tour

Dynasty and Divinity: Ife in Ancient Nigeria
More than 100 extraordinary sculptures, dating from the 12th to the 15th century. Artists at Ife, the ancient Yoruba city state, created a unique sculptural corpus which ranks among the world's most aesthetically striking and technically sophisticated.

Ernest Cole, Photographer
Ernest Cole (1940-1990) passionately believed in his mission to tell the world in photographs what it meant to be black under Apartheid rule. He penetrated to the very depths of the existence of black people as they negotiated their lives through the insanity of apartheid and its racist laws and oppression.

Geheime relaties, oude en nieuwe kunst verbonden
De tentoonstelling toont hedendaagse kunst uit Afrika en de Afrikaanse diaspora samen met objecten uit de collectie traditionele kunst. Deze oude & nieuwe kunstobjecten vinden hun relatie in de Afrikaanse gebruiken of rituelen waaraan ze gerelateerd zijn.

Grootmoeders aan zet!
Annemarijne Bax (NL, 1981) fotografeerde Zuid-Afrikaanse grootmoeders voor World Granny. Tijdens de tentoonstelling geeft Bax een aantal lezingen (op vrijdagmiddag) over de trends, ontwikkelingen en resultaten van ontwikkelingssamenwerking bij de doelgroep ouderen in verschillende werelddelen. Voor de lezingen graag aanmelden (zie sites voor details).

Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now
Drawn entirely from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art, Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now features nearly 100, posters, books, and wall stencils created over the last five decades that demonstrate the exceptional reach, range, and impact of printmaking during and after a period of enormous political upheaval.

Maand van de Francofonie
Maison Descartes biedt een programma vol film, literatuur en kunst. Van 10-31 maart de fototentoonstelling Petits d'Hommes in Maison Descartes, 23 maart een literaire avond met de Franse auteur van Senegalese afkomst Mamadou N'Donga, op 26 maart dag van franse cinema in The Movies met o.a. de Marokkaanse film Les oubliés de l'histoires en No man's love uit Tunesië.

Movies That Matter Festival - veel films over/uit Afrika
Opvolger Amnesty International Filmfestival. Hét jaarlijkse film- en debatfestival waar documentaires en speelfilms het debat over mensenrechten, menselijke waardigheid en situaties waarin deze in het geding zijn aanwakkeren. Met veel films uit Afrika en/of over menesenrechtenkwesties in Afrika.

Nicholas Hlobo: Sculpture, Installation, Performance, Drawing
A number of works that show how Hlobo uses sculpture, installation, performance and drawing to address issues of gender, cultural difference and contemporary politics. Hlobo’s work implicates viewers in the scenario of South African culture, providing enough clues to bridge the differences between his local cultural sensitivities and those of a global art world.

Now You Can See - Maarten Dekker en Barbara Polderman (Nederland) & Omar Ba (Senegal)
Tekeningen op hout van Maarten Dekker, gereduceerd tot de essentie van de vorm van alledaagse objecten, contrasteren met de zinsbegoochelende sculpturen van Barbara Polderman en het visuele spektakel van de mysterieuze schilderijen van Omar Ba. In Ba's werk ervaar je tegenovergestelde werelden: mensen en dieren, vooruitgang en natuur, moderniteit en traditie, het westen en Afrika.

Olavo Amado - Het leven als labyrint
Amado (Sao Tomé) omschreef het leven ooit als een labyrint. “Je weet nooit wat je de volgende dag te wachten staat.” Met name in zijn abstractere werken lijkt hij dit uitgangspunt haast letterlijk vorm te geven. Het hele oppervlak is gevuld met labyrintachtige vormen. Heel kleurig, in elkaar grijpend, warrig.

Paul Painting - Etchings
Images that border on the macabre and fantastical, qualified by a vein of dark humour and tragicomedy. Mug shots of vicious criminals rub shoulders with stuffed gorillas, concrete dinosaurs square off against burlesque wrestlers: a phantasmagoria of ill-starred misfits.

Possible Cities: Africa in Photography and Video
Seeks to complicate representations of Africa through a set of works on cities as sites of convergence of multiple pasts and futures. Includes photo installations by Sammy Baloji, Pieter Hugo, Sabelo Mlangeni, and Guy Tillim and video installations by Salem Mekuria and IngridMwangiRobertHutter.

Rainbow Savannah
By Sanaa Afrika. Feauturing Tinga Tinga paintings from Tanzania and Shona stone sculptures From Zimbabwe. Now also available during the exhibition Tinga Tinga tales, colourful childrens' books inspired by traditional animal stories from Africa.

Reconfiguring an African Icon: Odes to the Mask by Modern and Contemporary Artists from 3 Continents
Works featured in this installation are highly creative re-imaginings of the iconic form of the African mask. Among them are sculptural assemblages made of incongruous combinations of discarded materials by two contemporary artists from the Republic of Benin, Romuald Hazoumé (b. 1962) and Calixte Dakpogan (b. 1958).

Shimmy Shake Show on tour
Een avond vol uiteenlopende spetterende buikdansstijlen. De Shimmy Shake Show laat je betoveren en onderdompelen in wereld van de Oriëntaalse buikdans, met onder meer Rachid en haar indrukwekkende beheersing van de Egyptische buikdanstechniek. De avond wordt georganiseerd door Lite Side, die meerwaarde van de Oriëntaalse cultuur aan het actuele westerse culturele aanbod benadrukt.

Stichting Thami Mnyele – 20 jaar
Twintig jaar geleden richtte een groep Amsterdamse kunstenaars een artists-in-residence programma op, waardoor kunstenaars uit Afrika drie maanden in Amsterdam kunnen wonen en werken. Jubileumtentoonstelling met werk van 26 van de 68 kunstenaars die de afgelopen 20 jaar in het atelier verbleven.

TJ, 1948-2010 - David Goldblatt
Bringing together old and new photographs of Johannesburg, the exhibition's title refers to the obsolete South African motorcar registration acronym 'Transvaal, Johannesburg'. These letters, Goldblatt explains, 'implied a certain loyalty'. The exhibition elucidates on aspects of the sprawling city of Johannesburg, which both infuriate and astound the photographer.

The Global Africa Project - Meschac Gaba
Broad spectrum of contemporary African art, design, and craft, work by over 100 artists working in Africa and elsewhere. The Global Africa Project surveys the rich pool of new talent emerging from Africa and its influence on artists around the world.

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

Wayne Barker: Super boring
Barker has produced a new body of work that confronts and questions the new South African culture in all its diverse manifestations, while celebrating the underlying force and spirit of optimism that binds and drives our unique country.

The Role of the Social Media in the 25-January Egyptian Revolution: a Personal Story
Dinsdag 29 Maart 2011 15:00
LUCIS lecture by Esraa Abdel Fattah (Egypt). She has been active in the Egyptian opposition for many years. In 2008, she started a group on Facebook to organise a demonstration against the high food prices. Additionally, she is one of the founders of the 6 April movement which has been referred to as 'the accelerator of the revolution'.

Leeskring Zuid-Afrikahuis: Emma en Nella
Dinsdag 29 Maart 2011 19:30
Werk van E.K.M. Dido wordt behandeld door Tineke Dorr. Over Nella - adoptiekind van Emma - die te kampen heeft met foetaal alcoholsyndroom en hierdoor een moeilijk leven heeft. Emma staat tussen Nella en de afgrond en beschermt haar. reserveren via site.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Maart 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 09 Februari 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

Benda Bilili! - documentaire
Dinsdag 29 Maart 2011 23:00
Het verhaal van de Congolese band Staff Benda Bilili, bestaande uit gehandicapte muzikanten en straatkinderen uit Kinshasa. Ze hebben weinig mee, maar de door polio getroffen bandleider Ricky gelooft in hun talent en muziek. Vanaf 19 april tourt de band overigens weer langs het Nederlandse en Belgische clubcircuit.
Woensdag 30 Maart

African Mosaic: Celebrating a Decade of Collecting
Showcases museum purchases and gifts and provides a glimpse into collecting opportunities for art museums. Centerpiece: a towering and visually striking sculpture of Haitian leader Toussaint Louverture by contemporary Senegalese artist Ousmane Sow.

African One Minutes Competition
Since 2000 the One Minutes Foundation (TOM) organises competitions for the best one minutes video. This time African artists are invited to enter the first African One Minutes Competition. There are 6 categories, for more information check Facebook or the One Minutes website. The deadline is 15 July 2011.

Aimé Mpane: Erased
Recent sculpture and painting by Congolese-born artist Aimé Mpane. His work indicts the social and political reality around him, a reality shaped by a perspective wrought out of his ability to express universal human emotions and deep understanding of the aesthetic and cultural character of the African continent.

Andrew Verster - Of This and That
One of Durban’s most prolific and highly respected artists presents five distinct series that together form this exhibition. Medium and large-scale oils on canvas, 120 palm size sculptures – Signposts, pen and ink drawings – People of Importance and Remnants, and an installation of cutouts – Sacred Memories.

Art out of Africa - Tingatinga Paintings
As seen on Cbeebies Tingatinga Stories. The Tingatinga painting style is named after Edward Saidi Tingatinga, born in southern Tanzania. He developed his own very personal style based on Swahili and Arabic traditions, illustrating colourful animals that fill up most of the frame. After his death in 1972 the Tingatinga Arts Co-operative Society was founded.

Artists in Dialogue II
The exhibition Artists in Dialogue: Sandile Zulu and Henrique Oliveira is the second in a series of exhibitions in which exciting artists (at least one of whom is African) are invited to a new encounter -- one in which each artist responds to the work of the other, and resulting in original, site-specific works at the museum.

As It Is! - The Main Event
Celebrates the amazing creative energy inherent in artists across Africa - by showcasing the works of some of its most recognised and celebrated artists - It will be a collage of emphatic energy, masterful explorations that will enthral, educate and engage. Also features some of Africa’s exciting image makers, through the mediums of African fashion and music.

Black Venus
Abdellatif Kechiche (2010). Historisch drama naar het waargebeurde verhaal van Saartjie Baartman. In 1810 verliet zij met haar meester Caezar haar geboorteland Zuid-Afrika om als circusattractie te worden opgevoerd voor sensatiezoekende blanken in Londen. De Filmkrant schreef: 'Belangrijke, imponerende film, waarover lang kan worden nagepraat.' De VPRO-Gids noemt de film kortweg 'Een meesterwerk'

Brave New World II - Theo Eshetu
Eshetu (Ethiopia/NL) explores themes like the relationship between nature and technology and the idea of life as a spectacle, using images from his personal geography: scenes from a dance in Bali or footage from visits to New York City and Ethiopia.

Darkroom: Photography and New Media in South Africa since 1950
Work of 18 photographers, new media and video artists, who lived and worked in South Africa during the apartheid era (1948-1994), though a few now live elsewhere. Darkroom’s eight sections highlight the ways that these artists have addressed South African culture from various perspectives, and their increased presence in the global art world since 1994.

De kracht van zilver, sieraden uit de collectie van Smith-Hutschenruyter
Deze bijzondere collectie sieraden is afkomstig uit een gebied dat zich uitstrekt van Noord-Afrika, Midden-Oosten en Azië. Ze vertellen het krachtige verhaal van schoonheid, vakmanschap en economische waarde. Ze staan voor esthetiek, maar ook voor magische spiritualiteit. Deze recent geschonken collectie wordt nu voor het eerst tentoongesteld.

Donso on live tour

Dynasty and Divinity: Ife in Ancient Nigeria
More than 100 extraordinary sculptures, dating from the 12th to the 15th century. Artists at Ife, the ancient Yoruba city state, created a unique sculptural corpus which ranks among the world's most aesthetically striking and technically sophisticated.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

Ernest Cole, Photographer
Ernest Cole (1940-1990) passionately believed in his mission to tell the world in photographs what it meant to be black under Apartheid rule. He penetrated to the very depths of the existence of black people as they negotiated their lives through the insanity of apartheid and its racist laws and oppression.

Geheime relaties, oude en nieuwe kunst verbonden
De tentoonstelling toont hedendaagse kunst uit Afrika en de Afrikaanse diaspora samen met objecten uit de collectie traditionele kunst. Deze oude & nieuwe kunstobjecten vinden hun relatie in de Afrikaanse gebruiken of rituelen waaraan ze gerelateerd zijn.

Grootmoeders aan zet!
Annemarijne Bax (NL, 1981) fotografeerde Zuid-Afrikaanse grootmoeders voor World Granny. Tijdens de tentoonstelling geeft Bax een aantal lezingen (op vrijdagmiddag) over de trends, ontwikkelingen en resultaten van ontwikkelingssamenwerking bij de doelgroep ouderen in verschillende werelddelen. Voor de lezingen graag aanmelden (zie sites voor details).

Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now
Drawn entirely from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art, Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now features nearly 100, posters, books, and wall stencils created over the last five decades that demonstrate the exceptional reach, range, and impact of printmaking during and after a period of enormous political upheaval.

Maand van de Francofonie
Maison Descartes biedt een programma vol film, literatuur en kunst. Van 10-31 maart de fototentoonstelling Petits d'Hommes in Maison Descartes, 23 maart een literaire avond met de Franse auteur van Senegalese afkomst Mamadou N'Donga, op 26 maart dag van franse cinema in The Movies met o.a. de Marokkaanse film Les oubliés de l'histoires en No man's love uit Tunesië.

Movies That Matter Festival - veel films over/uit Afrika
Opvolger Amnesty International Filmfestival. Hét jaarlijkse film- en debatfestival waar documentaires en speelfilms het debat over mensenrechten, menselijke waardigheid en situaties waarin deze in het geding zijn aanwakkeren. Met veel films uit Afrika en/of over menesenrechtenkwesties in Afrika.

Nicholas Hlobo: Sculpture, Installation, Performance, Drawing
A number of works that show how Hlobo uses sculpture, installation, performance and drawing to address issues of gender, cultural difference and contemporary politics. Hlobo’s work implicates viewers in the scenario of South African culture, providing enough clues to bridge the differences between his local cultural sensitivities and those of a global art world.

Now You Can See - Maarten Dekker en Barbara Polderman (Nederland) & Omar Ba (Senegal)
Tekeningen op hout van Maarten Dekker, gereduceerd tot de essentie van de vorm van alledaagse objecten, contrasteren met de zinsbegoochelende sculpturen van Barbara Polderman en het visuele spektakel van de mysterieuze schilderijen van Omar Ba. In Ba's werk ervaar je tegenovergestelde werelden: mensen en dieren, vooruitgang en natuur, moderniteit en traditie, het westen en Afrika.

Olavo Amado - Het leven als labyrint
Amado (Sao Tomé) omschreef het leven ooit als een labyrint. “Je weet nooit wat je de volgende dag te wachten staat.” Met name in zijn abstractere werken lijkt hij dit uitgangspunt haast letterlijk vorm te geven. Het hele oppervlak is gevuld met labyrintachtige vormen. Heel kleurig, in elkaar grijpend, warrig.

Paul Painting - Etchings
Images that border on the macabre and fantastical, qualified by a vein of dark humour and tragicomedy. Mug shots of vicious criminals rub shoulders with stuffed gorillas, concrete dinosaurs square off against burlesque wrestlers: a phantasmagoria of ill-starred misfits.

Possible Cities: Africa in Photography and Video
Seeks to complicate representations of Africa through a set of works on cities as sites of convergence of multiple pasts and futures. Includes photo installations by Sammy Baloji, Pieter Hugo, Sabelo Mlangeni, and Guy Tillim and video installations by Salem Mekuria and IngridMwangiRobertHutter.

Rainbow Savannah
By Sanaa Afrika. Feauturing Tinga Tinga paintings from Tanzania and Shona stone sculptures From Zimbabwe. Now also available during the exhibition Tinga Tinga tales, colourful childrens' books inspired by traditional animal stories from Africa.

Reconfiguring an African Icon: Odes to the Mask by Modern and Contemporary Artists from 3 Continents
Works featured in this installation are highly creative re-imaginings of the iconic form of the African mask. Among them are sculptural assemblages made of incongruous combinations of discarded materials by two contemporary artists from the Republic of Benin, Romuald Hazoumé (b. 1962) and Calixte Dakpogan (b. 1958).

Rwanda Blend
Ter ondersteuning van onafhankelijke kleuter- en lagere school, de AHAZAZA-school van de Hoop in Giratama, omdat daar het zaadje voor een vreedzame toekomst wordt geplant. Gevarieerde avond met expo Rwandese kunst en foto's, lekker eten, film, debat en optredens.

Shimmy Shake Show on tour
Een avond vol uiteenlopende spetterende buikdansstijlen. De Shimmy Shake Show laat je betoveren en onderdompelen in wereld van de Oriëntaalse buikdans, met onder meer Rachid en haar indrukwekkende beheersing van de Egyptische buikdanstechniek. De avond wordt georganiseerd door Lite Side, die meerwaarde van de Oriëntaalse cultuur aan het actuele westerse culturele aanbod benadrukt.

Stichting Thami Mnyele – 20 jaar
Twintig jaar geleden richtte een groep Amsterdamse kunstenaars een artists-in-residence programma op, waardoor kunstenaars uit Afrika drie maanden in Amsterdam kunnen wonen en werken. Jubileumtentoonstelling met werk van 26 van de 68 kunstenaars die de afgelopen 20 jaar in het atelier verbleven.

TJ, 1948-2010 - David Goldblatt
Bringing together old and new photographs of Johannesburg, the exhibition's title refers to the obsolete South African motorcar registration acronym 'Transvaal, Johannesburg'. These letters, Goldblatt explains, 'implied a certain loyalty'. The exhibition elucidates on aspects of the sprawling city of Johannesburg, which both infuriate and astound the photographer.

The Global Africa Project - Meschac Gaba
Broad spectrum of contemporary African art, design, and craft, work by over 100 artists working in Africa and elsewhere. The Global Africa Project surveys the rich pool of new talent emerging from Africa and its influence on artists around the world.

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

Wayne Barker: Super boring
Barker has produced a new body of work that confronts and questions the new South African culture in all its diverse manifestations, while celebrating the underlying force and spirit of optimism that binds and drives our unique country.

World Minimal Music Festival
Bijzondere minimal music van Steve Reich, Terry Riley, LaMonte Young en Philip Glass. De muziek van de Monts Mandara in Kameroen loopt als een subtiele rode draad door het festival. In hun muziek hoor je fluiten en zingen op een manier die de volbloed minimalist jaloers maakt. Op de openingsavond wordt de documentaire over de Monts Mandara van filmmaker Miranda van der Spek getoond.

Promotie: De kwaliteitsbewaking van zorg door multinational in Afrika
Woensdag 30 Maart 2011 14:00
Promovendus S.F.M. van der Borght. Een multinational in Afrika die de gezondheid van de werknemers bewaakt; het lijkt ongelooflijk maar is realiteit. Heineken begon in 2001 als één van de eerste met het verstrekken van gratis hiv-behandelingen aan werknemers en hun familieleden in de Afrikaanse landen waar de brouwerij actief is. Van der Borght promoveert op het onderzoek naar deze kwaliteitsbewaking van zorg.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Maart 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 09 Februari 2011 22:00
t/m Woensdag 30 Maart 2011
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Donderdag 31 Maart

ASC Seminar: Yesterday's Slaves. Democracy and Ethnicity in Benin
Documentary by Camilla Strandbjerg and Eric Hahonou, with Hahonou present. Slavery, emancipation, democracy, citizenship and ethnic groups are some of the topics covered in this film. The film traces the long march to freedom of one man. His personal trajectory shows how the marginalized Gando seized the opportunity to access political representation. Please register.

African Mosaic: Celebrating a Decade of Collecting
Showcases museum purchases and gifts and provides a glimpse into collecting opportunities for art museums. Centerpiece: a towering and visually striking sculpture of Haitian leader Toussaint Louverture by contemporary Senegalese artist Ousmane Sow.

African One Minutes Competition
Since 2000 the One Minutes Foundation (TOM) organises competitions for the best one minutes video. This time African artists are invited to enter the first African One Minutes Competition. There are 6 categories, for more information check Facebook or the One Minutes website. The deadline is 15 July 2011.

Aimé Mpane: Erased
Recent sculpture and painting by Congolese-born artist Aimé Mpane. His work indicts the social and political reality around him, a reality shaped by a perspective wrought out of his ability to express universal human emotions and deep understanding of the aesthetic and cultural character of the African continent.

Andrew Verster - Of This and That
One of Durban’s most prolific and highly respected artists presents five distinct series that together form this exhibition. Medium and large-scale oils on canvas, 120 palm size sculptures – Signposts, pen and ink drawings – People of Importance and Remnants, and an installation of cutouts – Sacred Memories.

Art out of Africa - Tingatinga Paintings
As seen on Cbeebies Tingatinga Stories. The Tingatinga painting style is named after Edward Saidi Tingatinga, born in southern Tanzania. He developed his own very personal style based on Swahili and Arabic traditions, illustrating colourful animals that fill up most of the frame. After his death in 1972 the Tingatinga Arts Co-operative Society was founded.

Artists in Dialogue II
The exhibition Artists in Dialogue: Sandile Zulu and Henrique Oliveira is the second in a series of exhibitions in which exciting artists (at least one of whom is African) are invited to a new encounter -- one in which each artist responds to the work of the other, and resulting in original, site-specific works at the museum.

As It Is! - The Main Event
Celebrates the amazing creative energy inherent in artists across Africa - by showcasing the works of some of its most recognised and celebrated artists - It will be a collage of emphatic energy, masterful explorations that will enthral, educate and engage. Also features some of Africa’s exciting image makers, through the mediums of African fashion and music.

Batwa du Rwanda - polyfone zang van Batwa-Pygmeeën
Traditionele muziek van de pygmeeën is vooral vocaal en rijk aan meerstemmige harmonieën en repeterende patronen. De zang is zeer bijzonder. De vrouwen worden voor de gelegenheid begeleid door twee Batwa-mannen op de ingoma-trom of de amakondera.

Black Venus
Abdellatif Kechiche (2010). Historisch drama naar het waargebeurde verhaal van Saartjie Baartman. In 1810 verliet zij met haar meester Caezar haar geboorteland Zuid-Afrika om als circusattractie te worden opgevoerd voor sensatiezoekende blanken in Londen. De Filmkrant schreef: 'Belangrijke, imponerende film, waarover lang kan worden nagepraat.' De VPRO-Gids noemt de film kortweg 'Een meesterwerk'

Brave New World II - Theo Eshetu
Eshetu (Ethiopia/NL) explores themes like the relationship between nature and technology and the idea of life as a spectacle, using images from his personal geography: scenes from a dance in Bali or footage from visits to New York City and Ethiopia.

Darkroom: Photography and New Media in South Africa since 1950
Work of 18 photographers, new media and video artists, who lived and worked in South Africa during the apartheid era (1948-1994), though a few now live elsewhere. Darkroom’s eight sections highlight the ways that these artists have addressed South African culture from various perspectives, and their increased presence in the global art world since 1994.

De kracht van zilver, sieraden uit de collectie van Smith-Hutschenruyter
Deze bijzondere collectie sieraden is afkomstig uit een gebied dat zich uitstrekt van Noord-Afrika, Midden-Oosten en Azië. Ze vertellen het krachtige verhaal van schoonheid, vakmanschap en economische waarde. Ze staan voor esthetiek, maar ook voor magische spiritualiteit. Deze recent geschonken collectie wordt nu voor het eerst tentoongesteld.

Donso on live tour

Dynasty and Divinity: Ife in Ancient Nigeria
More than 100 extraordinary sculptures, dating from the 12th to the 15th century. Artists at Ife, the ancient Yoruba city state, created a unique sculptural corpus which ranks among the world's most aesthetically striking and technically sophisticated.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

Ernest Cole, Photographer
Ernest Cole (1940-1990) passionately believed in his mission to tell the world in photographs what it meant to be black under Apartheid rule. He penetrated to the very depths of the existence of black people as they negotiated their lives through the insanity of apartheid and its racist laws and oppression.

Geheime relaties, oude en nieuwe kunst verbonden
De tentoonstelling toont hedendaagse kunst uit Afrika en de Afrikaanse diaspora samen met objecten uit de collectie traditionele kunst. Deze oude & nieuwe kunstobjecten vinden hun relatie in de Afrikaanse gebruiken of rituelen waaraan ze gerelateerd zijn.

Grootmoeders aan zet!
Annemarijne Bax (NL, 1981) fotografeerde Zuid-Afrikaanse grootmoeders voor World Granny. Tijdens de tentoonstelling geeft Bax een aantal lezingen (op vrijdagmiddag) over de trends, ontwikkelingen en resultaten van ontwikkelingssamenwerking bij de doelgroep ouderen in verschillende werelddelen. Voor de lezingen graag aanmelden (zie sites voor details).

Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now
Drawn entirely from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art, Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now features nearly 100, posters, books, and wall stencils created over the last five decades that demonstrate the exceptional reach, range, and impact of printmaking during and after a period of enormous political upheaval.

Jodi Bieber - Between Darkness and Light
Award-winning photographer Jodi Bieber explores the twilight that she experienced in the decade following the advent of democracy in South Africa. The show is a selection of work from 1993 to 2004, primarily revealing Bieber’s more rarely shown independent series, as well as some of her earlier work as a press photographer.

Maand van de Francofonie
Maison Descartes biedt een programma vol film, literatuur en kunst. Van 10-31 maart de fototentoonstelling Petits d'Hommes in Maison Descartes, 23 maart een literaire avond met de Franse auteur van Senegalese afkomst Mamadou N'Donga, op 26 maart dag van franse cinema in The Movies met o.a. de Marokkaanse film Les oubliés de l'histoires en No man's love uit Tunesië.

Nicholas Hlobo: Sculpture, Installation, Performance, Drawing
A number of works that show how Hlobo uses sculpture, installation, performance and drawing to address issues of gender, cultural difference and contemporary politics. Hlobo’s work implicates viewers in the scenario of South African culture, providing enough clues to bridge the differences between his local cultural sensitivities and those of a global art world.

Now You Can See - Maarten Dekker en Barbara Polderman (Nederland) & Omar Ba (Senegal)
Tekeningen op hout van Maarten Dekker, gereduceerd tot de essentie van de vorm van alledaagse objecten, contrasteren met de zinsbegoochelende sculpturen van Barbara Polderman en het visuele spektakel van de mysterieuze schilderijen van Omar Ba. In Ba's werk ervaar je tegenovergestelde werelden: mensen en dieren, vooruitgang en natuur, moderniteit en traditie, het westen en Afrika.

Olavo Amado - Het leven als labyrint
Amado (Sao Tomé) omschreef het leven ooit als een labyrint. “Je weet nooit wat je de volgende dag te wachten staat.” Met name in zijn abstractere werken lijkt hij dit uitgangspunt haast letterlijk vorm te geven. Het hele oppervlak is gevuld met labyrintachtige vormen. Heel kleurig, in elkaar grijpend, warrig.

Paul Painting - Etchings
Images that border on the macabre and fantastical, qualified by a vein of dark humour and tragicomedy. Mug shots of vicious criminals rub shoulders with stuffed gorillas, concrete dinosaurs square off against burlesque wrestlers: a phantasmagoria of ill-starred misfits.

Possible Cities: Africa in Photography and Video
Seeks to complicate representations of Africa through a set of works on cities as sites of convergence of multiple pasts and futures. Includes photo installations by Sammy Baloji, Pieter Hugo, Sabelo Mlangeni, and Guy Tillim and video installations by Salem Mekuria and IngridMwangiRobertHutter.

Rainbow Savannah
By Sanaa Afrika. Feauturing Tinga Tinga paintings from Tanzania and Shona stone sculptures From Zimbabwe. Now also available during the exhibition Tinga Tinga tales, colourful childrens' books inspired by traditional animal stories from Africa.

Reconfiguring an African Icon: Odes to the Mask by Modern and Contemporary Artists from 3 Continents
Works featured in this installation are highly creative re-imaginings of the iconic form of the African mask. Among them are sculptural assemblages made of incongruous combinations of discarded materials by two contemporary artists from the Republic of Benin, Romuald Hazoumé (b. 1962) and Calixte Dakpogan (b. 1958).

Shimmy Shake Show on tour
Een avond vol uiteenlopende spetterende buikdansstijlen. De Shimmy Shake Show laat je betoveren en onderdompelen in wereld van de Oriëntaalse buikdans, met onder meer Rachid en haar indrukwekkende beheersing van de Egyptische buikdanstechniek. De avond wordt georganiseerd door Lite Side, die meerwaarde van de Oriëntaalse cultuur aan het actuele westerse culturele aanbod benadrukt.

Stichting Thami Mnyele – 20 jaar
Twintig jaar geleden richtte een groep Amsterdamse kunstenaars een artists-in-residence programma op, waardoor kunstenaars uit Afrika drie maanden in Amsterdam kunnen wonen en werken. Jubileumtentoonstelling met werk van 26 van de 68 kunstenaars die de afgelopen 20 jaar in het atelier verbleven.

TJ, 1948-2010 - David Goldblatt
Bringing together old and new photographs of Johannesburg, the exhibition's title refers to the obsolete South African motorcar registration acronym 'Transvaal, Johannesburg'. These letters, Goldblatt explains, 'implied a certain loyalty'. The exhibition elucidates on aspects of the sprawling city of Johannesburg, which both infuriate and astound the photographer.

The Global Africa Project - Meschac Gaba
Broad spectrum of contemporary African art, design, and craft, work by over 100 artists working in Africa and elsewhere. The Global Africa Project surveys the rich pool of new talent emerging from Africa and its influence on artists around the world.

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

Wayne Barker: Super boring
Barker has produced a new body of work that confronts and questions the new South African culture in all its diverse manifestations, while celebrating the underlying force and spirit of optimism that binds and drives our unique country.

Women are Heroes
In onder meer Kenia, Liberia, Sierra Leone en Zuid-Soedan fotografeert straatkunstenaar JR sterke, maar tegelijk kwetsbare vrouwen, die onder alle omstandigheden een belangrijke rol spelen in de samenleving. De portretten getuigen van de kracht, de moed en de vechtlust van deze vrouwen.

World Minimal Music Festival
Bijzondere minimal music van Steve Reich, Terry Riley, LaMonte Young en Philip Glass. De muziek van de Monts Mandara in Kameroen loopt als een subtiele rode draad door het festival. In hun muziek hoor je fluiten en zingen op een manier die de volbloed minimalist jaloers maakt. Op de openingsavond wordt de documentaire over de Monts Mandara van filmmaker Miranda van der Spek getoond.
Vrijdag 01 April

Africa United
Africa United vertelt het verhaal over 3 Rwandese kinderen die de openings- ceremonie van het WK voetbal in J'burg willen bijwonen. Dit loopt iets anders dan gepland: ze belanden in een opvangkamp in Congo. Ze ontsnappen en starten hun reis naar het zuiden: een episch avontuur door 7 landen vol geluk, lach, hoop en hartverwarmende momenten.

African Mosaic: Celebrating a Decade of Collecting
Showcases museum purchases and gifts and provides a glimpse into collecting opportunities for art museums. Centerpiece: a towering and visually striking sculpture of Haitian leader Toussaint Louverture by contemporary Senegalese artist Ousmane Sow.

African One Minutes Competition
Since 2000 the One Minutes Foundation (TOM) organises competitions for the best one minutes video. This time African artists are invited to enter the first African One Minutes Competition. There are 6 categories, for more information check Facebook or the One Minutes website. The deadline is 15 July 2011.

Aimé Mpane: Erased
Recent sculpture and painting by Congolese-born artist Aimé Mpane. His work indicts the social and political reality around him, a reality shaped by a perspective wrought out of his ability to express universal human emotions and deep understanding of the aesthetic and cultural character of the African continent.

Andrew Verster - Of This and That
One of Durban’s most prolific and highly respected artists presents five distinct series that together form this exhibition. Medium and large-scale oils on canvas, 120 palm size sculptures – Signposts, pen and ink drawings – People of Importance and Remnants, and an installation of cutouts – Sacred Memories.

Art out of Africa - Tingatinga Paintings
As seen on Cbeebies Tingatinga Stories. The Tingatinga painting style is named after Edward Saidi Tingatinga, born in southern Tanzania. He developed his own very personal style based on Swahili and Arabic traditions, illustrating colourful animals that fill up most of the frame. After his death in 1972 the Tingatinga Arts Co-operative Society was founded.

Artists in Dialogue II
The exhibition Artists in Dialogue: Sandile Zulu and Henrique Oliveira is the second in a series of exhibitions in which exciting artists (at least one of whom is African) are invited to a new encounter -- one in which each artist responds to the work of the other, and resulting in original, site-specific works at the museum.

Batwa du Rwanda - polyfone zang van Batwa-Pygmeeën
Traditionele muziek van de pygmeeën is vooral vocaal en rijk aan meerstemmige harmonieën en repeterende patronen. De zang is zeer bijzonder. De vrouwen worden voor de gelegenheid begeleid door twee Batwa-mannen op de ingoma-trom of de amakondera.

Black Venus
Abdellatif Kechiche (2010). Historisch drama naar het waargebeurde verhaal van Saartjie Baartman. In 1810 verliet zij met haar meester Caezar haar geboorteland Zuid-Afrika om als circusattractie te worden opgevoerd voor sensatiezoekende blanken in Londen. De Filmkrant schreef: 'Belangrijke, imponerende film, waarover lang kan worden nagepraat.' De VPRO-Gids noemt de film kortweg 'Een meesterwerk'

Brave New World II - Theo Eshetu
Eshetu (Ethiopia/NL) explores themes like the relationship between nature and technology and the idea of life as a spectacle, using images from his personal geography: scenes from a dance in Bali or footage from visits to New York City and Ethiopia.

Darkroom: Photography and New Media in South Africa since 1950
Work of 18 photographers, new media and video artists, who lived and worked in South Africa during the apartheid era (1948-1994), though a few now live elsewhere. Darkroom’s eight sections highlight the ways that these artists have addressed South African culture from various perspectives, and their increased presence in the global art world since 1994.

De kracht van zilver, sieraden uit de collectie van Smith-Hutschenruyter
Deze bijzondere collectie sieraden is afkomstig uit een gebied dat zich uitstrekt van Noord-Afrika, Midden-Oosten en Azië. Ze vertellen het krachtige verhaal van schoonheid, vakmanschap en economische waarde. Ze staan voor esthetiek, maar ook voor magische spiritualiteit. Deze recent geschonken collectie wordt nu voor het eerst tentoongesteld.

Donso on live tour

Dynasty and Divinity: Ife in Ancient Nigeria
More than 100 extraordinary sculptures, dating from the 12th to the 15th century. Artists at Ife, the ancient Yoruba city state, created a unique sculptural corpus which ranks among the world's most aesthetically striking and technically sophisticated.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

Ernest Cole, Photographer
Ernest Cole (1940-1990) passionately believed in his mission to tell the world in photographs what it meant to be black under Apartheid rule. He penetrated to the very depths of the existence of black people as they negotiated their lives through the insanity of apartheid and its racist laws and oppression.

Geheime relaties, oude en nieuwe kunst verbonden
De tentoonstelling toont hedendaagse kunst uit Afrika en de Afrikaanse diaspora samen met objecten uit de collectie traditionele kunst. Deze oude & nieuwe kunstobjecten vinden hun relatie in de Afrikaanse gebruiken of rituelen waaraan ze gerelateerd zijn.

Grootmoeders aan zet!
Annemarijne Bax (NL, 1981) fotografeerde Zuid-Afrikaanse grootmoeders voor World Granny. Tijdens de tentoonstelling geeft Bax een aantal lezingen (op vrijdagmiddag) over de trends, ontwikkelingen en resultaten van ontwikkelingssamenwerking bij de doelgroep ouderen in verschillende werelddelen. Voor de lezingen graag aanmelden (zie sites voor details).

Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now
Drawn entirely from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art, Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now features nearly 100, posters, books, and wall stencils created over the last five decades that demonstrate the exceptional reach, range, and impact of printmaking during and after a period of enormous political upheaval.

Jodi Bieber - Between Darkness and Light
Award-winning photographer Jodi Bieber explores the twilight that she experienced in the decade following the advent of democracy in South Africa. The show is a selection of work from 1993 to 2004, primarily revealing Bieber’s more rarely shown independent series, as well as some of her earlier work as a press photographer.

Library of the infinitesimally small and the unimaginably large - Barbara Wildenboer
Using images and metaphor to investigate the scientific contents of found reference books, Barbara Wildenboer tries to make sense of phenomena such as fractal geometry and the interconnectedness of all living things by creating visual metaphors that speak of a sense of wonder at the complicated beauty of patterns in nature.

Nicholas Hlobo: Sculpture, Installation, Performance, Drawing
A number of works that show how Hlobo uses sculpture, installation, performance and drawing to address issues of gender, cultural difference and contemporary politics. Hlobo’s work implicates viewers in the scenario of South African culture, providing enough clues to bridge the differences between his local cultural sensitivities and those of a global art world.

Now You Can See - Maarten Dekker en Barbara Polderman (Nederland) & Omar Ba (Senegal)
Tekeningen op hout van Maarten Dekker, gereduceerd tot de essentie van de vorm van alledaagse objecten, contrasteren met de zinsbegoochelende sculpturen van Barbara Polderman en het visuele spektakel van de mysterieuze schilderijen van Omar Ba. In Ba's werk ervaar je tegenovergestelde werelden: mensen en dieren, vooruitgang en natuur, moderniteit en traditie, het westen en Afrika.

Olavo Amado - Het leven als labyrint
Amado (Sao Tomé) omschreef het leven ooit als een labyrint. “Je weet nooit wat je de volgende dag te wachten staat.” Met name in zijn abstractere werken lijkt hij dit uitgangspunt haast letterlijk vorm te geven. Het hele oppervlak is gevuld met labyrintachtige vormen. Heel kleurig, in elkaar grijpend, warrig.

Paul Painting - Etchings
Images that border on the macabre and fantastical, qualified by a vein of dark humour and tragicomedy. Mug shots of vicious criminals rub shoulders with stuffed gorillas, concrete dinosaurs square off against burlesque wrestlers: a phantasmagoria of ill-starred misfits.

Possible Cities: Africa in Photography and Video
Seeks to complicate representations of Africa through a set of works on cities as sites of convergence of multiple pasts and futures. Includes photo installations by Sammy Baloji, Pieter Hugo, Sabelo Mlangeni, and Guy Tillim and video installations by Salem Mekuria and IngridMwangiRobertHutter.

Rainbow Savannah
By Sanaa Afrika. Feauturing Tinga Tinga paintings from Tanzania and Shona stone sculptures From Zimbabwe. Now also available during the exhibition Tinga Tinga tales, colourful childrens' books inspired by traditional animal stories from Africa.

Reconfiguring an African Icon: Odes to the Mask by Modern and Contemporary Artists from 3 Continents
Works featured in this installation are highly creative re-imaginings of the iconic form of the African mask. Among them are sculptural assemblages made of incongruous combinations of discarded materials by two contemporary artists from the Republic of Benin, Romuald Hazoumé (b. 1962) and Calixte Dakpogan (b. 1958).

Shimmy Shake Show on tour
Een avond vol uiteenlopende spetterende buikdansstijlen. De Shimmy Shake Show laat je betoveren en onderdompelen in wereld van de Oriëntaalse buikdans, met onder meer Rachid en haar indrukwekkende beheersing van de Egyptische buikdanstechniek. De avond wordt georganiseerd door Lite Side, die meerwaarde van de Oriëntaalse cultuur aan het actuele westerse culturele aanbod benadrukt.

Stichting Thami Mnyele – 20 jaar
Twintig jaar geleden richtte een groep Amsterdamse kunstenaars een artists-in-residence programma op, waardoor kunstenaars uit Afrika drie maanden in Amsterdam kunnen wonen en werken. Jubileumtentoonstelling met werk van 26 van de 68 kunstenaars die de afgelopen 20 jaar in het atelier verbleven.

TJ, 1948-2010 - David Goldblatt
Bringing together old and new photographs of Johannesburg, the exhibition's title refers to the obsolete South African motorcar registration acronym 'Transvaal, Johannesburg'. These letters, Goldblatt explains, 'implied a certain loyalty'. The exhibition elucidates on aspects of the sprawling city of Johannesburg, which both infuriate and astound the photographer.

The Global Africa Project - Meschac Gaba
Broad spectrum of contemporary African art, design, and craft, work by over 100 artists working in Africa and elsewhere. The Global Africa Project surveys the rich pool of new talent emerging from Africa and its influence on artists around the world.

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

Wayne Barker: Super boring
Barker has produced a new body of work that confronts and questions the new South African culture in all its diverse manifestations, while celebrating the underlying force and spirit of optimism that binds and drives our unique country.

Women are Heroes
In onder meer Kenia, Liberia, Sierra Leone en Zuid-Soedan fotografeert straatkunstenaar JR sterke, maar tegelijk kwetsbare vrouwen, die onder alle omstandigheden een belangrijke rol spelen in de samenleving. De portretten getuigen van de kracht, de moed en de vechtlust van deze vrouwen.

World Minimal Music Festival
Bijzondere minimal music van Steve Reich, Terry Riley, LaMonte Young en Philip Glass. De muziek van de Monts Mandara in Kameroen loopt als een subtiele rode draad door het festival. In hun muziek hoor je fluiten en zingen op een manier die de volbloed minimalist jaloers maakt. Op de openingsavond wordt de documentaire over de Monts Mandara van filmmaker Miranda van der Spek getoond.

Symposium Arabische lente – democratie en ontwikkeling
Vrijdag 01 April 2011 13:00
Evert Vermeer Stichting. Het protest van de bevolking in Tunesië, Egypte, Marokko, Libië, Algerije, Jemen en andere landen staat al weken in het centrum van de aandacht. Wat zijn de achtergronden en hoe zal de toekomst eruit kunnen zien? Plenair gedeelte en vier workshops: De Maghreb landen en Libië, Egypte en de regio, Democratisering en Ontwikkelingsamenwerking.

Claron McFadden's 50ste verjaardagsfeest
Vrijdag 01 April 2011 20:30 - 01:00
Ter ere van de 50ste verjaardag van sopraan Claron McFadden een feestelijke dansavond met optredens van haar favoriete artiesten. Aka Moon staat op het podium, hun muziek gekenmerkt door Afro-klanken. Claron McFadden heeft menigmaal met deze groep op het podium gestaan. Verder optredens van Baba Sissoko en eindigt de avond met muziek van DJ Phillipona.
Zaterdag 02 April

Africa United
Africa United vertelt het verhaal over 3 Rwandese kinderen die de openings- ceremonie van het WK voetbal in J'burg willen bijwonen. Dit loopt iets anders dan gepland: ze belanden in een opvangkamp in Congo. Ze ontsnappen en starten hun reis naar het zuiden: een episch avontuur door 7 landen vol geluk, lach, hoop en hartverwarmende momenten.

African Mosaic: Celebrating a Decade of Collecting
Showcases museum purchases and gifts and provides a glimpse into collecting opportunities for art museums. Centerpiece: a towering and visually striking sculpture of Haitian leader Toussaint Louverture by contemporary Senegalese artist Ousmane Sow.

African One Minutes Competition
Since 2000 the One Minutes Foundation (TOM) organises competitions for the best one minutes video. This time African artists are invited to enter the first African One Minutes Competition. There are 6 categories, for more information check Facebook or the One Minutes website. The deadline is 15 July 2011.

Aimé Mpane: Erased
Recent sculpture and painting by Congolese-born artist Aimé Mpane. His work indicts the social and political reality around him, a reality shaped by a perspective wrought out of his ability to express universal human emotions and deep understanding of the aesthetic and cultural character of the African continent.

Andrew Verster - Of This and That
One of Durban’s most prolific and highly respected artists presents five distinct series that together form this exhibition. Medium and large-scale oils on canvas, 120 palm size sculptures – Signposts, pen and ink drawings – People of Importance and Remnants, and an installation of cutouts – Sacred Memories.

Art out of Africa - Tingatinga Paintings
As seen on Cbeebies Tingatinga Stories. The Tingatinga painting style is named after Edward Saidi Tingatinga, born in southern Tanzania. He developed his own very personal style based on Swahili and Arabic traditions, illustrating colourful animals that fill up most of the frame. After his death in 1972 the Tingatinga Arts Co-operative Society was founded.

Artists in Dialogue II
The exhibition Artists in Dialogue: Sandile Zulu and Henrique Oliveira is the second in a series of exhibitions in which exciting artists (at least one of whom is African) are invited to a new encounter -- one in which each artist responds to the work of the other, and resulting in original, site-specific works at the museum.

Batwa du Rwanda - polyfone zang van Batwa-Pygmeeën
Traditionele muziek van de pygmeeën is vooral vocaal en rijk aan meerstemmige harmonieën en repeterende patronen. De zang is zeer bijzonder. De vrouwen worden voor de gelegenheid begeleid door twee Batwa-mannen op de ingoma-trom of de amakondera.

Black Venus
Abdellatif Kechiche (2010). Historisch drama naar het waargebeurde verhaal van Saartjie Baartman. In 1810 verliet zij met haar meester Caezar haar geboorteland Zuid-Afrika om als circusattractie te worden opgevoerd voor sensatiezoekende blanken in Londen. De Filmkrant schreef: 'Belangrijke, imponerende film, waarover lang kan worden nagepraat.' De VPRO-Gids noemt de film kortweg 'Een meesterwerk'

Brave New World II - Theo Eshetu
Eshetu (Ethiopia/NL) explores themes like the relationship between nature and technology and the idea of life as a spectacle, using images from his personal geography: scenes from a dance in Bali or footage from visits to New York City and Ethiopia.

Darkroom: Photography and New Media in South Africa since 1950
Work of 18 photographers, new media and video artists, who lived and worked in South Africa during the apartheid era (1948-1994), though a few now live elsewhere. Darkroom’s eight sections highlight the ways that these artists have addressed South African culture from various perspectives, and their increased presence in the global art world since 1994.

De kracht van zilver, sieraden uit de collectie van Smith-Hutschenruyter
Deze bijzondere collectie sieraden is afkomstig uit een gebied dat zich uitstrekt van Noord-Afrika, Midden-Oosten en Azië. Ze vertellen het krachtige verhaal van schoonheid, vakmanschap en economische waarde. Ze staan voor esthetiek, maar ook voor magische spiritualiteit. Deze recent geschonken collectie wordt nu voor het eerst tentoongesteld.

Donso on live tour

Dynasty and Divinity: Ife in Ancient Nigeria
More than 100 extraordinary sculptures, dating from the 12th to the 15th century. Artists at Ife, the ancient Yoruba city state, created a unique sculptural corpus which ranks among the world's most aesthetically striking and technically sophisticated.

El Anatsui - When I Last Wrote to You about Africa
Brings together the full range of the artist’s work, from wood trays referring to traditional symbols of the Akan people of Ghana; to early ceramics from the artist’s Broken Pots series, driftwood assemblages that refer to the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and wooden sculptures carved with a chainsaw; to the luminous metal wall-hangings of recent years.

Ernest Cole, Photographer
Ernest Cole (1940-1990) passionately believed in his mission to tell the world in photographs what it meant to be black under Apartheid rule. He penetrated to the very depths of the existence of black people as they negotiated their lives through the insanity of apartheid and its racist laws and oppression.

Geheime relaties, oude en nieuwe kunst verbonden
De tentoonstelling toont hedendaagse kunst uit Afrika en de Afrikaanse diaspora samen met objecten uit de collectie traditionele kunst. Deze oude & nieuwe kunstobjecten vinden hun relatie in de Afrikaanse gebruiken of rituelen waaraan ze gerelateerd zijn.

Grootmoeders aan zet!
Annemarijne Bax (NL, 1981) fotografeerde Zuid-Afrikaanse grootmoeders voor World Granny. Tijdens de tentoonstelling geeft Bax een aantal lezingen (op vrijdagmiddag) over de trends, ontwikkelingen en resultaten van ontwikkelingssamenwerking bij de doelgroep ouderen in verschillende werelddelen. Voor de lezingen graag aanmelden (zie sites voor details).

Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now
Drawn entirely from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art, Impressions from South Africa, 1965 to Now features nearly 100, posters, books, and wall stencils created over the last five decades that demonstrate the exceptional reach, range, and impact of printmaking during and after a period of enormous political upheaval.

Jodi Bieber - Between Darkness and Light
Award-winning photographer Jodi Bieber explores the twilight that she experienced in the decade following the advent of democracy in South Africa. The show is a selection of work from 1993 to 2004, primarily revealing Bieber’s more rarely shown independent series, as well as some of her earlier work as a press photographer.

Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees 2011
Kick up some dust and celebrate Afrikaans culture in Oudtshoorn, the capital of the beautiful Klein Karoo at the 17th Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees (KKNK). The fun-filled, merry event stages new Afrikaans talent as well as old favourites and has grown to a gathering that attracts over 20 000 festival buffs.
17th Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees (KKNK)

Library of the infinitesimally small and the unimaginably large - Barbara Wildenboer
Using images and metaphor to investigate the scientific contents of found reference books, Barbara Wildenboer tries to make sense of phenomena such as fractal geometry and the interconnectedness of all living things by creating visual metaphors that speak of a sense of wonder at the complicated beauty of patterns in nature.

Nicholas Hlobo: Sculpture, Installation, Performance, Drawing
A number of works that show how Hlobo uses sculpture, installation, performance and drawing to address issues of gender, cultural difference and contemporary politics. Hlobo’s work implicates viewers in the scenario of South African culture, providing enough clues to bridge the differences between his local cultural sensitivities and those of a global art world.

Now You Can See - Maarten Dekker en Barbara Polderman (Nederland) & Omar Ba (Senegal)
Tekeningen op hout van Maarten Dekker, gereduceerd tot de essentie van de vorm van alledaagse objecten, contrasteren met de zinsbegoochelende sculpturen van Barbara Polderman en het visuele spektakel van de mysterieuze schilderijen van Omar Ba. In Ba's werk ervaar je tegenovergestelde werelden: mensen en dieren, vooruitgang en natuur, moderniteit en traditie, het westen en Afrika.

Olavo Amado - Het leven als labyrint
Amado (Sao Tomé) omschreef het leven ooit als een labyrint. “Je weet nooit wat je de volgende dag te wachten staat.” Met name in zijn abstractere werken lijkt hij dit uitgangspunt haast letterlijk vorm te geven. Het hele oppervlak is gevuld met labyrintachtige vormen. Heel kleurig, in elkaar grijpend, warrig.

Paul Painting - Etchings
Images that border on the macabre and fantastical, qualified by a vein of dark humour and tragicomedy. Mug shots of vicious criminals rub shoulders with stuffed gorillas, concrete dinosaurs square off against burlesque wrestlers: a phantasmagoria of ill-starred misfits.

Possible Cities: Africa in Photography and Video
Seeks to complicate representations of Africa through a set of works on cities as sites of convergence of multiple pasts and futures. Includes photo installations by Sammy Baloji, Pieter Hugo, Sabelo Mlangeni, and Guy Tillim and video installations by Salem Mekuria and IngridMwangiRobertHutter.

Rainbow Savannah
By Sanaa Afrika. Feauturing Tinga Tinga paintings from Tanzania and Shona stone sculptures From Zimbabwe. Now also available during the exhibition Tinga Tinga tales, colourful childrens' books inspired by traditional animal stories from Africa.

Reconfiguring an African Icon: Odes to the Mask by Modern and Contemporary Artists from 3 Continents
Works featured in this installation are highly creative re-imaginings of the iconic form of the African mask. Among them are sculptural assemblages made of incongruous combinations of discarded materials by two contemporary artists from the Republic of Benin, Romuald Hazoumé (b. 1962) and Calixte Dakpogan (b. 1958).

Shimmy Shake Show on tour
Een avond vol uiteenlopende spetterende buikdansstijlen. De Shimmy Shake Show laat je betoveren en onderdompelen in wereld van de Oriëntaalse buikdans, met onder meer Rachid en haar indrukwekkende beheersing van de Egyptische buikdanstechniek. De avond wordt georganiseerd door Lite Side, die meerwaarde van de Oriëntaalse cultuur aan het actuele westerse culturele aanbod benadrukt.

Stichting Thami Mnyele – 20 jaar
Twintig jaar geleden richtte een groep Amsterdamse kunstenaars een artists-in-residence programma op, waardoor kunstenaars uit Afrika drie maanden in Amsterdam kunnen wonen en werken. Jubileumtentoonstelling met werk van 26 van de 68 kunstenaars die de afgelopen 20 jaar in het atelier verbleven.

TJ, 1948-2010 - David Goldblatt
Bringing together old and new photographs of Johannesburg, the exhibition's title refers to the obsolete South African motorcar registration acronym 'Transvaal, Johannesburg'. These letters, Goldblatt explains, 'implied a certain loyalty'. The exhibition elucidates on aspects of the sprawling city of Johannesburg, which both infuriate and astound the photographer.

The Global Africa Project - Meschac Gaba
Broad spectrum of contemporary African art, design, and craft, work by over 100 artists working in Africa and elsewhere. The Global Africa Project surveys the rich pool of new talent emerging from Africa and its influence on artists around the world.

UK Tour State of Emergency
The independent voice for black Africa, presents an unique contemporary African dance project: Desert Crossings. Choreographer Gregory Maqoma is regarded a visionary in his country of birth South Africa. The inspiration for Desert Crossings came from the backdrop of the red rock cliffs on the Devon coastline and is supported by UNESCO for the close work with the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Team.

Wayne Barker: Super boring
Barker has produced a new body of work that confronts and questions the new South African culture in all its diverse manifestations, while celebrating the underlying force and spirit of optimism that binds and drives our unique country.

Women are Heroes
In onder meer Kenia, Liberia, Sierra Leone en Zuid-Soedan fotografeert straatkunstenaar JR sterke, maar tegelijk kwetsbare vrouwen, die onder alle omstandigheden een belangrijke rol spelen in de samenleving. De portretten getuigen van de kracht, de moed en de vechtlust van deze vrouwen.

World Minimal Music Festival
Bijzondere minimal music van Steve Reich, Terry Riley, LaMonte Young en Philip Glass. De muziek van de Monts Mandara in Kameroen loopt als een subtiele rode draad door het festival. In hun muziek hoor je fluiten en zingen op een manier die de volbloed minimalist jaloers maakt. Op de openingsavond wordt de documentaire over de Monts Mandara van filmmaker Miranda van der Spek getoond.