Agenda 26 Juni - 02 Juli 2011

Zondag 26 Juni

Nederland, Amsterdam - Zuid-Afrikahuis - Lezing en debat
Dag van de Amsterdamse geschiedenis - Barbara Henkes over het Zuid-Afrikahuis
Zondag 26 Juni 2011 13:00

Het Zuid-Afrikahuis stelt zich ten doel stelt de belangstelling voor Zuid-Afrika levend te houden. Natuurlijk weerspiegelt het huis de ambivalente verhouding tussen Nederland en Zuid Afrika. Ooit heette het Jan van Riebeeckhuis. Barbara Henkes doet aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen onderzoek naar Nederlandse immigranten in Zuid-Afrika.


Nederland, Amsterdam - Zuid-Afrikahuis - Lezing en debat
Het Zuid-Afrikahuis door Barbara Henkes
Zondag 26 Juni 2011 13:00

Tijdens de dag van de Amsterdamse geschiedenis houdt Barbara Henkes (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) een lezing over de ambivalente verhouding tussen Nederland en Zuid-Afrika en verheldert de positie en het doel van het Zuid-Afrikahuis, dat in de jaren ' 70 door aanhangers van de Anti-Apartheidsbeweging ernstig werd bekritiseerd.


Maandag 27 Juni

van ma27.06
t/m wo29.06
Zuid-Afrika, Pretoria (Tshwane) - Prestige Auditorium, Tshwane Univ. of Technology - Lezing en debat
International conference Arts Society and Sustainable Development

Topics: sustainability within the arts, development of products, entrepreneurship & social-cultural development of communities, drama, film, visual communication, fashion, fine arts, crafts, musical theatre, music, design, architecture & photography


van ma27.06
t/m wo29.06
Zuid-Afrika, - check website for location - Lezing en debat
The past & it's possibilities: Perspectives of Southern Africa

The Southern African Historical Society organises it's 23rd Biennial Conference. The society is an active network for communication amoung professionals located in the subcontinental region and aims to create opportunities and exchanges for young and emerging historians, in particular those based in the region.

SAHS zuidafrikahuis

Dinsdag 28 Juni

van ma27.06
t/m wo29.06
Zuid-Afrika, Pretoria (Tshwane) - Prestige Auditorium, Tshwane Univ. of Technology - Lezing en debat
International conference Arts Society and Sustainable Development

Topics: sustainability within the arts, development of products, entrepreneurship & social-cultural development of communities, drama, film, visual communication, fashion, fine arts, crafts, musical theatre, music, design, architecture & photography


van ma27.06
t/m wo29.06
Zuid-Afrika, - check website for location - Lezing en debat
The past & it's possibilities: Perspectives of Southern Africa

The Southern African Historical Society organises it's 23rd Biennial Conference. The society is an active network for communication amoung professionals located in the subcontinental region and aims to create opportunities and exchanges for young and emerging historians, in particular those based in the region.

SAHS zuidafrikahuis

Nederland, Den Haag - Institute of Social Studies - Lezing en debat
Limits to Decentralization in Mozambique: Leadership, Politics and Local Government Capacities for S
Dinsdag 28 Juni 2011 16:00

Public Defence - Antonio Pedro Jose Machohe, Mozambique. Study seeks to assess the extent to which new local structures and decision-making processes since the first elections in 1998 are able to respond to the needs and wants of the communities they claim to represent.


Woensdag 29 Juni

van ma27.06
t/m wo29.06
Zuid-Afrika, Pretoria (Tshwane) - Prestige Auditorium, Tshwane Univ. of Technology - Lezing en debat
International conference Arts Society and Sustainable Development

Topics: sustainability within the arts, development of products, entrepreneurship & social-cultural development of communities, drama, film, visual communication, fashion, fine arts, crafts, musical theatre, music, design, architecture & photography


van ma27.06
t/m wo29.06
Zuid-Afrika, - check website for location - Lezing en debat
The past & it's possibilities: Perspectives of Southern Africa

The Southern African Historical Society organises it's 23rd Biennial Conference. The society is an active network for communication amoung professionals located in the subcontinental region and aims to create opportunities and exchanges for young and emerging historians, in particular those based in the region.

SAHS zuidafrikahuis