Maandag 27 Juni 2011

van ma27.06
t/m wo29.06
Zuid-Afrika, - check website for location - Lezing en debat
The past & it's possibilities: Perspectives of Southern Africa

The Southern African Historical Society organises it's 23rd Biennial Conference. The society is an active network for communication amoung professionals located in the subcontinental region and aims to create opportunities and exchanges for young and emerging historians, in particular those based in the region.

SAHS zuidafrikahuis

van ma27.06
t/m wo29.06
Zuid-Afrika, Pretoria (Tshwane) - Prestige Auditorium, Tshwane Univ. of Technology - Lezing en debat
International conference Arts Society and Sustainable Development

Topics: sustainability within the arts, development of products, entrepreneurship & social-cultural development of communities, drama, film, visual communication, fashion, fine arts, crafts, musical theatre, music, design, architecture & photography
