Agenda 02 - 08 Januari 2011
Donderdag 06 Januari

Cinema Safari: A Showcase of African Cinema at Palm Springs International Film Festival 2011
13 new films made in Africa or reflecting contemporary African stories & themes. The showcase reflects the dramatic upsurge of film production across the African continent & the concurrent emergence of exciting new filmmaking talents throughout the region
Cinema Safari at Palm Springs International Film Festival 2011

Infosessie culturele inlevingsreis Yèelba Fespaco 2011
Africalia organiseert inleefreis naar aaanleiding van filmfestival Fespaco in Burkina Faso, februari 2011. Infosessies bieden antwoord op vragen en laten u kennismaken met mensen die festival al hebben beleefd. Sessie i.s.m. Afrika Film Festival. Info: zie site
Vrijdag 07 Januari

Cinema Safari: A Showcase of African Cinema at Palm Springs International Film Festival 2011
13 new films made in Africa or reflecting contemporary African stories & themes. The showcase reflects the dramatic upsurge of film production across the African continent & the concurrent emergence of exciting new filmmaking talents throughout the region
Cinema Safari at Palm Springs International Film Festival 2011
Zaterdag 08 Januari

Cinema Safari: A Showcase of African Cinema at Palm Springs International Film Festival 2011
13 new films made in Africa or reflecting contemporary African stories & themes. The showcase reflects the dramatic upsurge of film production across the African continent & the concurrent emergence of exciting new filmmaking talents throughout the region
Cinema Safari at Palm Springs International Film Festival 2011