Agenda 27 November - 03 December 2011

Zondag 27 November

van wo02.11
t/m wo07.12
Verenigde Staten, - Discovery World Channel - Evenement
TV Series - Marley Africa Road Trip

Africa held Bob Marley spellbound but this film discovers it through his sons’ eyes, as they share an exploration, keeping close to the heart of the country, meeting its people and encountering its wildlife. Between adventures on the road they relate the lessons they have learned from their father about family, moral righteousness and revolution.

van za26.11
t/m zo27.11
Nederland, Aalsmeer - Boerma Instituut - Evenement
Inzamelingsactie voor studenten in Mali
Zaterdag 26 November 2011 11:00
t/m Zondag 27 November 2011

Inzamelingsactie voor materialen en geld voor studenten aan het Institut National des Arts (INA) in Bamako, door studenten aan de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Amsterdam. 5 studenten gaan een maand lang naar Bamako in Mali, voor onderwijs in de schildertechniek Bogolan. Kunst te koop, variërend van keramiek tot schilderijen, veelal van studenten. Verder workshops Afrikaanse maskers, geluksamuletten, Afrikaanse sierraden en animatiefilmpjes.

actie-facebook kunstnomade africaserver

Nederland, Amsterdam - Zuid-Afrikahuis - Evenement
Zondag 27 November 2011 12:00 - 17:00

Onder het genot van een hapje of drankje in kerstsfeer dé plek om alvast uw Sinterklaas- en Kerstcadeautjes te kopen. U kunt op onder andere terecht voor: wijn, boerewors/biltong, Zuid-Afrikaanse supermarkt-producten, sieraden, ansichtkaarten, Art en craft van de San (Bushmen uit Zuidelijk Afrika) en uiteraard onze eigen specialiteit: boeken, zowel nieuw als tweedehands.


Nederland, Utrecht - Galerie Sanaa - Evenement
Jubileum Tania Leon Studiefonds (voor Zuid-Afrikaanse vrouwen)
Zondag 27 November 2011 14:00 - 17:00

Al 25 jaar werft het Tania Leon Studiefonds fondsen voor talentvolle maar kansarme Zuid-Afrikaanse jonge vrouwen. Dit jubileum wordt gevierd samen met allen die zich in de loop van de jaren ingezet hebben voor het fonds. Op het programma staat onder meer een veiling van een foto van Zanele Muholi en een optreden van Rina Mushonga. Wel graag van te voren aanmelden.


Maandag 28 November

van wo02.11
t/m wo07.12
Verenigde Staten, - Discovery World Channel - Evenement
TV Series - Marley Africa Road Trip

Africa held Bob Marley spellbound but this film discovers it through his sons’ eyes, as they share an exploration, keeping close to the heart of the country, meeting its people and encountering its wildlife. Between adventures on the road they relate the lessons they have learned from their father about family, moral righteousness and revolution.

Dinsdag 29 November

van wo02.11
t/m wo07.12
Verenigde Staten, - Discovery World Channel - Evenement
TV Series - Marley Africa Road Trip

Africa held Bob Marley spellbound but this film discovers it through his sons’ eyes, as they share an exploration, keeping close to the heart of the country, meeting its people and encountering its wildlife. Between adventures on the road they relate the lessons they have learned from their father about family, moral righteousness and revolution.

Woensdag 30 November

Nederland, Rotterdam - Grounds podium + café - Evenement
Prequel Dag Wereldmuziek; speciale aandacht voor Kaap-Verdiaanse muziekscene

In het kader van de Dag van de Wereldmuziek een speciale editie van het World Blend Café. Centraal staat het hart van de Rotterdamse muziekscene met extra aandacht voor de grote Kaap-Verdiaanse scene, de Rotterdamse podia, de muzikanten, de opleidingen en het beleid. Speciale gasten zijn o.m. Joe Boyd, auteur van "White Bicycles: Making Music in the 60ties" en Simon Broughton, hoofdredacteur van Songlines en de Rough Guide to World Music. Met optreden van oa Gil Semedo (Kaap Verdie).


van wo02.11
t/m wo07.12
Verenigde Staten, - Discovery World Channel - Evenement
TV Series - Marley Africa Road Trip

Africa held Bob Marley spellbound but this film discovers it through his sons’ eyes, as they share an exploration, keeping close to the heart of the country, meeting its people and encountering its wildlife. Between adventures on the road they relate the lessons they have learned from their father about family, moral righteousness and revolution.

Donderdag 01 December

van wo02.11
t/m wo07.12
Verenigde Staten, - Discovery World Channel - Evenement
TV Series - Marley Africa Road Trip

Africa held Bob Marley spellbound but this film discovers it through his sons’ eyes, as they share an exploration, keeping close to the heart of the country, meeting its people and encountering its wildlife. Between adventures on the road they relate the lessons they have learned from their father about family, moral righteousness and revolution.

Vrijdag 02 December

van vr02.12
t/m za10.12
Marokko, Marrakech - Marrakech - Evenement
Marrakech International Film Festival

Since its inaugural year in 2000, the Festival International du Film de Marrakech (FIFM) has been one of the biggest events devoted to Moroccan cinema. The festival's jury gathers international writers, actors and personalities, and endeavors to reward the best Moroccan and foreign feature and short films. An annual event, this year marks the 11th edition of the festival.


van wo02.11
t/m wo07.12
Verenigde Staten, - Discovery World Channel - Evenement
TV Series - Marley Africa Road Trip

Africa held Bob Marley spellbound but this film discovers it through his sons’ eyes, as they share an exploration, keeping close to the heart of the country, meeting its people and encountering its wildlife. Between adventures on the road they relate the lessons they have learned from their father about family, moral righteousness and revolution.

Zaterdag 03 December

van vr02.12
t/m za10.12
Marokko, Marrakech - Marrakech - Evenement
Marrakech International Film Festival

Since its inaugural year in 2000, the Festival International du Film de Marrakech (FIFM) has been one of the biggest events devoted to Moroccan cinema. The festival's jury gathers international writers, actors and personalities, and endeavors to reward the best Moroccan and foreign feature and short films. An annual event, this year marks the 11th edition of the festival.


van wo02.11
t/m wo07.12
Verenigde Staten, - Discovery World Channel - Evenement
TV Series - Marley Africa Road Trip

Africa held Bob Marley spellbound but this film discovers it through his sons’ eyes, as they share an exploration, keeping close to the heart of the country, meeting its people and encountering its wildlife. Between adventures on the road they relate the lessons they have learned from their father about family, moral righteousness and revolution.