Agenda 18 - 24 September 2011
Zondag 18 September

4th Bayimba International Festival of the Arts
Live bands, theatre companies, poets, story tellers, fashion designers, visual artists, etc.

International Arts Alive Festival in Johannesburg
Covering a diverse and eclectic range of events from music and theatre to dance and comedy, from visual arts and the spoken word to visual arts and craft. Arts Alive is the cultural event opening the doorways to South Africa as a cultural destination.

Afrika op de 50 Plus Beurs
Van Dinsdag 13 September 2011 - 10:00
t/m Zondag 18 September 2011 - 17:30
Het aanbod is groter dan ooit. Veel touroperators met Afrika-reizen. Van Cultuur & geschiedenis, actie & avontuur. Met speciaal: het Zuid-Afrika Reiscenter. Ontmoet kunstenaars, artiesten & personalities. En allerlei optredens op podia & terrassen
Maandag 19 September

International Arts Alive Festival in Johannesburg
Covering a diverse and eclectic range of events from music and theatre to dance and comedy, from visual arts and the spoken word to visual arts and craft. Arts Alive is the cultural event opening the doorways to South Africa as a cultural destination.
Dinsdag 20 September

International Arts Alive Festival in Johannesburg
Covering a diverse and eclectic range of events from music and theatre to dance and comedy, from visual arts and the spoken word to visual arts and craft. Arts Alive is the cultural event opening the doorways to South Africa as a cultural destination.
Woensdag 21 September

International Arts Alive Festival in Johannesburg
Covering a diverse and eclectic range of events from music and theatre to dance and comedy, from visual arts and the spoken word to visual arts and craft. Arts Alive is the cultural event opening the doorways to South Africa as a cultural destination.
Donderdag 22 September

International Arts Alive Festival in Johannesburg
Covering a diverse and eclectic range of events from music and theatre to dance and comedy, from visual arts and the spoken word to visual arts and craft. Arts Alive is the cultural event opening the doorways to South Africa as a cultural destination.
Vrijdag 23 September

International Arts Alive Festival in Johannesburg
Covering a diverse and eclectic range of events from music and theatre to dance and comedy, from visual arts and the spoken word to visual arts and craft. Arts Alive is the cultural event opening the doorways to South Africa as a cultural destination.
Zaterdag 24 September

International Arts Alive Festival in Johannesburg
Covering a diverse and eclectic range of events from music and theatre to dance and comedy, from visual arts and the spoken word to visual arts and craft. Arts Alive is the cultural event opening the doorways to South Africa as a cultural destination.

Panafest - Panafrikaans Festival met muziek en dans
Met onder meer dansworkshops, percussieworkshops, Afro dance fusion-workshops (alle workshops met professionele begeleiding), modeshow door amateurs, Kizomba dance company (professopnele en traditionele Angolese muziek- en dansgroep), dans en muziek Yama-Yama (bekende, succesvolle West Afrikaanse highlife-band), swingen met Afro-Latino muziek.