Agenda 22 - 28 April 2012

Zondag 22 April

van wo11.04
t/m ma28.05
Verenigde Staten, New York - New York City - Evenement
19th NY African Film Festival

The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

nyafricanfilmfestival mustsee

Maandag 23 April

van wo11.04
t/m ma28.05
Verenigde Staten, New York - New York City - Evenement
19th NY African Film Festival

The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

nyafricanfilmfestival mustsee

Nederland, Amsterdam - Felix Meritis - Evenement
36e Globaliseringslezing: De ware kosmopolieten komen uit Afrika!
Maandag 23 April 2012 19:00

Billy Kahora en Chika Unigwe gaan in gesprek met Wim Brands (VPRO Boeken) over nieuwe perspectieven die Afrikaanse schrijvers aandragen in hun werk en hoe zij het oude westerse idee over wat Afrika behelst ver achter zich laten. De Nederlands-Somalische schrijfster Yasmine Allas leest een column en de Zuid-Afrikaanse Ronelda S. Kamfer draagt poëzie voor. Voorafgaand worden twee afleveringen vertoond uit de tv-serie Nieuwkomers van Wim Brands (VPRO) waarvan één over Chika Unigwe.


Dinsdag 24 April

van wo11.04
t/m ma28.05
Verenigde Staten, New York - New York City - Evenement
19th NY African Film Festival

The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

nyafricanfilmfestival mustsee

Woensdag 25 April

van wo11.04
t/m ma28.05
Verenigde Staten, New York - New York City - Evenement
19th NY African Film Festival

The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

nyafricanfilmfestival mustsee

van wo25.04
t/m ma30.04
Zuid-Afrika, Tankwa Town - Tankwa Town - Evenement
AfrikaBurn Festival 2012

2011 theme: Stof - the primal mud. The Afrikaburn theme is intended as a point of connection, or inspiration, it's a conversational start point, a proposition for discussion, it's a post to rub up against, it's a platform to dream from. Do with it what you like.


Donderdag 26 April

van wo11.04
t/m ma28.05
Verenigde Staten, New York - New York City - Evenement
19th NY African Film Festival

The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

nyafricanfilmfestival mustsee

van wo25.04
t/m ma30.04
Zuid-Afrika, Tankwa Town - Tankwa Town - Evenement
AfrikaBurn Festival 2012

2011 theme: Stof - the primal mud. The Afrikaburn theme is intended as a point of connection, or inspiration, it's a conversational start point, a proposition for discussion, it's a post to rub up against, it's a platform to dream from. Do with it what you like.


Vrijdag 27 April

van wo11.04
t/m ma28.05
Verenigde Staten, New York - New York City - Evenement
19th NY African Film Festival

The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

nyafricanfilmfestival mustsee

van wo25.04
t/m ma30.04
Zuid-Afrika, Tankwa Town - Tankwa Town - Evenement
AfrikaBurn Festival 2012

2011 theme: Stof - the primal mud. The Afrikaburn theme is intended as a point of connection, or inspiration, it's a conversational start point, a proposition for discussion, it's a post to rub up against, it's a platform to dream from. Do with it what you like.


Nederland, Haarlem - Haarlemse stationsrestauratie - Evenement
Benefiet avond 100 Faces
Vrijdag 27 April 2012 20:00

De Stedenband Haarlem-Mutare organiseert in samenwerking met Hakim Traida en een Zimbabwaanse Live band een benefietavond in de stationsrestauratie 3e klas op spoor 3 van het Station Haarlem. De opbrengst van deze feestavond komt ten goede aan de mensen die zich in Mutare inzetten voor hun medemens.

100faces 100faces2

Zaterdag 28 April

van wo11.04
t/m ma28.05
Verenigde Staten, New York - New York City - Evenement
19th NY African Film Festival

The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

nyafricanfilmfestival mustsee

van wo25.04
t/m ma30.04
Zuid-Afrika, Tankwa Town - Tankwa Town - Evenement
AfrikaBurn Festival 2012

2011 theme: Stof - the primal mud. The Afrikaburn theme is intended as a point of connection, or inspiration, it's a conversational start point, a proposition for discussion, it's a post to rub up against, it's a platform to dream from. Do with it what you like.


van za28.04
t/m zo06.05
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Evenement
Meivakantie-actiteiten bij Goddelijk en Griezelig – Het Geheim van de Slang

Dagelijks vinden in het museum activiteiten plaats aansluitend bij de tentoonstelling Goddelijk en Griezelig – Het Geheim van de Slang, zoals de nieuwe voorstelling De grote Wijze van het woud waarin een combinatie wordt gemaakt van vertelkunst, dans en muziek. Het nieuwe Kinderbeeldenbos in het Buitenmuseum is open en de dieren in het bos komen tot leven. Kinderen worden prachtig geschminkt en kruipen zo in de huid van Afrikaanse dieren.
