Vrijdag 27 April 2012

Nederland, Haarlem - Haarlemse stationsrestauratie - Evenement
Benefiet avond 100 Faces
Vrijdag 27 April 2012 20:00

De Stedenband Haarlem-Mutare organiseert in samenwerking met Hakim Traida en een Zimbabwaanse Live band een benefietavond in de stationsrestauratie 3e klas op spoor 3 van het Station Haarlem. De opbrengst van deze feestavond komt ten goede aan de mensen die zich in Mutare inzetten voor hun medemens.

100faces 100faces2

van wo25.04
t/m ma30.04
Zuid-Afrika, Tankwa Town - Tankwa Town - Evenement
AfrikaBurn Festival 2012

2011 theme: Stof - the primal mud. The Afrikaburn theme is intended as a point of connection, or inspiration, it's a conversational start point, a proposition for discussion, it's a post to rub up against, it's a platform to dream from. Do with it what you like.


van wo11.04
t/m ma28.05
Verenigde Staten, New York - New York City - Evenement
19th NY African Film Festival

The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

nyafricanfilmfestival mustsee