Agenda 13 - 19 Mei 2012
Zondag 13 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

Moederdag in het Afrikamuseum
Verras je moeder met een high tea in het museumrestaurant gevolgd door een bijzondere themarondleiding over de vrouw en de slang. Kinderen kunnen in de creatieve workshop een speciaal moederdagcadeautje maken. De entree voor moeders is gratis!

The Franschhoek Literary Festival 2012
The sixth Franschhoek Literary Festival kicks off on 11 May for the annual long weekend when writers gather in Franschhoek to discuss the latest books, complicated history and volatile now of the beloved country. The stories they tell, the scandals they uncover and the crimes they devise will unfold in more than eighty events over the three days.
Maandag 14 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.
Dinsdag 15 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.
Woensdag 16 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.
Donderdag 17 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

Kinderfestival in het Afrikamuseum
Op Hemelvaartsdag organiseert het Afrika Museum alweer voor de vijfde keer een groots Kinderfestival. Tijdens dit festival staan de talenten van kinderen centraal. Het wordt een feestelijke dag vol optredens, workshops en verrassende activiteiten. In de talentenjacht Toon je talent! kunnen kinderen van 4 t/m 12 jaar laten zien wat ze in huis hebben. Acteur en zanger Tim Douwsma is voorzitter van de jury en zal ook optreden. De entree voor kinderen t/m 12 jaar is gratis!
Vrijdag 18 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.
Zaterdag 19 Mei

19th NY African Film Festival
The 2012 New York African Film Festival, presented under the banner 21st Century: The Homecoming is a two-month multi-venue event in New York City exploring notions of home and homeland through films and their protagonists. A select group of features, shorts and documentaries, as well as experimental films and archival footage, will be presented alongside supplementary programs aimed at a broader exploration of the festival’s themes, including panel discussions, visual and performing art exhibitions, professional development workshops for artists, and in-school presentations.

Geen Daden Maar Woorden Festival
Zaterdag 19 Mei 2012 20:00
Weer staat een unieke combinatie van jong schrijf- en muziektalent, literaire grootheden, dans en experimentele voorstellingen garant voor een divers programma. Anne Vegter is dichter, toneelschrijfster en prozaïst. Vegter draagt - met muzikale begeleiding - voor uit haar bundel, waarbij projecties te zien zijn van haar illustraties. Ronelda S. Kamfer is een van de spannendste jonge Zuid-Afrikaanse dichters van dit moment. Actrice en zangeres Eva van Welzenis is in december 2010 als 'Liefje Loe' begonnen met het inzamelen van zoveel mogelijk verschillende liefdesbrieven van verschillende mensen. Deze liefdesbrieven heeft zij gebruikt als inspiratie voor het schrijven van liedjes met als resultaat een theatervoorstelling met live muziek.

African Party
Zaterdag 19 Mei 2012 20:30
Lekker dansen op de muziek van diverse artiesten! Ook: percussie, presentatie van de Stichting de Afrika Centrale, DJ.