Agenda 04 - 10 Maart 2012

Zondag 04 Maart

van za18.02
t/m zo04.03
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Evenement
Voorjaarsvakantie in het Afrika Museum
Van Zaterdag 18 Februari 2012 -  12:00
t/m Zondag 04 Maart 2012 - 16:30

De opbouw van de nieuwe tentoonstelling Goddelijk en Griezelig – Het Geheim van de Slang is in februari in volle gang en tijdens de weekenden in de voorjaarsvakantie kunnen bezoekers alvast een kijkje achter de schermen nemen. Aansluitend bij deze snake preview kunnen kinderen creatief aan de slag in de workshop De Regenboogslang en maken zij van allerlei materialen een kleurrijke slang. Hiernaast kunnen bezoekers in de workshop Afrikaanse muziek kennismaken met de instrumenten en muziek van Afrika.


Dinsdag 06 Maart

van di06.03
t/m za10.03
Zuid-Afrika, Cape Town - Cape Town - Evenement
Infecting The City

Infecting The City is the largest and most diverse annual public arts festival in South Africa. Transcendent, beautiful, challenging, ethereal and always free, this year’s festival hosts a compelling mix of new and re-imagined works. The programme will include 32 works that include installations, dance, poetry, theatre, performance art and music. The artworks will take place at various points and locations across Cape Town’s city centre.

infectingthecity artslink

Woensdag 07 Maart

van di06.03
t/m za10.03
Zuid-Afrika, Cape Town - Cape Town - Evenement
Infecting The City

Infecting The City is the largest and most diverse annual public arts festival in South Africa. Transcendent, beautiful, challenging, ethereal and always free, this year’s festival hosts a compelling mix of new and re-imagined works. The programme will include 32 works that include installations, dance, poetry, theatre, performance art and music. The artworks will take place at various points and locations across Cape Town’s city centre.

infectingthecity artslink

Donderdag 08 Maart

van di06.03
t/m za10.03
Zuid-Afrika, Cape Town - Cape Town - Evenement
Infecting The City

Infecting The City is the largest and most diverse annual public arts festival in South Africa. Transcendent, beautiful, challenging, ethereal and always free, this year’s festival hosts a compelling mix of new and re-imagined works. The programme will include 32 works that include installations, dance, poetry, theatre, performance art and music. The artworks will take place at various points and locations across Cape Town’s city centre.

infectingthecity artslink

Vrijdag 09 Maart

van di06.03
t/m za10.03
Zuid-Afrika, Cape Town - Cape Town - Evenement
Infecting The City

Infecting The City is the largest and most diverse annual public arts festival in South Africa. Transcendent, beautiful, challenging, ethereal and always free, this year’s festival hosts a compelling mix of new and re-imagined works. The programme will include 32 works that include installations, dance, poetry, theatre, performance art and music. The artworks will take place at various points and locations across Cape Town’s city centre.

infectingthecity artslink

Zaterdag 10 Maart

van di06.03
t/m za10.03
Zuid-Afrika, Cape Town - Cape Town - Evenement
Infecting The City

Infecting The City is the largest and most diverse annual public arts festival in South Africa. Transcendent, beautiful, challenging, ethereal and always free, this year’s festival hosts a compelling mix of new and re-imagined works. The programme will include 32 works that include installations, dance, poetry, theatre, performance art and music. The artworks will take place at various points and locations across Cape Town’s city centre.

infectingthecity artslink