Agenda 26 Mei - 01 Juni 2013
Woensdag 29 Mei

8th eLearning Africa conference
The largest annual assembly of eLearning & education professionals from Africa and beyond. eLearning Africa continues to build & expand a worldwide network for people involved in all aspects of technology-enhanced education & training in Africa.
Donderdag 30 Mei

8th eLearning Africa conference
The largest annual assembly of eLearning & education professionals from Africa and beyond. eLearning Africa continues to build & expand a worldwide network for people involved in all aspects of technology-enhanced education & training in Africa.

Seminar: Colonial administration, native taxation & fiscal subjects in former Portuguese Africa
The question of colonial policies with regard to the extraction of taxes, labour and natural resources in Africa has become an important thread in recent years in studies on the economic history of empire. This paper intends to partly redress this imbalance by means of a multidisciplinary focus on the cases of Angola, Guinea and Mozambique and to shed light on extractive policies, with particular emphasis on direct native taxation, while considering their implications for the debate on statehood and citizenship in empire. Speaker: Philip J. Havik, Tropical Research Institute IICT Lisbon. Please register

promotie Mercy Bobuafor - A Grammer of Tafi
Donderdag 30 Mei 2013 15:00
Promotor: prof. dr. M.P.G.M. Mous. Tafi is one of the fourteen Ghana-Togo Mountain (GTM) languages, spoken by approximately 4,400 people in the southeastern part of Ghana. The primary goal of the project is to document the synchronic structure of the language producing a grammatical description, a text collection, multi-media corpus of verbal interactions and a lexicon, the storehouse of the indigenous knowledge systems of the speakers.
Vrijdag 31 Mei

8th eLearning Africa conference
The largest annual assembly of eLearning & education professionals from Africa and beyond. eLearning Africa continues to build & expand a worldwide network for people involved in all aspects of technology-enhanced education & training in Africa.