Agenda 25 - 31 Augustus 2013
Zondag 25 Augustus

Cabo Verde, Terra Seb - Juventude em Marcha (Kaapverdie, zalig land)
Zondag 25 Augustus 2013 19:00 - 21:45
Twee Nederlandse toeristen besluiten hun vakantie door te brengen in een vreedzaam land met een mild klimaat, waar ze kunnen genieten van de rust, kalmte en goedheid van haar volk. Op het reisbureau waar ze naar een tropisch bestemming zoeken besluiten ze naar Kaapverdië te gaan. Eenmaal in dit land komen ze in contact met de werkelijkheid, modus vivendus en cultuur van de bewoners van de eilanden. Ze wanen zich in het paradijs. Eenmaal terug in Rotterdam besluit het echtpaar, bevangen door nostalgie en heimwee, om van Kaapverdië hun tweede thuis te maken. Hier kunnen ze jaarlijks genieten van hun welverdiende vakantie en wellicht een welkome bijdrage leveren aan de ontwikkeling van “het eiland van de bergen” (Santo Antao).
Woensdag 28 Augustus

15th JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Experience
JOMBA! fiercely holds onto its status as one of the few remaining dedicated spaces in South Africa where dance and choreography remain nurtured and supported, and continues to offer world class dance theatre that challenges audiences; asking that they come to the myriad festival offerings (performances, workshops and classes) with the intention to be shocked, surprised, entertained and above all, to celebrate a beautiful and critical art form.
Donderdag 29 Augustus

15th JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Experience
JOMBA! fiercely holds onto its status as one of the few remaining dedicated spaces in South Africa where dance and choreography remain nurtured and supported, and continues to offer world class dance theatre that challenges audiences; asking that they come to the myriad festival offerings (performances, workshops and classes) with the intention to be shocked, surprised, entertained and above all, to celebrate a beautiful and critical art form.
Vrijdag 30 Augustus

15th JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Experience
JOMBA! fiercely holds onto its status as one of the few remaining dedicated spaces in South Africa where dance and choreography remain nurtured and supported, and continues to offer world class dance theatre that challenges audiences; asking that they come to the myriad festival offerings (performances, workshops and classes) with the intention to be shocked, surprised, entertained and above all, to celebrate a beautiful and critical art form.
Zaterdag 31 Augustus

15th JOMBA! Contemporary Dance Experience
JOMBA! fiercely holds onto its status as one of the few remaining dedicated spaces in South Africa where dance and choreography remain nurtured and supported, and continues to offer world class dance theatre that challenges audiences; asking that they come to the myriad festival offerings (performances, workshops and classes) with the intention to be shocked, surprised, entertained and above all, to celebrate a beautiful and critical art form.