Agenda 23 - 29 Maart 2014
Dinsdag 25 Maart

ASC Film Seminar: 'Born this way', in presence of activist Yves Yomb (Cameroon)
Dinsdag 25 Maart 2014 14:45
Screening of the Cameroonian film 'Born This Way' in cooperation with Movies that Matter and in the presence of the director and activist Yves Yomb. Like everywhere else in the world, gays and lesbians in Cameroon seek refuge in the city. The two young gay men in this film are crazy about Rihanna and Lady Gaga, who has been a gay icon since her hit song ‘Born This Way’. But the tolerance Lady Gaga sings about is just a dream for them. In their country, homosexual relations are subject to punishments of up to five years in prison, and it is almost impossible to come out even to your own family. Please register.
Woensdag 26 Maart

Leave no one behind. How to include the ultra-poor in economic development?
Woensdag 26 Maart 2014 09:30
This seminar series is organised by the PARTOS working group on social inclusion in economic development and is part of the PARTOS learning platform. Aim is to start an open debate about inclusive economic development, to find out how marginalized groups can be included in mainstream economic development programmes and to search for practical tools and methods to make it a reality. The seminar series will result in a closing conference and a publication with lessons learned and practical tools. Organised by African Study Centre and PARTOS. Please register.

De Congo Codes - over de (on-)zin van internationale samenwerking (Lezing)
Woensdag 26 Maart 2014 12:00 - 13:30
Dirk-Jan Koch was op zijn 16e al voorzitter van het LAKS. Hij promoveerde in 2009 aan de Radboud Universiteit (Aid from International NGOs-Blind Spots on the Aid Allocation Map) en was vervolgens als diplomaat werkzaam in Congo. Momenteel is hij directeur van een Amerikaanse conflict-transformatieorganisatie en docent aan de Katholieke Universiteit van Kinshasa.
Contactpersoon: dr. Lau Schulpen; Aanmelden: registratie via:

promotie: Clinical pharmacological studies in tuberculosis patients (Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania)
Woensdag 26 Maart 2014 13:00
Promovendus: mevrouw H.H. Semvua. Titel promotie: Clinical pharmacological studies in tuberculosis patients: research from the Kilimanjaro Region,Tanzania. Tuberculose is een wereldwijd gezondheidsprobleem, hoewel goede behandeling al jaren beschikbaar is. Semvua onderzocht de tuberculosebehandeling in de Kilimanjaro regio in Tanzania.