Agenda 15 - 21 Juni 2014
Donderdag 19 Juni

ASC Seminar: African sages, identifying the oral sources of philosophy in Africa
Donderdag 19 Juni 2014 15:30
Bekele Gutema, Addis Ababa University. Sage philosophy is one of the important trends of African philosophy developed by Henry Odera Oruka. It is a philosophy practiced by rural and largely illiterate African sages (wise persons). It has made a significant contribution in identifying oral sources of philosophy. It has attracted a number of scholars owing to the fact that it could be a rich source of African philosophy that could also have wider implications for a philosophy that could be done in an intercultural manner. In this paper I will try to explore the nature and essence of sage philosophy. Please register.
Vrijdag 20 Juni

promotie Nikkie Wiegink: Naoorlogs bestaan van Renamo-strijders in Mozambique
Vrijdag 20 Juni 2014 10:30
Aan de hand van levensverhalen en observaties van het dagelijkse leven van voormalig Renamo-strijders in centraal Mozambique, laat het proefschrift van Nikkie Wiegink zien dat het naoorlogse bestaan van veteranen grotendeels gebaseerd is op sociale relaties die zij hebben opgebouwd tijdens de oorlog. Haar onderzoek beschrijft hoe Renamo-strijders tijdens de oorlog trouwden, relaties onderhielden met de geesten van hun voorouders, en hoe zij banden opbouwden met hun medestrijders en commandanten, en hoe deze relaties hun naoorlogse sociale bestaan hebben gevormd.

PhD defence - Transition or stagnation?
Vrijdag 20 Juni 2014 11:00
Full title: "Transition or stagnation? Everyday life, food security and recovery in post conflict northern Uganda". PhD candidate WW (Winnie) Wairimu. This research focuses on rural recovery processes in addressing food insecurity and agricultural service governance in post conflict North Uganda. We explore the interaction between local communities and humanitarian agencies attempts to address food insecurity. In addition, we analyse the everyday realities and politics of the interface of state and non-state actors in agricultural service governance.

PhD defence: post conflict northern Uganda
Vrijdag 20 Juni 2014 11:00
PhD defence: Winnie W. Wairimu. Thesis: "Transition or stagnation? Everyday life, food security and recovery in post conflict northern Uganda". Promoter: DJM (Thea) Hilhorst. Co-promoters: MA (Maja) Slingerland & dr. I (Ian) Christoplos.

Lecture: Renewable Energy Resources in Africa
Vrijdag 20 Juni 2014 19:00
What is the potential of renewable energy for the rural electrification of Africa? In this fascinating talk, Dr. Pinedo will describe the efforts made and achievements realised by the Joint Research Center (JRC) in the field of assessing renewable energy potential in Africa. She will also describe the data and tools available via the African Renewable Energy Technology Platform (AFRETEP) platform that can be used to asses your own energy projects.
Zaterdag 21 Juni

AYP Symposium: Africa on The Move
Zaterdag 21 Juni 2014 13:00 - 22:00
The African Young Professional Network (AYP) is a platform for young professionals of African descent living in the Netherlands. The members are connected to the African continent either by heritage or appreciation of the African culture and ways of life. AYP will be organizing the next edition of the symposium “Africa on The Move”. More information soon