Agenda 08 - 14 Juni 2014
Zondag 08 Juni

Afrikaanse deelnemers op 30e Music Meeting
Met aan Afrikaanse musici dit jaar o.a. Cheikh Lô: een van de bekendste zangers van Senegal. Maakt mbalax met latin-invloeden; Mamar Kassey: band uit Niger brengt virtuoze ode aan West-Afrika; N´Diale (Foune Diarra Trio & Jacky Molard Quartet): Malinese zangeres meets Bretonse (folk)violist en Soul'Afrique: Nederlands/Zuid-Afrikaans verbond met Paul van Kemenade (sax) en gitarist Louis Mhlanga.

Dutch tour Soul’Afrique - Paul van Kemenade – Feya Faku – Sydney Mnisi – Louis Mhlanga & Band
Since 1994, South Africa and Paul Van Kemenade have a warm relationship. In that year, Van Kemenade”s quintet toured South Africa for 7 weeks, where they met great South African musicians and played with them. Now in the project ‘SOUL ‘AFRIQUE’ they meet again, playing compositions of each other. A spectacular collaboration again between the outstanding renowned South African trumpeter Fezile ‘Feya’ Faku, tenorist Sydney Mnisi, guitarist/vocalist Louis Mhlanga and the the quintet of altosaxophonist/composer Paul van Kemenade (Dutch Boy Edgar award).

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 Mei 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 25 Juni 2014
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Maandag 09 Juni

Afrikaanse deelnemers op 30e Music Meeting
Met aan Afrikaanse musici dit jaar o.a. Cheikh Lô: een van de bekendste zangers van Senegal. Maakt mbalax met latin-invloeden; Mamar Kassey: band uit Niger brengt virtuoze ode aan West-Afrika; N´Diale (Foune Diarra Trio & Jacky Molard Quartet): Malinese zangeres meets Bretonse (folk)violist en Soul'Afrique: Nederlands/Zuid-Afrikaans verbond met Paul van Kemenade (sax) en gitarist Louis Mhlanga.

Dutch tour Soul’Afrique - Paul van Kemenade – Feya Faku – Sydney Mnisi – Louis Mhlanga & Band
Since 1994, South Africa and Paul Van Kemenade have a warm relationship. In that year, Van Kemenade”s quintet toured South Africa for 7 weeks, where they met great South African musicians and played with them. Now in the project ‘SOUL ‘AFRIQUE’ they meet again, playing compositions of each other. A spectacular collaboration again between the outstanding renowned South African trumpeter Fezile ‘Feya’ Faku, tenorist Sydney Mnisi, guitarist/vocalist Louis Mhlanga and the the quintet of altosaxophonist/composer Paul van Kemenade (Dutch Boy Edgar award).

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 Mei 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 25 Juni 2014
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Dinsdag 10 Juni

Dutch tour Soul’Afrique - Paul van Kemenade – Feya Faku – Sydney Mnisi – Louis Mhlanga & Band
Since 1994, South Africa and Paul Van Kemenade have a warm relationship. In that year, Van Kemenade”s quintet toured South Africa for 7 weeks, where they met great South African musicians and played with them. Now in the project ‘SOUL ‘AFRIQUE’ they meet again, playing compositions of each other. A spectacular collaboration again between the outstanding renowned South African trumpeter Fezile ‘Feya’ Faku, tenorist Sydney Mnisi, guitarist/vocalist Louis Mhlanga and the the quintet of altosaxophonist/composer Paul van Kemenade (Dutch Boy Edgar award).

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 Mei 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 25 Juni 2014
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Woensdag 11 Juni

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 Mei 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 25 Juni 2014
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Donderdag 12 Juni

South African tour Soul’Afrique - Paul van Kemenade – Feya Faku – Sydney Mnisi – Louis Mhlanga
Since 1994, South Africa and Paul Van Kemenade have a warm relationship. In that year, Van Kemenade”s quintet toured South Africa for 7 weeks, where they met great South African musicians and played with them. Now in the project ‘SOUL ‘AFRIQUE’ they meet again, playing compositions of each other. A spectacular collaboration again between the outstanding renowned South African trumpeter Fezile ‘Feya’ Faku, tenorist Sydney Mnisi, guitarist/vocalist Louis Mhlanga and the the quintet of altosaxophonist/composer Paul van Kemenade (Dutch Boy Edgar award).

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 Mei 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 25 Juni 2014
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Vrijdag 13 Juni

South African tour Soul’Afrique - Paul van Kemenade – Feya Faku – Sydney Mnisi – Louis Mhlanga
Since 1994, South Africa and Paul Van Kemenade have a warm relationship. In that year, Van Kemenade”s quintet toured South Africa for 7 weeks, where they met great South African musicians and played with them. Now in the project ‘SOUL ‘AFRIQUE’ they meet again, playing compositions of each other. A spectacular collaboration again between the outstanding renowned South African trumpeter Fezile ‘Feya’ Faku, tenorist Sydney Mnisi, guitarist/vocalist Louis Mhlanga and the the quintet of altosaxophonist/composer Paul van Kemenade (Dutch Boy Edgar award).

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 Mei 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 25 Juni 2014
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.
Zaterdag 14 Juni

South African tour Soul’Afrique - Paul van Kemenade – Feya Faku – Sydney Mnisi – Louis Mhlanga
Since 1994, South Africa and Paul Van Kemenade have a warm relationship. In that year, Van Kemenade”s quintet toured South Africa for 7 weeks, where they met great South African musicians and played with them. Now in the project ‘SOUL ‘AFRIQUE’ they meet again, playing compositions of each other. A spectacular collaboration again between the outstanding renowned South African trumpeter Fezile ‘Feya’ Faku, tenorist Sydney Mnisi, guitarist/vocalist Louis Mhlanga and the the quintet of altosaxophonist/composer Paul van Kemenade (Dutch Boy Edgar award).

Toumani Diabaté & Sidiki - concert
Zaterdag 14 Juni 2014 20:30
De kora is een Afrikaans instrument met 21 snaren dat door Toumani Diabaté extreem goed wordt beheersd. Hij is zelfs de leider in deze muziekstijl, en een internationaal bekende virtuoos, die zijn gave heeft gedeeld met klassieke muzikanten over de gehele wereld. Zijn zoon Sidiki, aan wie hij zijn muzikale kennis en kunnen nu aan het doorgeven is, komt samen met hem mee naar Europa om het prachtige geluid van de kora te demonstreren. Verwacht een magische avond die de luisteraar niet alleen prachtige en indrukwekkende wereldmuziek laat horen, maar ook laat zien hoe twee generaties elkaar op muzikaal vlak kunnen aanvullen.

Benefietconcert voor kindertehuis Hanukkah in Ghana
Zaterdag 14 Juni 2014 21:00
Shirma Rouse, Louis van Dijk, Jim Bakkum, Cor Bakker, Tom Beek, Ruud Breuls, Marlayne Sahupala en Selma van Dijk slaan de muzikale handen ineen voor dit benefietconcert. De opbrengst van deze avond zal worden besteed aan de bouw van een aangepaste slaapruimte voor de gehandicapte kinderen in het tehuis. Kijk voor meer informatie over dit mooi kleinschalige project van de Nederlandse Mariette en haar Ghanese man Moses op de site mchildcare hieronder. Kom ook genieten van deze bijzondere avond vol onverwachte combinaties van deze topartiesten en steun daarmee kindertehuis Hanukkah!

The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 07 Mei 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 25 Juni 2014
This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.