Agenda 03 - 09 Augustus 2014

Zondag 03 Augustus

van za12.04
t/m zo30.11
Zweden, Gothenburg - Museum of World Culture - Tentoonstelling
African Masterpieces - The Story of the Kingdom of Ife

The first exhibition to focus on the art of Ife, an ancient city in modern day Nigeria. The artists of Ife made sculptures from metal, stone and terracotta that have placed the region on the map in terms of world art history. The exhibition displays some of the world's most sophisticated historical art works – more than 100 sculptures of metal, stone and terracotta from the 12th to 16th centuries tell the story of the African civilisation of Ife, ancestors of the Yoruba, one of the largest ethnic groups of modern day Nigeria. The exhibition has previously been on view in the USA, Great Britain and Spain.

varldskulturmuseerna africanart

van za28.06
t/m zo05.10
Duitsland, Bonn - Bundeskunsthalle - Tentoonstelling
African Masters - Art from the Ivory Coast

Starting point of the exhibition is the general consensus among art historians today that in the so-called primitive societies individual masters created unique works of the highest quality. Approximately 180 masks, figures and everyday objects from Ivory Coast and neighbouring countries, created by exceptionally talented artists working in a wide range of fields, sheds new light on the role of the artist in African society. The exhibition sets out to place these outstanding works in an art historical context that is comparable to that of our great masters, from Michelangelo to Picasso.


van za26.07
t/m zo17.08
Nederland, Amsterdam - Melkweg - Tentoonstelling
Dans le Milieu - foto's van homoseksuele Senegalezen door Ernst Coppejans

Van 26 juli tot en met 17 augustus exposeert fotograaf Ernst Coppejans het aangrijpende verhaal van homoseksuele Senegalezen in de Melkweg Galerie in Amsterdam. In het Islamitische Senegal is homoseksualiteit nog altijd strafbaar. Uit de kast komen betekent zonder uitzondering verstoting door familie en vrienden, geen werk en een gevangenisstraf die kan oplopen tot tien jaar.

melkweggalerie pinkbink

van ma30.06
t/m di30.09
Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Tentoonstelling
Exhibition: ‘Walking the Streets’, by photographer Tyler Dolan (SA)

Tyler Dolan is a South African photographer specializing in hyper realism and editorial styled photographs often resulting in colourful and energetic imagery. His ‘Walking The Streets’ project is about documenting the various traditions and cultures that reside on the streets of Durban, South Africa. In 2012 he exhibited his photographs at the Afrovibes Festival. In 2013 he worked together with Amsterdam based artist Kitchell Samuel and made a series 'Walking the Streets of Amsterdam', The exhibition with photographs from 2012 and 2013, organized in cooperation with the Afrovibes Foundation, can be seen in the corridors on the 3rd floor and in the ASC library (ground floor). They are for sale (prices between 50 and 200 euros).

ascleiden afrovibes tylerdolan

van za05.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Groningen - Noorderlicht Photography - Tentoonstelling
Haute Africa - photo's on African Fashion

De Noorderlicht Fotogalerie belicht deze zomer met Haute Africa de zonnige zijde van het Afrikaanse continent. Van 5 juli tot en met 31 augustus tonen zeven fotografen een ander Afrika: een continent dat nog steeds de verbeelding tart en een plek waar creativiteit welvaart kan brengen. Deze bloeiende Afrikaanse crea tiviteit vindt geen betere uitdrukking dan in de mode. Met Phyllis Galembo (US), Héctor Mediavilla (ES), Jim Naughten (GB), Jehad Nga (US), Sabelo Mlangeni (ZA), Daniele Tamagni (IT) en Nontsikelelo Veleko (ZA)


van do26.06
t/m wo06.08
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Last Hijack

Waargebeurd verhaal over overleven in Somalië, gezien vanuit het perspectief van een piraat. In een kruising van animatie en documentaire biedt de film een innovatieve kijk op de manier waarop de Somalische piraat Mohamed in dit harde, gevaarlijke bestaan terecht is gekomen. Animaties van Mohameds herinneringen, angsten en dromen, gepresenteerd vanuit zijn eigen gezichtspunt, staan tegenover de rauwe beelden uit zijn dagelijks leven.

filmladder cinemadelicatessen

van do17.07
t/m wo03.09
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Layla Fourie (Film van Pia Marais - Zuid-Afrika)

Layla Fourie, een jonge alleenstaande moeder in Zuid-Afrika, wordt aangenomen als polygrafist, een baan waarin ze verdachten aan leugentests onderwerpt. In een omgeving van voortdurende leugens, wantrouwen en angst wordt Layla al snel zelf een verdachte. Regie: Pia Marais. Cast: Rayna Campbell, August Diehl, Rapule Hendricks, Terry Norton. 108 minuten


van vr11.07
t/m zo21.09
Duitsland, Berlin - ifa Gallery Berlin - Tentoonstelling
Moshekwa Langa – The Jealous Lover

Moshekwa Langa’s work was shown in the late nineties – now he is present with his site-specific work The Jealous Lover. Moshekwa Langa (*1975 in Bakenberg/Southafrica) is just as familiar with European culture, and particularly literature, as he is with the visual culture of South Africa. He combines and weaves together diverse European and African themes, motifs and elements, creating installations, works on paper, photographs and videos that form a new assemblage. He often uses ordinary materials like strings, watercolors, found items, tape, thread reels and threads. It is precisely that these threads tell (hi)stories. They connect different objects, thoughts, associations; with his threads Langa weaves a visual and often also linguistic net of political experiences and personal memories – between Apartheid and exile.


van za05.04
t/m zo24.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Tentoonstelling
Vrouwen van het water - foto's van Angèle Etoundi Essamba

In deze tentoonstelling nemen we u mee naar Ganvié, een vissersdorp aan de zuidkust van het West-Afrikaanse land Benin. Kenmerkend voor het dorp zijn de woningen op palen, zwevend boven het water van een lagune, het meer van Nokoué. Fotografe Angèle Etoundi Essamba (Cameroun) bezocht Ganvié de afgelopen jaren meerdere keren, ging in gesprek met de vrouwen en volgde hen in het ritme van hun dagelijks leven, waarin water zo’n cruciale rol speelt. Want terwijl de bewoners, de Toffinou, volledig omringd worden door water, is drinkwater schaars. De vrouwen spelen een belangrijke rol in het watermanagement, beheren de grote vaten met drinkwater en zijn uiterst zuinig in het gebruik ervan.


van wo23.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Workshop
Zomerkaravaan - Schilder Afrikaanse symbolen

Het Afrika Museum bij Nijmegen organiseert van 23 juli t/m 31 augustus de zomerkaravaan. Elke week vindt een bijzonder familieprogramma plaats binnen een ander thema. In de workshop ‘Afrika Flexibel’ recyclen kinderen en hun (groot)ouders autobanden tot voetbal, slippers of tasje. Ze laten een zelfgemaakt masker dansen in de workshop ‘Dansen voor de voorouders’ en schilderen Afrikaanse symbolen in de workshop ‘Maak een familiekunstwerk’. De zomerkaravaan duurt vijf weken en is onderdeel van het zomerprogramma (5 juli t/m 31 augustus) met dagelijks activiteiten.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Assembly George Square Studios - Tentoonstelling
My Village... My Art (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Van Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 -  11:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014 - 20:00


House of Lineo brings to Edinburgh a modern day African village filled with functional arts and crafts in decor and fashion retail. Depicting the rich culture of the African people from Mpumalanga, a land of the rising sun. In collaboration with Hand in Hand, a high-end craft producer dedicated to the promotion of the beautiful crafts made by rural women in Mpumalanga and Limpopo.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Sunday Morning (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:40
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Matt is a successful photographer who has his life exactly how he likes it - until the day his girlfriend tells him she is pregnant. In an attempt to process this disturbing information he goes out for a run. Straying from his regular route, he ventures into a strange part of the city where he makes a gruesome discovery that changes everything. 'A script replete with poetry, poignancy and incisive wit. A tour de force by the most exacting standards, from the brilliant, wordless preface to the last speech. A gem' ***** (Cape Argus, South Africa).


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
The Zulu by Mbongeni Ngema (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:45
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Grammy Award-winner and Tony Award nominee Mbongeni Ngema returns to the stage after 27 years to retell stories, told to him as a young boy growing up in the heart of Zululand, by his blind great grandmother, Mkutshana. The stories take us on a journey through the formation of the Zulu nation and its struggles for survival, to the moment when the Zulu Nation stops British imperial expansion dead in its tracks at the battle of Isandlwana.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Silent Voice (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 14:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Silent Voice portrays four men who get together for an intelligent but highly dangerous heist. From thereon the events that follow are more of a robbery procedural as the play explores how and why things go wrong and philosophically examines the tattered dreams and beliefs of the robbers. As the play unfolds each individual tells the story of where he came from and the reasons for his present situation. The play deals with thrust, greed, sacrifice and friendship. Peppered with ironic cultural undertones, it's about the relationship between man and his dream to obtain wealth at any cost.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Race by David Mamet (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 15:20
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

A hotel room in disarray: lamps broken, cigarette butts, liquor bottles, a red sequin dress and a man accused of rape. The accused, white. The accuser, black. Shame, guilt, class, sex, lies and race are proactively stirred together in this fast-paced piece by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright David Mamet, produced by one of South Africa’s leading theatre companies. Part of the UK-South African Season


van vr01.08
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Hayani (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Vrijdag 01 Augustus 2014 17:10
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Hayani is an original play reflecting on the meaning of home in the context of South Africa since its transition. The play explores the stories of two young South African males who both travel back home and in doing so they journey towards better understanding of who they are and what it really means to be a South African. A homecoming story that will tug at your heartstrings.


van wo02.07
t/m wo17.09
Verenigde Staten, Brooklyn, New York - Barbes New York - Muziek
The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Juli 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 17 September 2014

This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

barbes mandingo ambassadors at my space

Maandag 04 Augustus

van za12.04
t/m zo30.11
Zweden, Gothenburg - Museum of World Culture - Tentoonstelling
African Masterpieces - The Story of the Kingdom of Ife

The first exhibition to focus on the art of Ife, an ancient city in modern day Nigeria. The artists of Ife made sculptures from metal, stone and terracotta that have placed the region on the map in terms of world art history. The exhibition displays some of the world's most sophisticated historical art works – more than 100 sculptures of metal, stone and terracotta from the 12th to 16th centuries tell the story of the African civilisation of Ife, ancestors of the Yoruba, one of the largest ethnic groups of modern day Nigeria. The exhibition has previously been on view in the USA, Great Britain and Spain.

varldskulturmuseerna africanart

van za28.06
t/m zo05.10
Duitsland, Bonn - Bundeskunsthalle - Tentoonstelling
African Masters - Art from the Ivory Coast

Starting point of the exhibition is the general consensus among art historians today that in the so-called primitive societies individual masters created unique works of the highest quality. Approximately 180 masks, figures and everyday objects from Ivory Coast and neighbouring countries, created by exceptionally talented artists working in a wide range of fields, sheds new light on the role of the artist in African society. The exhibition sets out to place these outstanding works in an art historical context that is comparable to that of our great masters, from Michelangelo to Picasso.


van za26.07
t/m zo17.08
Nederland, Amsterdam - Melkweg - Tentoonstelling
Dans le Milieu - foto's van homoseksuele Senegalezen door Ernst Coppejans

Van 26 juli tot en met 17 augustus exposeert fotograaf Ernst Coppejans het aangrijpende verhaal van homoseksuele Senegalezen in de Melkweg Galerie in Amsterdam. In het Islamitische Senegal is homoseksualiteit nog altijd strafbaar. Uit de kast komen betekent zonder uitzondering verstoting door familie en vrienden, geen werk en een gevangenisstraf die kan oplopen tot tien jaar.

melkweggalerie pinkbink

van ma30.06
t/m di30.09
Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Tentoonstelling
Exhibition: ‘Walking the Streets’, by photographer Tyler Dolan (SA)

Tyler Dolan is a South African photographer specializing in hyper realism and editorial styled photographs often resulting in colourful and energetic imagery. His ‘Walking The Streets’ project is about documenting the various traditions and cultures that reside on the streets of Durban, South Africa. In 2012 he exhibited his photographs at the Afrovibes Festival. In 2013 he worked together with Amsterdam based artist Kitchell Samuel and made a series 'Walking the Streets of Amsterdam', The exhibition with photographs from 2012 and 2013, organized in cooperation with the Afrovibes Foundation, can be seen in the corridors on the 3rd floor and in the ASC library (ground floor). They are for sale (prices between 50 and 200 euros).

ascleiden afrovibes tylerdolan

van za05.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Groningen - Noorderlicht Photography - Tentoonstelling
Haute Africa - photo's on African Fashion

De Noorderlicht Fotogalerie belicht deze zomer met Haute Africa de zonnige zijde van het Afrikaanse continent. Van 5 juli tot en met 31 augustus tonen zeven fotografen een ander Afrika: een continent dat nog steeds de verbeelding tart en een plek waar creativiteit welvaart kan brengen. Deze bloeiende Afrikaanse crea tiviteit vindt geen betere uitdrukking dan in de mode. Met Phyllis Galembo (US), Héctor Mediavilla (ES), Jim Naughten (GB), Jehad Nga (US), Sabelo Mlangeni (ZA), Daniele Tamagni (IT) en Nontsikelelo Veleko (ZA)


van do26.06
t/m wo06.08
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Last Hijack

Waargebeurd verhaal over overleven in Somalië, gezien vanuit het perspectief van een piraat. In een kruising van animatie en documentaire biedt de film een innovatieve kijk op de manier waarop de Somalische piraat Mohamed in dit harde, gevaarlijke bestaan terecht is gekomen. Animaties van Mohameds herinneringen, angsten en dromen, gepresenteerd vanuit zijn eigen gezichtspunt, staan tegenover de rauwe beelden uit zijn dagelijks leven.

filmladder cinemadelicatessen

van do17.07
t/m wo03.09
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Layla Fourie (Film van Pia Marais - Zuid-Afrika)

Layla Fourie, een jonge alleenstaande moeder in Zuid-Afrika, wordt aangenomen als polygrafist, een baan waarin ze verdachten aan leugentests onderwerpt. In een omgeving van voortdurende leugens, wantrouwen en angst wordt Layla al snel zelf een verdachte. Regie: Pia Marais. Cast: Rayna Campbell, August Diehl, Rapule Hendricks, Terry Norton. 108 minuten


van vr11.07
t/m zo21.09
Duitsland, Berlin - ifa Gallery Berlin - Tentoonstelling
Moshekwa Langa – The Jealous Lover

Moshekwa Langa’s work was shown in the late nineties – now he is present with his site-specific work The Jealous Lover. Moshekwa Langa (*1975 in Bakenberg/Southafrica) is just as familiar with European culture, and particularly literature, as he is with the visual culture of South Africa. He combines and weaves together diverse European and African themes, motifs and elements, creating installations, works on paper, photographs and videos that form a new assemblage. He often uses ordinary materials like strings, watercolors, found items, tape, thread reels and threads. It is precisely that these threads tell (hi)stories. They connect different objects, thoughts, associations; with his threads Langa weaves a visual and often also linguistic net of political experiences and personal memories – between Apartheid and exile.


van za05.04
t/m zo24.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Tentoonstelling
Vrouwen van het water - foto's van Angèle Etoundi Essamba

In deze tentoonstelling nemen we u mee naar Ganvié, een vissersdorp aan de zuidkust van het West-Afrikaanse land Benin. Kenmerkend voor het dorp zijn de woningen op palen, zwevend boven het water van een lagune, het meer van Nokoué. Fotografe Angèle Etoundi Essamba (Cameroun) bezocht Ganvié de afgelopen jaren meerdere keren, ging in gesprek met de vrouwen en volgde hen in het ritme van hun dagelijks leven, waarin water zo’n cruciale rol speelt. Want terwijl de bewoners, de Toffinou, volledig omringd worden door water, is drinkwater schaars. De vrouwen spelen een belangrijke rol in het watermanagement, beheren de grote vaten met drinkwater en zijn uiterst zuinig in het gebruik ervan.


van wo23.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Workshop
Zomerkaravaan - Schilder Afrikaanse symbolen

Het Afrika Museum bij Nijmegen organiseert van 23 juli t/m 31 augustus de zomerkaravaan. Elke week vindt een bijzonder familieprogramma plaats binnen een ander thema. In de workshop ‘Afrika Flexibel’ recyclen kinderen en hun (groot)ouders autobanden tot voetbal, slippers of tasje. Ze laten een zelfgemaakt masker dansen in de workshop ‘Dansen voor de voorouders’ en schilderen Afrikaanse symbolen in de workshop ‘Maak een familiekunstwerk’. De zomerkaravaan duurt vijf weken en is onderdeel van het zomerprogramma (5 juli t/m 31 augustus) met dagelijks activiteiten.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Assembly George Square Studios - Tentoonstelling
My Village... My Art (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Van Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 -  11:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014 - 20:00


House of Lineo brings to Edinburgh a modern day African village filled with functional arts and crafts in decor and fashion retail. Depicting the rich culture of the African people from Mpumalanga, a land of the rising sun. In collaboration with Hand in Hand, a high-end craft producer dedicated to the promotion of the beautiful crafts made by rural women in Mpumalanga and Limpopo.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Sunday Morning (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:40
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Matt is a successful photographer who has his life exactly how he likes it - until the day his girlfriend tells him she is pregnant. In an attempt to process this disturbing information he goes out for a run. Straying from his regular route, he ventures into a strange part of the city where he makes a gruesome discovery that changes everything. 'A script replete with poetry, poignancy and incisive wit. A tour de force by the most exacting standards, from the brilliant, wordless preface to the last speech. A gem' ***** (Cape Argus, South Africa).


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
The Zulu by Mbongeni Ngema (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:45
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Grammy Award-winner and Tony Award nominee Mbongeni Ngema returns to the stage after 27 years to retell stories, told to him as a young boy growing up in the heart of Zululand, by his blind great grandmother, Mkutshana. The stories take us on a journey through the formation of the Zulu nation and its struggles for survival, to the moment when the Zulu Nation stops British imperial expansion dead in its tracks at the battle of Isandlwana.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Silent Voice (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 14:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Silent Voice portrays four men who get together for an intelligent but highly dangerous heist. From thereon the events that follow are more of a robbery procedural as the play explores how and why things go wrong and philosophically examines the tattered dreams and beliefs of the robbers. As the play unfolds each individual tells the story of where he came from and the reasons for his present situation. The play deals with thrust, greed, sacrifice and friendship. Peppered with ironic cultural undertones, it's about the relationship between man and his dream to obtain wealth at any cost.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Race by David Mamet (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 15:20
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

A hotel room in disarray: lamps broken, cigarette butts, liquor bottles, a red sequin dress and a man accused of rape. The accused, white. The accuser, black. Shame, guilt, class, sex, lies and race are proactively stirred together in this fast-paced piece by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright David Mamet, produced by one of South Africa’s leading theatre companies. Part of the UK-South African Season


van vr01.08
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Hayani (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Vrijdag 01 Augustus 2014 17:10
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Hayani is an original play reflecting on the meaning of home in the context of South Africa since its transition. The play explores the stories of two young South African males who both travel back home and in doing so they journey towards better understanding of who they are and what it really means to be a South African. A homecoming story that will tug at your heartstrings.


van wo02.07
t/m wo17.09
Verenigde Staten, Brooklyn, New York - Barbes New York - Muziek
The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Juli 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 17 September 2014

This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

barbes mandingo ambassadors at my space

Dinsdag 05 Augustus

van za12.04
t/m zo30.11
Zweden, Gothenburg - Museum of World Culture - Tentoonstelling
African Masterpieces - The Story of the Kingdom of Ife

The first exhibition to focus on the art of Ife, an ancient city in modern day Nigeria. The artists of Ife made sculptures from metal, stone and terracotta that have placed the region on the map in terms of world art history. The exhibition displays some of the world's most sophisticated historical art works – more than 100 sculptures of metal, stone and terracotta from the 12th to 16th centuries tell the story of the African civilisation of Ife, ancestors of the Yoruba, one of the largest ethnic groups of modern day Nigeria. The exhibition has previously been on view in the USA, Great Britain and Spain.

varldskulturmuseerna africanart

van za28.06
t/m zo05.10
Duitsland, Bonn - Bundeskunsthalle - Tentoonstelling
African Masters - Art from the Ivory Coast

Starting point of the exhibition is the general consensus among art historians today that in the so-called primitive societies individual masters created unique works of the highest quality. Approximately 180 masks, figures and everyday objects from Ivory Coast and neighbouring countries, created by exceptionally talented artists working in a wide range of fields, sheds new light on the role of the artist in African society. The exhibition sets out to place these outstanding works in an art historical context that is comparable to that of our great masters, from Michelangelo to Picasso.


van za26.07
t/m zo17.08
Nederland, Amsterdam - Melkweg - Tentoonstelling
Dans le Milieu - foto's van homoseksuele Senegalezen door Ernst Coppejans

Van 26 juli tot en met 17 augustus exposeert fotograaf Ernst Coppejans het aangrijpende verhaal van homoseksuele Senegalezen in de Melkweg Galerie in Amsterdam. In het Islamitische Senegal is homoseksualiteit nog altijd strafbaar. Uit de kast komen betekent zonder uitzondering verstoting door familie en vrienden, geen werk en een gevangenisstraf die kan oplopen tot tien jaar.

melkweggalerie pinkbink

van ma30.06
t/m di30.09
Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Tentoonstelling
Exhibition: ‘Walking the Streets’, by photographer Tyler Dolan (SA)

Tyler Dolan is a South African photographer specializing in hyper realism and editorial styled photographs often resulting in colourful and energetic imagery. His ‘Walking The Streets’ project is about documenting the various traditions and cultures that reside on the streets of Durban, South Africa. In 2012 he exhibited his photographs at the Afrovibes Festival. In 2013 he worked together with Amsterdam based artist Kitchell Samuel and made a series 'Walking the Streets of Amsterdam', The exhibition with photographs from 2012 and 2013, organized in cooperation with the Afrovibes Foundation, can be seen in the corridors on the 3rd floor and in the ASC library (ground floor). They are for sale (prices between 50 and 200 euros).

ascleiden afrovibes tylerdolan

van za05.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Groningen - Noorderlicht Photography - Tentoonstelling
Haute Africa - photo's on African Fashion

De Noorderlicht Fotogalerie belicht deze zomer met Haute Africa de zonnige zijde van het Afrikaanse continent. Van 5 juli tot en met 31 augustus tonen zeven fotografen een ander Afrika: een continent dat nog steeds de verbeelding tart en een plek waar creativiteit welvaart kan brengen. Deze bloeiende Afrikaanse crea tiviteit vindt geen betere uitdrukking dan in de mode. Met Phyllis Galembo (US), Héctor Mediavilla (ES), Jim Naughten (GB), Jehad Nga (US), Sabelo Mlangeni (ZA), Daniele Tamagni (IT) en Nontsikelelo Veleko (ZA)


van do26.06
t/m wo06.08
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Last Hijack

Waargebeurd verhaal over overleven in Somalië, gezien vanuit het perspectief van een piraat. In een kruising van animatie en documentaire biedt de film een innovatieve kijk op de manier waarop de Somalische piraat Mohamed in dit harde, gevaarlijke bestaan terecht is gekomen. Animaties van Mohameds herinneringen, angsten en dromen, gepresenteerd vanuit zijn eigen gezichtspunt, staan tegenover de rauwe beelden uit zijn dagelijks leven.

filmladder cinemadelicatessen

van do17.07
t/m wo03.09
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Layla Fourie (Film van Pia Marais - Zuid-Afrika)

Layla Fourie, een jonge alleenstaande moeder in Zuid-Afrika, wordt aangenomen als polygrafist, een baan waarin ze verdachten aan leugentests onderwerpt. In een omgeving van voortdurende leugens, wantrouwen en angst wordt Layla al snel zelf een verdachte. Regie: Pia Marais. Cast: Rayna Campbell, August Diehl, Rapule Hendricks, Terry Norton. 108 minuten


van vr11.07
t/m zo21.09
Duitsland, Berlin - ifa Gallery Berlin - Tentoonstelling
Moshekwa Langa – The Jealous Lover

Moshekwa Langa’s work was shown in the late nineties – now he is present with his site-specific work The Jealous Lover. Moshekwa Langa (*1975 in Bakenberg/Southafrica) is just as familiar with European culture, and particularly literature, as he is with the visual culture of South Africa. He combines and weaves together diverse European and African themes, motifs and elements, creating installations, works on paper, photographs and videos that form a new assemblage. He often uses ordinary materials like strings, watercolors, found items, tape, thread reels and threads. It is precisely that these threads tell (hi)stories. They connect different objects, thoughts, associations; with his threads Langa weaves a visual and often also linguistic net of political experiences and personal memories – between Apartheid and exile.


van za05.04
t/m zo24.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Tentoonstelling
Vrouwen van het water - foto's van Angèle Etoundi Essamba

In deze tentoonstelling nemen we u mee naar Ganvié, een vissersdorp aan de zuidkust van het West-Afrikaanse land Benin. Kenmerkend voor het dorp zijn de woningen op palen, zwevend boven het water van een lagune, het meer van Nokoué. Fotografe Angèle Etoundi Essamba (Cameroun) bezocht Ganvié de afgelopen jaren meerdere keren, ging in gesprek met de vrouwen en volgde hen in het ritme van hun dagelijks leven, waarin water zo’n cruciale rol speelt. Want terwijl de bewoners, de Toffinou, volledig omringd worden door water, is drinkwater schaars. De vrouwen spelen een belangrijke rol in het watermanagement, beheren de grote vaten met drinkwater en zijn uiterst zuinig in het gebruik ervan.


van wo23.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Workshop
Zomerkaravaan - Schilder Afrikaanse symbolen

Het Afrika Museum bij Nijmegen organiseert van 23 juli t/m 31 augustus de zomerkaravaan. Elke week vindt een bijzonder familieprogramma plaats binnen een ander thema. In de workshop ‘Afrika Flexibel’ recyclen kinderen en hun (groot)ouders autobanden tot voetbal, slippers of tasje. Ze laten een zelfgemaakt masker dansen in de workshop ‘Dansen voor de voorouders’ en schilderen Afrikaanse symbolen in de workshop ‘Maak een familiekunstwerk’. De zomerkaravaan duurt vijf weken en is onderdeel van het zomerprogramma (5 juli t/m 31 augustus) met dagelijks activiteiten.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Assembly George Square Studios - Tentoonstelling
My Village... My Art (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Van Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 -  11:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014 - 20:00


House of Lineo brings to Edinburgh a modern day African village filled with functional arts and crafts in decor and fashion retail. Depicting the rich culture of the African people from Mpumalanga, a land of the rising sun. In collaboration with Hand in Hand, a high-end craft producer dedicated to the promotion of the beautiful crafts made by rural women in Mpumalanga and Limpopo.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Sunday Morning (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:40
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Matt is a successful photographer who has his life exactly how he likes it - until the day his girlfriend tells him she is pregnant. In an attempt to process this disturbing information he goes out for a run. Straying from his regular route, he ventures into a strange part of the city where he makes a gruesome discovery that changes everything. 'A script replete with poetry, poignancy and incisive wit. A tour de force by the most exacting standards, from the brilliant, wordless preface to the last speech. A gem' ***** (Cape Argus, South Africa).


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
The Zulu by Mbongeni Ngema (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:45
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Grammy Award-winner and Tony Award nominee Mbongeni Ngema returns to the stage after 27 years to retell stories, told to him as a young boy growing up in the heart of Zululand, by his blind great grandmother, Mkutshana. The stories take us on a journey through the formation of the Zulu nation and its struggles for survival, to the moment when the Zulu Nation stops British imperial expansion dead in its tracks at the battle of Isandlwana.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Silent Voice (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 14:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Silent Voice portrays four men who get together for an intelligent but highly dangerous heist. From thereon the events that follow are more of a robbery procedural as the play explores how and why things go wrong and philosophically examines the tattered dreams and beliefs of the robbers. As the play unfolds each individual tells the story of where he came from and the reasons for his present situation. The play deals with thrust, greed, sacrifice and friendship. Peppered with ironic cultural undertones, it's about the relationship between man and his dream to obtain wealth at any cost.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Race by David Mamet (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 15:20
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

A hotel room in disarray: lamps broken, cigarette butts, liquor bottles, a red sequin dress and a man accused of rape. The accused, white. The accuser, black. Shame, guilt, class, sex, lies and race are proactively stirred together in this fast-paced piece by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright David Mamet, produced by one of South Africa’s leading theatre companies. Part of the UK-South African Season


van vr01.08
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Hayani (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Vrijdag 01 Augustus 2014 17:10
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Hayani is an original play reflecting on the meaning of home in the context of South Africa since its transition. The play explores the stories of two young South African males who both travel back home and in doing so they journey towards better understanding of who they are and what it really means to be a South African. A homecoming story that will tug at your heartstrings.


van wo02.07
t/m wo17.09
Verenigde Staten, Brooklyn, New York - Barbes New York - Muziek
The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Juli 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 17 September 2014

This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

barbes mandingo ambassadors at my space

Woensdag 06 Augustus

van za12.04
t/m zo30.11
Zweden, Gothenburg - Museum of World Culture - Tentoonstelling
African Masterpieces - The Story of the Kingdom of Ife

The first exhibition to focus on the art of Ife, an ancient city in modern day Nigeria. The artists of Ife made sculptures from metal, stone and terracotta that have placed the region on the map in terms of world art history. The exhibition displays some of the world's most sophisticated historical art works – more than 100 sculptures of metal, stone and terracotta from the 12th to 16th centuries tell the story of the African civilisation of Ife, ancestors of the Yoruba, one of the largest ethnic groups of modern day Nigeria. The exhibition has previously been on view in the USA, Great Britain and Spain.

varldskulturmuseerna africanart

van za28.06
t/m zo05.10
Duitsland, Bonn - Bundeskunsthalle - Tentoonstelling
African Masters - Art from the Ivory Coast

Starting point of the exhibition is the general consensus among art historians today that in the so-called primitive societies individual masters created unique works of the highest quality. Approximately 180 masks, figures and everyday objects from Ivory Coast and neighbouring countries, created by exceptionally talented artists working in a wide range of fields, sheds new light on the role of the artist in African society. The exhibition sets out to place these outstanding works in an art historical context that is comparable to that of our great masters, from Michelangelo to Picasso.


van za26.07
t/m zo17.08
Nederland, Amsterdam - Melkweg - Tentoonstelling
Dans le Milieu - foto's van homoseksuele Senegalezen door Ernst Coppejans

Van 26 juli tot en met 17 augustus exposeert fotograaf Ernst Coppejans het aangrijpende verhaal van homoseksuele Senegalezen in de Melkweg Galerie in Amsterdam. In het Islamitische Senegal is homoseksualiteit nog altijd strafbaar. Uit de kast komen betekent zonder uitzondering verstoting door familie en vrienden, geen werk en een gevangenisstraf die kan oplopen tot tien jaar.

melkweggalerie pinkbink

van ma30.06
t/m di30.09
Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Tentoonstelling
Exhibition: ‘Walking the Streets’, by photographer Tyler Dolan (SA)

Tyler Dolan is a South African photographer specializing in hyper realism and editorial styled photographs often resulting in colourful and energetic imagery. His ‘Walking The Streets’ project is about documenting the various traditions and cultures that reside on the streets of Durban, South Africa. In 2012 he exhibited his photographs at the Afrovibes Festival. In 2013 he worked together with Amsterdam based artist Kitchell Samuel and made a series 'Walking the Streets of Amsterdam', The exhibition with photographs from 2012 and 2013, organized in cooperation with the Afrovibes Foundation, can be seen in the corridors on the 3rd floor and in the ASC library (ground floor). They are for sale (prices between 50 and 200 euros).

ascleiden afrovibes tylerdolan

van za05.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Groningen - Noorderlicht Photography - Tentoonstelling
Haute Africa - photo's on African Fashion

De Noorderlicht Fotogalerie belicht deze zomer met Haute Africa de zonnige zijde van het Afrikaanse continent. Van 5 juli tot en met 31 augustus tonen zeven fotografen een ander Afrika: een continent dat nog steeds de verbeelding tart en een plek waar creativiteit welvaart kan brengen. Deze bloeiende Afrikaanse crea tiviteit vindt geen betere uitdrukking dan in de mode. Met Phyllis Galembo (US), Héctor Mediavilla (ES), Jim Naughten (GB), Jehad Nga (US), Sabelo Mlangeni (ZA), Daniele Tamagni (IT) en Nontsikelelo Veleko (ZA)


van do26.06
t/m wo06.08
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Last Hijack

Waargebeurd verhaal over overleven in Somalië, gezien vanuit het perspectief van een piraat. In een kruising van animatie en documentaire biedt de film een innovatieve kijk op de manier waarop de Somalische piraat Mohamed in dit harde, gevaarlijke bestaan terecht is gekomen. Animaties van Mohameds herinneringen, angsten en dromen, gepresenteerd vanuit zijn eigen gezichtspunt, staan tegenover de rauwe beelden uit zijn dagelijks leven.

filmladder cinemadelicatessen

van do17.07
t/m wo03.09
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Layla Fourie (Film van Pia Marais - Zuid-Afrika)

Layla Fourie, een jonge alleenstaande moeder in Zuid-Afrika, wordt aangenomen als polygrafist, een baan waarin ze verdachten aan leugentests onderwerpt. In een omgeving van voortdurende leugens, wantrouwen en angst wordt Layla al snel zelf een verdachte. Regie: Pia Marais. Cast: Rayna Campbell, August Diehl, Rapule Hendricks, Terry Norton. 108 minuten


van vr11.07
t/m zo21.09
Duitsland, Berlin - ifa Gallery Berlin - Tentoonstelling
Moshekwa Langa – The Jealous Lover

Moshekwa Langa’s work was shown in the late nineties – now he is present with his site-specific work The Jealous Lover. Moshekwa Langa (*1975 in Bakenberg/Southafrica) is just as familiar with European culture, and particularly literature, as he is with the visual culture of South Africa. He combines and weaves together diverse European and African themes, motifs and elements, creating installations, works on paper, photographs and videos that form a new assemblage. He often uses ordinary materials like strings, watercolors, found items, tape, thread reels and threads. It is precisely that these threads tell (hi)stories. They connect different objects, thoughts, associations; with his threads Langa weaves a visual and often also linguistic net of political experiences and personal memories – between Apartheid and exile.


van za05.04
t/m zo24.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Tentoonstelling
Vrouwen van het water - foto's van Angèle Etoundi Essamba

In deze tentoonstelling nemen we u mee naar Ganvié, een vissersdorp aan de zuidkust van het West-Afrikaanse land Benin. Kenmerkend voor het dorp zijn de woningen op palen, zwevend boven het water van een lagune, het meer van Nokoué. Fotografe Angèle Etoundi Essamba (Cameroun) bezocht Ganvié de afgelopen jaren meerdere keren, ging in gesprek met de vrouwen en volgde hen in het ritme van hun dagelijks leven, waarin water zo’n cruciale rol speelt. Want terwijl de bewoners, de Toffinou, volledig omringd worden door water, is drinkwater schaars. De vrouwen spelen een belangrijke rol in het watermanagement, beheren de grote vaten met drinkwater en zijn uiterst zuinig in het gebruik ervan.


van wo23.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Workshop
Zomerkaravaan - Schilder Afrikaanse symbolen

Het Afrika Museum bij Nijmegen organiseert van 23 juli t/m 31 augustus de zomerkaravaan. Elke week vindt een bijzonder familieprogramma plaats binnen een ander thema. In de workshop ‘Afrika Flexibel’ recyclen kinderen en hun (groot)ouders autobanden tot voetbal, slippers of tasje. Ze laten een zelfgemaakt masker dansen in de workshop ‘Dansen voor de voorouders’ en schilderen Afrikaanse symbolen in de workshop ‘Maak een familiekunstwerk’. De zomerkaravaan duurt vijf weken en is onderdeel van het zomerprogramma (5 juli t/m 31 augustus) met dagelijks activiteiten.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Assembly George Square Studios - Tentoonstelling
My Village... My Art (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Van Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 -  11:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014 - 20:00


House of Lineo brings to Edinburgh a modern day African village filled with functional arts and crafts in decor and fashion retail. Depicting the rich culture of the African people from Mpumalanga, a land of the rising sun. In collaboration with Hand in Hand, a high-end craft producer dedicated to the promotion of the beautiful crafts made by rural women in Mpumalanga and Limpopo.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Sunday Morning (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:40
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Matt is a successful photographer who has his life exactly how he likes it - until the day his girlfriend tells him she is pregnant. In an attempt to process this disturbing information he goes out for a run. Straying from his regular route, he ventures into a strange part of the city where he makes a gruesome discovery that changes everything. 'A script replete with poetry, poignancy and incisive wit. A tour de force by the most exacting standards, from the brilliant, wordless preface to the last speech. A gem' ***** (Cape Argus, South Africa).


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
The Zulu by Mbongeni Ngema (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:45
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Grammy Award-winner and Tony Award nominee Mbongeni Ngema returns to the stage after 27 years to retell stories, told to him as a young boy growing up in the heart of Zululand, by his blind great grandmother, Mkutshana. The stories take us on a journey through the formation of the Zulu nation and its struggles for survival, to the moment when the Zulu Nation stops British imperial expansion dead in its tracks at the battle of Isandlwana.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Silent Voice (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 14:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Silent Voice portrays four men who get together for an intelligent but highly dangerous heist. From thereon the events that follow are more of a robbery procedural as the play explores how and why things go wrong and philosophically examines the tattered dreams and beliefs of the robbers. As the play unfolds each individual tells the story of where he came from and the reasons for his present situation. The play deals with thrust, greed, sacrifice and friendship. Peppered with ironic cultural undertones, it's about the relationship between man and his dream to obtain wealth at any cost.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Race by David Mamet (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 15:20
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

A hotel room in disarray: lamps broken, cigarette butts, liquor bottles, a red sequin dress and a man accused of rape. The accused, white. The accuser, black. Shame, guilt, class, sex, lies and race are proactively stirred together in this fast-paced piece by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright David Mamet, produced by one of South Africa’s leading theatre companies. Part of the UK-South African Season


België, Borgerhout - De Roma - Dans en theater
Takoon - Bnat Lalla Mennana (theater uit Marokko)
Woensdag 06 Augustus 2014 16:00

‘Bnat Lalla Mennana’ vertelt het dagelijkse leven van een zeer conservatieve familie in een dorp in het noorden van Marokko. De strenge en intolerante dorpsbewoners hebben een zeer lage dunk van elke vorm van relatie buiten het huwelijk. De familie bestaat uit alleen maar vrouwen en wordt met ijzeren hand geleid door moeder Lalla Mennana. Na de zeer succesvolle tv-serie ‘De Dochters van Lalla Mennana’ op 2M brengt het Marokkaanse gezelschap Takoon deze komische sketchshow/voorstelling naar het theater. Marokkaans-Arabisch gesproken, met Nederlandse boventitels.


van vr01.08
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Hayani (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Vrijdag 01 Augustus 2014 17:10
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Hayani is an original play reflecting on the meaning of home in the context of South Africa since its transition. The play explores the stories of two young South African males who both travel back home and in doing so they journey towards better understanding of who they are and what it really means to be a South African. A homecoming story that will tug at your heartstrings.


van wo02.07
t/m wo17.09
Verenigde Staten, Brooklyn, New York - Barbes New York - Muziek
The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Juli 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 17 September 2014

This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

barbes mandingo ambassadors at my space

Donderdag 07 Augustus

van za12.04
t/m zo30.11
Zweden, Gothenburg - Museum of World Culture - Tentoonstelling
African Masterpieces - The Story of the Kingdom of Ife

The first exhibition to focus on the art of Ife, an ancient city in modern day Nigeria. The artists of Ife made sculptures from metal, stone and terracotta that have placed the region on the map in terms of world art history. The exhibition displays some of the world's most sophisticated historical art works – more than 100 sculptures of metal, stone and terracotta from the 12th to 16th centuries tell the story of the African civilisation of Ife, ancestors of the Yoruba, one of the largest ethnic groups of modern day Nigeria. The exhibition has previously been on view in the USA, Great Britain and Spain.

varldskulturmuseerna africanart

van za28.06
t/m zo05.10
Duitsland, Bonn - Bundeskunsthalle - Tentoonstelling
African Masters - Art from the Ivory Coast

Starting point of the exhibition is the general consensus among art historians today that in the so-called primitive societies individual masters created unique works of the highest quality. Approximately 180 masks, figures and everyday objects from Ivory Coast and neighbouring countries, created by exceptionally talented artists working in a wide range of fields, sheds new light on the role of the artist in African society. The exhibition sets out to place these outstanding works in an art historical context that is comparable to that of our great masters, from Michelangelo to Picasso.


van za26.07
t/m zo17.08
Nederland, Amsterdam - Melkweg - Tentoonstelling
Dans le Milieu - foto's van homoseksuele Senegalezen door Ernst Coppejans

Van 26 juli tot en met 17 augustus exposeert fotograaf Ernst Coppejans het aangrijpende verhaal van homoseksuele Senegalezen in de Melkweg Galerie in Amsterdam. In het Islamitische Senegal is homoseksualiteit nog altijd strafbaar. Uit de kast komen betekent zonder uitzondering verstoting door familie en vrienden, geen werk en een gevangenisstraf die kan oplopen tot tien jaar.

melkweggalerie pinkbink

van ma30.06
t/m di30.09
Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Tentoonstelling
Exhibition: ‘Walking the Streets’, by photographer Tyler Dolan (SA)

Tyler Dolan is a South African photographer specializing in hyper realism and editorial styled photographs often resulting in colourful and energetic imagery. His ‘Walking The Streets’ project is about documenting the various traditions and cultures that reside on the streets of Durban, South Africa. In 2012 he exhibited his photographs at the Afrovibes Festival. In 2013 he worked together with Amsterdam based artist Kitchell Samuel and made a series 'Walking the Streets of Amsterdam', The exhibition with photographs from 2012 and 2013, organized in cooperation with the Afrovibes Foundation, can be seen in the corridors on the 3rd floor and in the ASC library (ground floor). They are for sale (prices between 50 and 200 euros).

ascleiden afrovibes tylerdolan

van za05.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Groningen - Noorderlicht Photography - Tentoonstelling
Haute Africa - photo's on African Fashion

De Noorderlicht Fotogalerie belicht deze zomer met Haute Africa de zonnige zijde van het Afrikaanse continent. Van 5 juli tot en met 31 augustus tonen zeven fotografen een ander Afrika: een continent dat nog steeds de verbeelding tart en een plek waar creativiteit welvaart kan brengen. Deze bloeiende Afrikaanse crea tiviteit vindt geen betere uitdrukking dan in de mode. Met Phyllis Galembo (US), Héctor Mediavilla (ES), Jim Naughten (GB), Jehad Nga (US), Sabelo Mlangeni (ZA), Daniele Tamagni (IT) en Nontsikelelo Veleko (ZA)


van do17.07
t/m wo03.09
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Layla Fourie (Film van Pia Marais - Zuid-Afrika)

Layla Fourie, een jonge alleenstaande moeder in Zuid-Afrika, wordt aangenomen als polygrafist, een baan waarin ze verdachten aan leugentests onderwerpt. In een omgeving van voortdurende leugens, wantrouwen en angst wordt Layla al snel zelf een verdachte. Regie: Pia Marais. Cast: Rayna Campbell, August Diehl, Rapule Hendricks, Terry Norton. 108 minuten


van vr11.07
t/m zo21.09
Duitsland, Berlin - ifa Gallery Berlin - Tentoonstelling
Moshekwa Langa – The Jealous Lover

Moshekwa Langa’s work was shown in the late nineties – now he is present with his site-specific work The Jealous Lover. Moshekwa Langa (*1975 in Bakenberg/Southafrica) is just as familiar with European culture, and particularly literature, as he is with the visual culture of South Africa. He combines and weaves together diverse European and African themes, motifs and elements, creating installations, works on paper, photographs and videos that form a new assemblage. He often uses ordinary materials like strings, watercolors, found items, tape, thread reels and threads. It is precisely that these threads tell (hi)stories. They connect different objects, thoughts, associations; with his threads Langa weaves a visual and often also linguistic net of political experiences and personal memories – between Apartheid and exile.


van do07.08
t/m za09.08
Zuid-Afrika, Northam, Limpopo - Oppikoppi - Muziek
Oppikoppi Festival

20th edition in 2014. More information to be announced soon at their website

oppikoppi tickets facebook

van za05.04
t/m zo24.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Tentoonstelling
Vrouwen van het water - foto's van Angèle Etoundi Essamba

In deze tentoonstelling nemen we u mee naar Ganvié, een vissersdorp aan de zuidkust van het West-Afrikaanse land Benin. Kenmerkend voor het dorp zijn de woningen op palen, zwevend boven het water van een lagune, het meer van Nokoué. Fotografe Angèle Etoundi Essamba (Cameroun) bezocht Ganvié de afgelopen jaren meerdere keren, ging in gesprek met de vrouwen en volgde hen in het ritme van hun dagelijks leven, waarin water zo’n cruciale rol speelt. Want terwijl de bewoners, de Toffinou, volledig omringd worden door water, is drinkwater schaars. De vrouwen spelen een belangrijke rol in het watermanagement, beheren de grote vaten met drinkwater en zijn uiterst zuinig in het gebruik ervan.


van wo23.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Workshop
Zomerkaravaan - Schilder Afrikaanse symbolen

Het Afrika Museum bij Nijmegen organiseert van 23 juli t/m 31 augustus de zomerkaravaan. Elke week vindt een bijzonder familieprogramma plaats binnen een ander thema. In de workshop ‘Afrika Flexibel’ recyclen kinderen en hun (groot)ouders autobanden tot voetbal, slippers of tasje. Ze laten een zelfgemaakt masker dansen in de workshop ‘Dansen voor de voorouders’ en schilderen Afrikaanse symbolen in de workshop ‘Maak een familiekunstwerk’. De zomerkaravaan duurt vijf weken en is onderdeel van het zomerprogramma (5 juli t/m 31 augustus) met dagelijks activiteiten.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Assembly George Square Studios - Tentoonstelling
My Village... My Art (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Van Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 -  11:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014 - 20:00


House of Lineo brings to Edinburgh a modern day African village filled with functional arts and crafts in decor and fashion retail. Depicting the rich culture of the African people from Mpumalanga, a land of the rising sun. In collaboration with Hand in Hand, a high-end craft producer dedicated to the promotion of the beautiful crafts made by rural women in Mpumalanga and Limpopo.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Sunday Morning (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:40
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Matt is a successful photographer who has his life exactly how he likes it - until the day his girlfriend tells him she is pregnant. In an attempt to process this disturbing information he goes out for a run. Straying from his regular route, he ventures into a strange part of the city where he makes a gruesome discovery that changes everything. 'A script replete with poetry, poignancy and incisive wit. A tour de force by the most exacting standards, from the brilliant, wordless preface to the last speech. A gem' ***** (Cape Argus, South Africa).


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
The Zulu by Mbongeni Ngema (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:45
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Grammy Award-winner and Tony Award nominee Mbongeni Ngema returns to the stage after 27 years to retell stories, told to him as a young boy growing up in the heart of Zululand, by his blind great grandmother, Mkutshana. The stories take us on a journey through the formation of the Zulu nation and its struggles for survival, to the moment when the Zulu Nation stops British imperial expansion dead in its tracks at the battle of Isandlwana.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Silent Voice (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 14:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Silent Voice portrays four men who get together for an intelligent but highly dangerous heist. From thereon the events that follow are more of a robbery procedural as the play explores how and why things go wrong and philosophically examines the tattered dreams and beliefs of the robbers. As the play unfolds each individual tells the story of where he came from and the reasons for his present situation. The play deals with thrust, greed, sacrifice and friendship. Peppered with ironic cultural undertones, it's about the relationship between man and his dream to obtain wealth at any cost.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Race by David Mamet (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 15:20
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

A hotel room in disarray: lamps broken, cigarette butts, liquor bottles, a red sequin dress and a man accused of rape. The accused, white. The accuser, black. Shame, guilt, class, sex, lies and race are proactively stirred together in this fast-paced piece by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright David Mamet, produced by one of South Africa’s leading theatre companies. Part of the UK-South African Season


van vr01.08
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Hayani (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Vrijdag 01 Augustus 2014 17:10
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Hayani is an original play reflecting on the meaning of home in the context of South Africa since its transition. The play explores the stories of two young South African males who both travel back home and in doing so they journey towards better understanding of who they are and what it really means to be a South African. A homecoming story that will tug at your heartstrings.


van wo02.07
t/m wo17.09
Verenigde Staten, Brooklyn, New York - Barbes New York - Muziek
The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Juli 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 17 September 2014

This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

barbes mandingo ambassadors at my space

Vrijdag 08 Augustus

van za12.04
t/m zo30.11
Zweden, Gothenburg - Museum of World Culture - Tentoonstelling
African Masterpieces - The Story of the Kingdom of Ife

The first exhibition to focus on the art of Ife, an ancient city in modern day Nigeria. The artists of Ife made sculptures from metal, stone and terracotta that have placed the region on the map in terms of world art history. The exhibition displays some of the world's most sophisticated historical art works – more than 100 sculptures of metal, stone and terracotta from the 12th to 16th centuries tell the story of the African civilisation of Ife, ancestors of the Yoruba, one of the largest ethnic groups of modern day Nigeria. The exhibition has previously been on view in the USA, Great Britain and Spain.

varldskulturmuseerna africanart

van za28.06
t/m zo05.10
Duitsland, Bonn - Bundeskunsthalle - Tentoonstelling
African Masters - Art from the Ivory Coast

Starting point of the exhibition is the general consensus among art historians today that in the so-called primitive societies individual masters created unique works of the highest quality. Approximately 180 masks, figures and everyday objects from Ivory Coast and neighbouring countries, created by exceptionally talented artists working in a wide range of fields, sheds new light on the role of the artist in African society. The exhibition sets out to place these outstanding works in an art historical context that is comparable to that of our great masters, from Michelangelo to Picasso.


van za26.07
t/m zo17.08
Nederland, Amsterdam - Melkweg - Tentoonstelling
Dans le Milieu - foto's van homoseksuele Senegalezen door Ernst Coppejans

Van 26 juli tot en met 17 augustus exposeert fotograaf Ernst Coppejans het aangrijpende verhaal van homoseksuele Senegalezen in de Melkweg Galerie in Amsterdam. In het Islamitische Senegal is homoseksualiteit nog altijd strafbaar. Uit de kast komen betekent zonder uitzondering verstoting door familie en vrienden, geen werk en een gevangenisstraf die kan oplopen tot tien jaar.

melkweggalerie pinkbink

van ma30.06
t/m di30.09
Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Tentoonstelling
Exhibition: ‘Walking the Streets’, by photographer Tyler Dolan (SA)

Tyler Dolan is a South African photographer specializing in hyper realism and editorial styled photographs often resulting in colourful and energetic imagery. His ‘Walking The Streets’ project is about documenting the various traditions and cultures that reside on the streets of Durban, South Africa. In 2012 he exhibited his photographs at the Afrovibes Festival. In 2013 he worked together with Amsterdam based artist Kitchell Samuel and made a series 'Walking the Streets of Amsterdam', The exhibition with photographs from 2012 and 2013, organized in cooperation with the Afrovibes Foundation, can be seen in the corridors on the 3rd floor and in the ASC library (ground floor). They are for sale (prices between 50 and 200 euros).

ascleiden afrovibes tylerdolan

van za05.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Groningen - Noorderlicht Photography - Tentoonstelling
Haute Africa - photo's on African Fashion

De Noorderlicht Fotogalerie belicht deze zomer met Haute Africa de zonnige zijde van het Afrikaanse continent. Van 5 juli tot en met 31 augustus tonen zeven fotografen een ander Afrika: een continent dat nog steeds de verbeelding tart en een plek waar creativiteit welvaart kan brengen. Deze bloeiende Afrikaanse crea tiviteit vindt geen betere uitdrukking dan in de mode. Met Phyllis Galembo (US), Héctor Mediavilla (ES), Jim Naughten (GB), Jehad Nga (US), Sabelo Mlangeni (ZA), Daniele Tamagni (IT) en Nontsikelelo Veleko (ZA)


van do17.07
t/m wo03.09
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Layla Fourie (Film van Pia Marais - Zuid-Afrika)

Layla Fourie, een jonge alleenstaande moeder in Zuid-Afrika, wordt aangenomen als polygrafist, een baan waarin ze verdachten aan leugentests onderwerpt. In een omgeving van voortdurende leugens, wantrouwen en angst wordt Layla al snel zelf een verdachte. Regie: Pia Marais. Cast: Rayna Campbell, August Diehl, Rapule Hendricks, Terry Norton. 108 minuten


van vr11.07
t/m zo21.09
Duitsland, Berlin - ifa Gallery Berlin - Tentoonstelling
Moshekwa Langa – The Jealous Lover

Moshekwa Langa’s work was shown in the late nineties – now he is present with his site-specific work The Jealous Lover. Moshekwa Langa (*1975 in Bakenberg/Southafrica) is just as familiar with European culture, and particularly literature, as he is with the visual culture of South Africa. He combines and weaves together diverse European and African themes, motifs and elements, creating installations, works on paper, photographs and videos that form a new assemblage. He often uses ordinary materials like strings, watercolors, found items, tape, thread reels and threads. It is precisely that these threads tell (hi)stories. They connect different objects, thoughts, associations; with his threads Langa weaves a visual and often also linguistic net of political experiences and personal memories – between Apartheid and exile.


van do07.08
t/m za09.08
Zuid-Afrika, Northam, Limpopo - Oppikoppi - Muziek
Oppikoppi Festival

20th edition in 2014. More information to be announced soon at their website

oppikoppi tickets facebook

van za05.04
t/m zo24.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Tentoonstelling
Vrouwen van het water - foto's van Angèle Etoundi Essamba

In deze tentoonstelling nemen we u mee naar Ganvié, een vissersdorp aan de zuidkust van het West-Afrikaanse land Benin. Kenmerkend voor het dorp zijn de woningen op palen, zwevend boven het water van een lagune, het meer van Nokoué. Fotografe Angèle Etoundi Essamba (Cameroun) bezocht Ganvié de afgelopen jaren meerdere keren, ging in gesprek met de vrouwen en volgde hen in het ritme van hun dagelijks leven, waarin water zo’n cruciale rol speelt. Want terwijl de bewoners, de Toffinou, volledig omringd worden door water, is drinkwater schaars. De vrouwen spelen een belangrijke rol in het watermanagement, beheren de grote vaten met drinkwater en zijn uiterst zuinig in het gebruik ervan.


van wo23.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Workshop
Zomerkaravaan - Schilder Afrikaanse symbolen

Het Afrika Museum bij Nijmegen organiseert van 23 juli t/m 31 augustus de zomerkaravaan. Elke week vindt een bijzonder familieprogramma plaats binnen een ander thema. In de workshop ‘Afrika Flexibel’ recyclen kinderen en hun (groot)ouders autobanden tot voetbal, slippers of tasje. Ze laten een zelfgemaakt masker dansen in de workshop ‘Dansen voor de voorouders’ en schilderen Afrikaanse symbolen in de workshop ‘Maak een familiekunstwerk’. De zomerkaravaan duurt vijf weken en is onderdeel van het zomerprogramma (5 juli t/m 31 augustus) met dagelijks activiteiten.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Assembly George Square Studios - Tentoonstelling
My Village... My Art (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Van Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 -  11:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014 - 20:00


House of Lineo brings to Edinburgh a modern day African village filled with functional arts and crafts in decor and fashion retail. Depicting the rich culture of the African people from Mpumalanga, a land of the rising sun. In collaboration with Hand in Hand, a high-end craft producer dedicated to the promotion of the beautiful crafts made by rural women in Mpumalanga and Limpopo.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Sunday Morning (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:40
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Matt is a successful photographer who has his life exactly how he likes it - until the day his girlfriend tells him she is pregnant. In an attempt to process this disturbing information he goes out for a run. Straying from his regular route, he ventures into a strange part of the city where he makes a gruesome discovery that changes everything. 'A script replete with poetry, poignancy and incisive wit. A tour de force by the most exacting standards, from the brilliant, wordless preface to the last speech. A gem' ***** (Cape Argus, South Africa).


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
The Zulu by Mbongeni Ngema (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:45
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Grammy Award-winner and Tony Award nominee Mbongeni Ngema returns to the stage after 27 years to retell stories, told to him as a young boy growing up in the heart of Zululand, by his blind great grandmother, Mkutshana. The stories take us on a journey through the formation of the Zulu nation and its struggles for survival, to the moment when the Zulu Nation stops British imperial expansion dead in its tracks at the battle of Isandlwana.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Silent Voice (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 14:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Silent Voice portrays four men who get together for an intelligent but highly dangerous heist. From thereon the events that follow are more of a robbery procedural as the play explores how and why things go wrong and philosophically examines the tattered dreams and beliefs of the robbers. As the play unfolds each individual tells the story of where he came from and the reasons for his present situation. The play deals with thrust, greed, sacrifice and friendship. Peppered with ironic cultural undertones, it's about the relationship between man and his dream to obtain wealth at any cost.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Race by David Mamet (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 15:20
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

A hotel room in disarray: lamps broken, cigarette butts, liquor bottles, a red sequin dress and a man accused of rape. The accused, white. The accuser, black. Shame, guilt, class, sex, lies and race are proactively stirred together in this fast-paced piece by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright David Mamet, produced by one of South Africa’s leading theatre companies. Part of the UK-South African Season


van vr01.08
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Hayani (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Vrijdag 01 Augustus 2014 17:10
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Hayani is an original play reflecting on the meaning of home in the context of South Africa since its transition. The play explores the stories of two young South African males who both travel back home and in doing so they journey towards better understanding of who they are and what it really means to be a South African. A homecoming story that will tug at your heartstrings.


van wo02.07
t/m wo17.09
Verenigde Staten, Brooklyn, New York - Barbes New York - Muziek
The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Juli 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 17 September 2014

This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

barbes mandingo ambassadors at my space

Zaterdag 09 Augustus

van za12.04
t/m zo30.11
Zweden, Gothenburg - Museum of World Culture - Tentoonstelling
African Masterpieces - The Story of the Kingdom of Ife

The first exhibition to focus on the art of Ife, an ancient city in modern day Nigeria. The artists of Ife made sculptures from metal, stone and terracotta that have placed the region on the map in terms of world art history. The exhibition displays some of the world's most sophisticated historical art works – more than 100 sculptures of metal, stone and terracotta from the 12th to 16th centuries tell the story of the African civilisation of Ife, ancestors of the Yoruba, one of the largest ethnic groups of modern day Nigeria. The exhibition has previously been on view in the USA, Great Britain and Spain.

varldskulturmuseerna africanart

van za28.06
t/m zo05.10
Duitsland, Bonn - Bundeskunsthalle - Tentoonstelling
African Masters - Art from the Ivory Coast

Starting point of the exhibition is the general consensus among art historians today that in the so-called primitive societies individual masters created unique works of the highest quality. Approximately 180 masks, figures and everyday objects from Ivory Coast and neighbouring countries, created by exceptionally talented artists working in a wide range of fields, sheds new light on the role of the artist in African society. The exhibition sets out to place these outstanding works in an art historical context that is comparable to that of our great masters, from Michelangelo to Picasso.


van za09.08
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Playfair Library Hall - Evenement
Brett Bailey: Exhibit B at Edinburgh Festival

Brett Bailey’s astonishing and disturbing ‘human installation’ that charts a river of racism running through European ethnographic displays and human zoos, and the scientific racism that spanned the late 19th and early 20th centuries. and the current policies towards African immigrants in Europe. Exhibit B lies somewhere between performance and exhibition. 13 tableau vivant installations featuring black performers look at the themes of racism, 'othering' and the colonial history of Europe in Africa.

edinburghfestival thirdworldbunfight

van za26.07
t/m zo17.08
Nederland, Amsterdam - Melkweg - Tentoonstelling
Dans le Milieu - foto's van homoseksuele Senegalezen door Ernst Coppejans

Van 26 juli tot en met 17 augustus exposeert fotograaf Ernst Coppejans het aangrijpende verhaal van homoseksuele Senegalezen in de Melkweg Galerie in Amsterdam. In het Islamitische Senegal is homoseksualiteit nog altijd strafbaar. Uit de kast komen betekent zonder uitzondering verstoting door familie en vrienden, geen werk en een gevangenisstraf die kan oplopen tot tien jaar.

melkweggalerie pinkbink

van ma30.06
t/m di30.09
Nederland, Leiden - ASC - Tentoonstelling
Exhibition: ‘Walking the Streets’, by photographer Tyler Dolan (SA)

Tyler Dolan is a South African photographer specializing in hyper realism and editorial styled photographs often resulting in colourful and energetic imagery. His ‘Walking The Streets’ project is about documenting the various traditions and cultures that reside on the streets of Durban, South Africa. In 2012 he exhibited his photographs at the Afrovibes Festival. In 2013 he worked together with Amsterdam based artist Kitchell Samuel and made a series 'Walking the Streets of Amsterdam', The exhibition with photographs from 2012 and 2013, organized in cooperation with the Afrovibes Foundation, can be seen in the corridors on the 3rd floor and in the ASC library (ground floor). They are for sale (prices between 50 and 200 euros).

ascleiden afrovibes tylerdolan

van za05.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Groningen - Noorderlicht Photography - Tentoonstelling
Haute Africa - photo's on African Fashion

De Noorderlicht Fotogalerie belicht deze zomer met Haute Africa de zonnige zijde van het Afrikaanse continent. Van 5 juli tot en met 31 augustus tonen zeven fotografen een ander Afrika: een continent dat nog steeds de verbeelding tart en een plek waar creativiteit welvaart kan brengen. Deze bloeiende Afrikaanse crea tiviteit vindt geen betere uitdrukking dan in de mode. Met Phyllis Galembo (US), Héctor Mediavilla (ES), Jim Naughten (GB), Jehad Nga (US), Sabelo Mlangeni (ZA), Daniele Tamagni (IT) en Nontsikelelo Veleko (ZA)


van do17.07
t/m wo03.09
Nederland, - Nederland - Film
Layla Fourie (Film van Pia Marais - Zuid-Afrika)

Layla Fourie, een jonge alleenstaande moeder in Zuid-Afrika, wordt aangenomen als polygrafist, een baan waarin ze verdachten aan leugentests onderwerpt. In een omgeving van voortdurende leugens, wantrouwen en angst wordt Layla al snel zelf een verdachte. Regie: Pia Marais. Cast: Rayna Campbell, August Diehl, Rapule Hendricks, Terry Norton. 108 minuten


van vr11.07
t/m zo21.09
Duitsland, Berlin - ifa Gallery Berlin - Tentoonstelling
Moshekwa Langa – The Jealous Lover

Moshekwa Langa’s work was shown in the late nineties – now he is present with his site-specific work The Jealous Lover. Moshekwa Langa (*1975 in Bakenberg/Southafrica) is just as familiar with European culture, and particularly literature, as he is with the visual culture of South Africa. He combines and weaves together diverse European and African themes, motifs and elements, creating installations, works on paper, photographs and videos that form a new assemblage. He often uses ordinary materials like strings, watercolors, found items, tape, thread reels and threads. It is precisely that these threads tell (hi)stories. They connect different objects, thoughts, associations; with his threads Langa weaves a visual and often also linguistic net of political experiences and personal memories – between Apartheid and exile.


van do07.08
t/m za09.08
Zuid-Afrika, Northam, Limpopo - Oppikoppi - Muziek
Oppikoppi Festival

20th edition in 2014. More information to be announced soon at their website

oppikoppi tickets facebook

van za05.04
t/m zo24.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Tentoonstelling
Vrouwen van het water - foto's van Angèle Etoundi Essamba

In deze tentoonstelling nemen we u mee naar Ganvié, een vissersdorp aan de zuidkust van het West-Afrikaanse land Benin. Kenmerkend voor het dorp zijn de woningen op palen, zwevend boven het water van een lagune, het meer van Nokoué. Fotografe Angèle Etoundi Essamba (Cameroun) bezocht Ganvié de afgelopen jaren meerdere keren, ging in gesprek met de vrouwen en volgde hen in het ritme van hun dagelijks leven, waarin water zo’n cruciale rol speelt. Want terwijl de bewoners, de Toffinou, volledig omringd worden door water, is drinkwater schaars. De vrouwen spelen een belangrijke rol in het watermanagement, beheren de grote vaten met drinkwater en zijn uiterst zuinig in het gebruik ervan.


van wo23.07
t/m zo31.08
Nederland, Berg en Dal - Afrikamuseum - Workshop
Zomerkaravaan - Schilder Afrikaanse symbolen

Het Afrika Museum bij Nijmegen organiseert van 23 juli t/m 31 augustus de zomerkaravaan. Elke week vindt een bijzonder familieprogramma plaats binnen een ander thema. In de workshop ‘Afrika Flexibel’ recyclen kinderen en hun (groot)ouders autobanden tot voetbal, slippers of tasje. Ze laten een zelfgemaakt masker dansen in de workshop ‘Dansen voor de voorouders’ en schilderen Afrikaanse symbolen in de workshop ‘Maak een familiekunstwerk’. De zomerkaravaan duurt vijf weken en is onderdeel van het zomerprogramma (5 juli t/m 31 augustus) met dagelijks activiteiten.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Assembly George Square Studios - Tentoonstelling
My Village... My Art (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Van Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 -  11:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014 - 20:00


House of Lineo brings to Edinburgh a modern day African village filled with functional arts and crafts in decor and fashion retail. Depicting the rich culture of the African people from Mpumalanga, a land of the rising sun. In collaboration with Hand in Hand, a high-end craft producer dedicated to the promotion of the beautiful crafts made by rural women in Mpumalanga and Limpopo.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Sunday Morning (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:40
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Matt is a successful photographer who has his life exactly how he likes it - until the day his girlfriend tells him she is pregnant. In an attempt to process this disturbing information he goes out for a run. Straying from his regular route, he ventures into a strange part of the city where he makes a gruesome discovery that changes everything. 'A script replete with poetry, poignancy and incisive wit. A tour de force by the most exacting standards, from the brilliant, wordless preface to the last speech. A gem' ***** (Cape Argus, South Africa).


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
The Zulu by Mbongeni Ngema (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 12:45
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Grammy Award-winner and Tony Award nominee Mbongeni Ngema returns to the stage after 27 years to retell stories, told to him as a young boy growing up in the heart of Zululand, by his blind great grandmother, Mkutshana. The stories take us on a journey through the formation of the Zulu nation and its struggles for survival, to the moment when the Zulu Nation stops British imperial expansion dead in its tracks at the battle of Isandlwana.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Silent Voice (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 14:00
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Silent Voice portrays four men who get together for an intelligent but highly dangerous heist. From thereon the events that follow are more of a robbery procedural as the play explores how and why things go wrong and philosophically examines the tattered dreams and beliefs of the robbers. As the play unfolds each individual tells the story of where he came from and the reasons for his present situation. The play deals with thrust, greed, sacrifice and friendship. Peppered with ironic cultural undertones, it's about the relationship between man and his dream to obtain wealth at any cost.


van do31.07
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Race by David Mamet (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Donderdag 31 Juli 2014 15:20
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

A hotel room in disarray: lamps broken, cigarette butts, liquor bottles, a red sequin dress and a man accused of rape. The accused, white. The accuser, black. Shame, guilt, class, sex, lies and race are proactively stirred together in this fast-paced piece by Pulitzer Prize winning playwright David Mamet, produced by one of South Africa’s leading theatre companies. Part of the UK-South African Season


van vr01.08
t/m ma25.08
Verenigd Koninkrijk, Edinburgh - Edinburgh - Dans en theater
Hayani (UK-South African Season at Edinburgh Fringe Festival)
Vrijdag 01 Augustus 2014 17:10
t/m Maandag 25 Augustus 2014

Hayani is an original play reflecting on the meaning of home in the context of South Africa since its transition. The play explores the stories of two young South African males who both travel back home and in doing so they journey towards better understanding of who they are and what it really means to be a South African. A homecoming story that will tug at your heartstrings.


van wo02.07
t/m wo17.09
Verenigde Staten, Brooklyn, New York - Barbes New York - Muziek
The Mandingo Ambassadors - Music from Guinea
Woensdag 02 Juli 2014 22:00
t/m Woensdag 17 September 2014

This legendary band was formed in the late 1960's by guitarist Mamady "Djelike" Kouyate and singer Emile Soumah. They made some of the most beloved music of their generation. Now based in New York, Mamady Kouyate has decided to revive The Ambassadors. Every Wednesday night.

barbes mandingo ambassadors at my space